Tired of Constantly Chunking, Duffing, and Flubbing Your Chip, Pitch or Bunker Shot? It Ends Today...
This One Secret “Short Game Discovery” Will Have You Hitting It "Inside the Leather" and Getting The Ball Up and Down from Just About Anywhere.... Even If Your Short Game Stinks Right Now
Are You Ready To Shoot Lower Scores, Put Less Pressure On Your Long Game, and Have the Best Short Game in Your Group? Keep Reading...
Are You Ready To Shoot Lower Scores, Put Less Pressure On Your Long Game, and Have the Best Short Game in Your Group? Keep Reading...
Dear Fellow Golfer,
Don't you just love it when you hit a chip, pitch or bunker shot a foot from the hole, and you hear your playing partner say "that's good." Gimmies are great, after all.
The only problem? You're not getting nearly enough of em'. While you should be hitting it inside the leather and leaving yourself tap ins, instead you're chunking, duffing, and skulling balls all over the place.
Quite frankly, it's embarrassing.
Let me ask you a few questions:
- Do you often fat or thin your chip shots leaving yourself with a long putt – or even another chip?
- Do you struggle to hit your bunker shots close to the hole consistently?
- When faced with a pitch shot do you lack confidence to get the ball next to the pin for an easy tap in?
- Do you feel embarrassed when you muck up a short game shot in front of your playing partners?
- Are you sick and tired of adding at least one extra shot to your score after you hit another bad short game shot?
- Would you like to be able to play every short game shot you face with confidence and authority, knowing that you’re going to get your golf ball close to the hole?
If you found yourself answering "yes" to even one or two of the questions above, then keep reading because I'm about to let you in on a little secret that will turn your short game around....
I Have Both Good and Bad news for You
Let's start with the bad news first. You see, traditional golf instruction has "programmed” you to fail.
Whether it's your local pro, or even the tour caliber teachers you see on TV, all they do is give you tip after tip, band-aid fix after band-aid fix (after all, they're paid by big corporations to keep cranking out instructional content, regardless of whether it's beneficial to you or not).
I mean think about it... every pro you see on TV spends thousands of hours a year working on their short game. It's simply insane for the average person to use their techniques and expect similar results!
What's even worse is that a lot of these temporary short game fixes contradict each other, making you just want to throw your hands in the air and scream!
It's no wonder so many golfers get over a pitch, chip or bunker shot with demons in their heads.
All the tips, tricks, and band-aid fixes aren't telling you the one crucial "secret" to sharpening your short game and getting the ball up and down from anywhere.
So what's the good news?
The good news is that having a great short game is a skill you can learn, IF you have the right training. A great short game requires virtually no talent or athletic ability... it simply requires knowing "how it's done" and applying the secret.
When you understand this one simple concept, you'll transfer your mediocre short game into one of confidence, earning the respect of your golfing buddies (they may even start calling you a short game "guru")
You see, most golfers think that the secret to the short game is "mastering all the shots." In reality, it has very little to do with hitting perfect flop shots, bunker shots, bump & runs, or high soft pitch shots.
In fact, it's this very line of thinking that almost caused me to walk away from the game entirely because my short game was so bad (seriously.... I almost sold all my clubs on eBay.)
Fortunately, I came across something one day that changed everything...
My name is Jeff Richmond and I’m the Director of Instruction for the online Consistent Golf School. Up until about 5 years ago I struggled with the short game. I mean I REALLY struggled!
Seriously... it got to the point where a pitch shot just about equaled a full-blown panic attack!
I would be faced with your average pitch or chip and I would be scared sh*tless that I would either chunk it or send it sailing over the green like an idiot.
I would duff chip shots, hit pitch shots fat, leaving the ball just in front of me, or thin the ball way past the pin.
Other times I would hit the ball way to the left of the target. Then almost the next wedge shot I would hit the ball way to the right. I would leave the ball in the bunker sometimes.
As a result, my playing partners didn't have any respect for my short game and I didn't have much respect myself. I felt like I was some incompetent fool.
In fact, it got so bad that at one point I took all of my wedges out of my bag, and vowed to play all my short game shots with just a putter and a 7 iron. It was far from ideal, but it was much better than what I was doing!
These Devastating Short Game Problems
Can Creep Up on Anyone...

The mini tours (and probably your own golf course) are filled with guys who hit it great from tee to green, but can't hit a decent pitch or chip to save their life.
I know the feeling all too well... because I was one of them.
You see, my ball-striking has almost always been top notch. I typically hit a lot of flush iron shots, and I'm known as a good ball-striker.
My short game? Not so much.
In fact, it was downright embarrassing to play golf, because I would hit quality shot after quality shot, but when I missed a green and had to get the ball up and down.... well, you might as well have gone ahead and put me down for a bogey.
