Posts Tagged ‘golf’
The Long Game Improvement Plan – Part 2
In this part of the report we’re going to look at the backswing, and we’ll start this by looking at… The Take Away The take away is super important because how you take the club away largely determines how consistent your ball striking will be. You see, the consistency of your ball striking will only…
Read MoreWhy Impact Doesn’t Matter
Advancement in technology has given us unprecedented insight into what happens at impact during a golf shot. On the one hand that’s awesome and amazing. BUT there’s always another hand :-). Lately I’ve been seeing a few products popping up that are teaching golfers how to improve what they do at impact. If you think…
Read MoreHow To Shape Shots For Increased Consistency
If you have a 4 iron approach shot into the green and you have no idea which way the ball is going to curve, then it’s just a crap shoot. But if you have a 4 iron into the green and you’re 99% certain that the ball is going to curve right to left, then…
Read MoreHow To Hit 5 Yard Professional Draws (the exact numbers needed)
If you get a chance to go on a Trackman/Flightscope type of machine, the numbers can be enlightening and confusing at the same time. So I want to simplify things for you. Let’s say you want to hit a powerful draw…. what critical numbers do you need? Well, to hit a draw you need to…
Read MoreSpeed Whoosh Review
Speed Whoosh Product Review By Jeff Richmond The speed whoosh claims to help you add 10 MPH of club speed in just 6 swings. That’s a big claim, right? How is it going to help you do that? Well, it’s essentially an over speed device. If you’re not familiar with that term, it simply means…
Read MoreImprove Your Short Game Like A Pro
If you struggle with your short game, I have a simple tip for you today that should help you. Now when you watch most PGA tour pro’s have a short game shot, there’s no doubt about it, they play very slowly. I’m in no way advocating you play your short game shots as slowly as…
Read MoreGolf Tip – Lower Ball Flight In Strong Winds
Golf Tip Question When I’m playing in strong winds I struggle a lot trying to keep my shots down on shots into the wind. Can you give me some pointers on how to play these shots with a lower ball flight? Golf Tip Answer I have 6 key things for you to do when playing…
Read MoreYou’re Too Old To Increase Swing Speed – Whatever!!
I so often hear older golfers say….”I’m (insert age here) and I’m too old to even try to increase my swing speed.” It’s sad…but they’re right, IF… They Keep That Attitude! Look, no matter what age you are, if you can swing a golf club you can increase your swing speed. And if you follow…
Read More7 Moves for More Distance
Below are 7 things you should do for more distance. This advice comes from the Max Distance DVD that you can find out more about here. #1. The Grip When you are gripping the club make sure that the fingers in your left hand and the palm of your right hand are gripping the club.…
Read MoreDrive For Show, Putt For Dough
If you’ve been around golf for a little while you would have heard of the saying… “Drive For Show, Putt For Dough” And what that is implying is that you can drive great, but it doesn’t really matter that much. You’ll impress some people, look good, yada, yada. But it’s not that important because what…
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