Since you're reading this page, I'm sure you know exactly what I'm talking about.
I tried everything. Books, videos, lessons, even some crazy stuff that I don't want even want to admit to... all in an effort to improve my short game. Nothing worked. I had zero confidence and zero ability to hit even the simplest of shots around the greens.
Then it happened.... I was goofing off on the practice green one Friday night before my Saturday morning match, and something clicked.
All of a sudden, I hit 5, 10, 15, 20 pitch shots in a row... perfectly. I had gone from a professional duffer to a short game wiz in less than 20 minutes. It was unreal (I know this sounds like a load of bull, but just hear me out)!
This Short Game Discovery Was Nothing Short of Amazing!
Instead of being scared of every single short around the green I was not confident. Instead of just trying to get the ball somewhere on the green I was trying to hole every shot.
Heck, my “bad shots” after this new discovery were better than my good shots had been just a few minutes earlier!
Instead of being very nervous about people watching me play my short game shots I was now actually looking forward to showing off my razor sharp, newly-acquired mad skills.
The results were like a night and day. It wasn’t just an improvement...it was a complete and total transformation.
Honestly if f it hadn’t happened to me, I wouldn’t have believed it was possible (which is why if you’re skeptical, I completely understand and encourage you to keep reading).
The first few rounds I played after this “discovery” my scores dropped like a stone.
After all, 60 – 65% of golf is played within 100 yards of the hole, and 80% of the shots all golfers lose to par are the result of a poor short game.
I went from screwing up around the greens to saving par consistently. I was leaving myself tap-in birdies on Par 5s. I even had less pressure on the rest of my game (ball-striking and putting) because I knew if I hit some squirrely shots, my razor sharp short game would bail me out.
The same will happen with you too because the closer you hit your chips, pitches and bunker shots the lower your scores will be...that’s a simple, indisputable fact.
But you know what the best part was? My playing partners now respected (and even feared) my short game. I had regained confidence and respect in my own game as well.
Look the bottom line when it comes to improving your short game is this...
You don't need strength, power, or athletic ability whatsoever. You certainly don't need more tips.
All you need to get it up and down from just about anywhere is the one secret I accidentally discover 5 years ago, which will give you unwavering confidence with ALL of your short game shots.
And That’s What I’m About To Give You Today...
I know firsthand what it’s like to have a terrible short game. It’s embarrassing. It turns golf (which should be fun) into a dreadful experience.
But that changes...today.
Once I stumbled upon this secret 5 years ago, I knew that I had to share it with the world, which is why I developed my program called The Short Game Improvement Program.
You see until now, this program has only been available as part of the comprehensive Online Consistent Golf School Program. Lately, I’ve actually had several students tell me “Jeff, you’ve got to share this with everyone man...you can’t keep it hidden behind lock & key.”
To be honest, I was against it at first. Sure I wanted to help other golfers, but this is some world-class instructional material, and I didn’t necessarily want to make it available to just anyone for a few bucks.
In the end, I decided that releasing this program (with a full no questions asked, 100% money back guarantee, as you’ll see below) to the public was the right thing to do.
Here’s a small sample of what you’ll get in my Short Game Improvement Program:
- You’ll discover three key elements you must master to improve your short game without getting off track.
- You’ll get my closely-guarded “secret” that will have you hitting better pitch and chip shots in no time. Nobody (and I mean nobody) talks about this.
- How to practice your pitching and chipping with ruthless efficiency so you waste no time.
- You’ll learn the “screwdriver” technique which will pretty much eliminate fat chips and pitch shots from your game.
- How to achieve a “Zen Like” state while chipping so that your subconscious mind takes over and does all the hard work...effortlessly.
- Discover the critical checkpoint positions for pitching & chipping that will help you snuggle the ball up close to the hole with ease...every time.
- The magical “trigger” you must use to ensure that your tempo and rhythm is perfect on every pitch and chip.
- My “controversial” (yet highly-effective) technique on how your hips should move during all short game shots to produce a consistently solid strike.
- The “backyard drills” you can do to hone your short game at home (ideal for busy people who can’t get to the course and practice like they would like to).
- How to dial in your distances from 30-100 yards to save more pars and have more short birdie putts on Par 5s and shorter Par 4s...just like the pros.
- How to hit a variety of bunker shots without changing your natural swing. We’ll also show you how to practice your bunker play at home (without having to dig a sand pit in your backyard!).
And so much more!
Oh and did I mention it is a complete step-by-step, easy to follow system? I’ll be your coach every step of the way.
In fact, here are some results golfers have received that have been through my step-by-step program already...
Not too shabby, right?
There’s nothing extraordinary about any of the golfers mentioned above. They are just normal weekend warriors who needed to improve their short game, bought my product, and the rest is...well...history.
Just imagine….you’re standing over a chip shot with full confidence that you’ll either hole it or leave yourself a tap in...that’s every golfer’s dream!
Imagine seeing your ball in a bunker and instead of thinking “crap I hope I just get out of here with a bogey” you think “no big deal” and proceed to “splash” the ball out close to the hole with confidence and ease.
Last but not least, imagine yourself being the envy of your foursome when you hit a great pitch shot that skips a couple of times and checks up...for a gimmie.
That’s what my program can do for you.
You’ll be “that guy (or gal)” that looks like they are out of the hole, only to pull off a miraculous pitch shot and pull a par right out of your a*s.
Does Standing Over Your Golf Ball Knowing You Can Pull Off Any Short Game Shot Sound Good? I bet it does!
You can get started on your “short game makeover” just a few moments from now.
My program is the only one that is going to show you the missing link that has kept you from hitting quality chips, pitches and bunker shots consistently for years.
During each new lesson you’ll be instructed to do just one thing (I don’t want to overload you with too much information). Each lesson will include text, photos, audio and video (where necessary) so you’ll know exactly what you should be doing. For example, in the first lesson you’ll...
- Discover why chipping is the easiest motion in golf next to putting and how you can make chipping stupidly simple.
- Learn exactly what a chip shot is (most people don’t know this and it makes the short game harder than it should be).
- The two things you must do to ensure you hit great chip shots time after time.
If you’re looking for a simple, effortless “paint by numbers” blueprint to improve your short game, this is your lucky day because…
You can now get my entire step-by-step, Short Game Improvement program… ALL AT ONCE! (It’s in PDF Format that you can download and videos that you download and view at your own convenience).
Up until this point this program has only been available exclusively to my students of the Online Consistent Golf School, who have paid up to $222 to go through this program.
But...they were drip fed the lessons over 6 months, whereas you can now access all the lessons at once.
So I bet you’re thinking “Jeff, how much is this going to cost???”
Well, as I said, golfers have paid over $200 bucks for this program and taken 6 months to go through it.
But you don’t have to wait 6 months, because you can access the entire program right now, instantly (even if it’s 2am). You’ll get the entire program immediately and be able to work through it at your own pace.
As a bonus, I’m going to throw in all of these free gifts below:
Free Gift #1: Free Help And Support From A Golf Professional - Valued at $150

As good as The Short Game Improvement program is… sometimes you’ll just want to get some personal advice about your current problem. And when you get The Short Game Improvement Program now you can send me any golfing questions or problems (within 6 months of your order) and you’ll get a response back from me personally (Jeff Richmond) within 24-48 hours (generally sooner) Monday-Friday.
Free Gift #2: One Free Video Review - Valued at $100
When you get The Short Game Improvement program now you’ll get one free video review to redeem when you want – in the next 6 months. So simply send me your short game swing on video and I will analyze your swing and send you back advice and a plan on what are the main things you need to work on improving.
Free Gift #3: Top Secret Golfing Confidence Audio - Valued at $24.95

When you get The Short Game Improvement Program today you’ll also be able to download FREE the digital version (play it on your computer, iPod, smart phone, or any mp3 audio player) of a golfing confidence CD that has been sold for $24.95.
This audio exposes you to a secret mental technique that some of the top professional golfers in the world have used to automatically program their minds for golfing success. After 30 days of continuous listening to this audio this is what you can expect…
- Improved confidence and concentration on the golf course.
- Makes golf easier and more fun.
- Helps to eliminate fear when playing any shot.
- It will save you practice time because you can have the audio playing in the background and be doing what you normally would, while your golf game is being improved!
This audio has been sold as a CD for $24.95 and has been used by thousands of golfers all around the world. But this digital audio (2 mp3′s) is yours FREE to play on your computer or anything else that plays mp3’s when you get The Short Game Improvement program now. And here’s just one comment from a golfer who has listened to this audio…
He got his confidence back...
“My handicap has slipped out from a 12 to a 18 over the last 6 months or so. It was all a mental thing. I started listening to this audio and my old confidence started coming back as if by magic. Within a couple of months of having this audio playing my golf game has improved so much I’m back to where I was 6 months ago. I can’t believe it! When you hear people say that golf is 90% mental they’re right!
Free Gift #4: How To Get Out Of Bunkers First Time Every Time And… Close To The Hole! - Valued at $27

If you struggle to get the ball out of bunkers and close to the hole then this ebook is quickly going to become a favorite with you. When you read this ebook you’re going to discover exactly what you need to do so you can become a great bunker player. Here’s what one student of mine had to say after reading and applying the instructions in this ebook:
Is that some golf improvement package or what?!
To be honest, I've even left some things out that you're going to get as soon as you get The Short Game Improvement Program because this program has just been updated and improved. However, I believe in over-delivering, and you've got some very cool surprises waiting for you inside!
If you were to combine the retail value (what I've actually sold these products for recently) of all of the free gifts I've told you about on this page, you would be looking at $301.95.
But you won't pay anywhere near that.
You can get newly updated and improved Short Game Improvement program today (worth $222) and all of the bonuses totaling $301.95, for just a one time fee of $127 $47. That’s a saving of $456.95!
You Get All of This... For Less than the
Cost of a Single Round of Golf!
But here's the catch... this special offer is only available for a limited time.
So if you're ready to learn my secret that will have you hitting the best chips, pitches and bunker shots of your life, simply click the ‘Add To Cart’ button below to get started!
Remember you can get started in less than 5 minutes, because everything described on this page is a digital download so you can get access to everything immediately.
Also, I’m so confident that this is going to be the best golf improvement investment you’ve ever made I’m going to give you….
My 60 Day Money Back Guarantee
When you get The Short Game Improvement program now you get a full 60 day money back guarantee. If you’re not happy with it for any reason then within 60 days of getting it you can get 100% of your money back — without any hassles.
YES!…you have 60 days to try out all the Short Game Improvement program along with all the bonuses and if you don’t improve or think you will improve then simply get your money back.
Now obviously by making this so cheap, risk free and hooking you up with so many bonuses, I’m taking all the risk away and putting it on me.
But remember, this amazing offer is only for a limited time. You clearly have no risk, and everything to gain by taking action now and clicking here to start your 60 day risk free enrolment now.
Because when you click the link above and complete your purchase, you'll be able to start practicing simple short game drills today. Not tomorrow. Not next week. Within 5 minutes.
To get instant access, simply click the Add To Cart button below and place your order safely & securely through Clickbank.
Once you’ve successfully completed your order you’ll then be transferred to a secret page where you can get all the lessons in newly updated and improved Short Game Improvement program plus all of the additional bonuses I promised you.
And remember, you have a full 60 days to go through all of this material to make sure it’s everything I say it is. If for any reason you aren’t satisfied, you can get a 100% refund with no hassles, and no questions asked.
Are you ready to get rid of your short game problems forever, and lower your scores 4-8 shots every time you play? Click here to order today.
You Can't Keep Doing The Same Things & Expect Different Results! It's Time to Try Something New...
You owe it to yourself to take action, try something different, and get the short game you’ve always wanted. That opportunity is right here...today.
You could keep doing the same old things, but if it hasn’t worked by now, what makes you think it ever will?
My program will give you the complete short game makeover you need, and breath new life into your short game that’s been stagnant for years. With my program, your short game will go from “terrible to mediocre” to best in your group...guaranteed or your money back.
Only $97 $47 today and a 100% Money Back Guarantee? You've Got Nothing To Lose!
Take action now. Simply click the “Add To Cart” button below. Then after we have successfully processed your order (which takes just a couple of minutes) you’ll be directed to a page to get access to everything mentioned on this page.
Important Note: If you’re not 100% sure whether this Short Game Improvement program is for you, get it anyway and then use the 60 day, 100% money back guarantee if you have to. That’s what it’s there for….to protect you! I’d hate for you to miss out on having a great short game because of bad experiences with other inferior golf improvement products.
Look, life is too short to be frustrated with your short game. The time to take action is now. It’s now your turn to have a great short game once and for all. Order right now, and you’ll be well on your way to slashing strokes off of your score and having more fun in no time.
This Is the one solution you’ve been looking for to help you master chipping and pitching, so you must take action now.
Remember, the price right now is only $127 $47 with a 100% money back guarantee.
So stop dreaming and start doing. Take action now and get The Short Game Improvement Program and start improving your short game within 5 minutes from now!
The choice is now yours. You can follow a proven formula to have a great short game — or you can keep doing what you’ve done up until now (which hasn’t been too kind to you...has it?).
I trust you’ll make the right choice. You just need to take action by clicking here to start your 60 day free trial now.
For Consistent Golf,

Jeff Richmond
jeff @ consistentgolf.com
Director of InstructionConsistentGolf™
P.S. When you get The Short Game Improvement program now by clicking the ‘Add To Cart’ button below it will be processed by Clickbank. They accept all major credit cards and implement some of the strongest security and anti-fraud strategies available today. So your order is completely secure and safe with them and that’s why I choose them to process our orders.
Once your order has been successfully processed click the ‘Return to Merchant” link and you’ll be forwarded to a secret page where you can get access to everything. So click this big yellow Add To Cart button now to start improving your short game...
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