Ben Hogan’s Best Golf Swing

This video below shows the best and clearest Ben Hogan golf swing there is from the face on view with some nice classical music to match the beauty of Ben Hogan’s golf swing.  This best golf swing of Ben Hogan is repeated over and over.   And watching a great golf swing like Ben Hogan’s…

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How To Groove Your New Perfect Golf Swing

It’s very important before you groove anything that you have a very clear idea in your mind as to what the perfect golf swing for you is. That’s why this new article is after this one.   So I’m going to assume that you have a good image of the perfect golf swing you want to groove. Once you’ve done that…

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Dustin Johnson Golf Swing Analysis

Below is a swing analysis of Dustin Johnson. Dustin does some interesting things in his swing, as you’ll read about in a minute, so let’s get started… At address Dustin looks primed and ready to go. His feet alignment is a bit open but his shoulders are pretty square. He has a strong left hand grip. From the setup…

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How to Own Your Golf Swing

When Tiger Woods was playing golf he often was asked about his swing and what he was doing. He said he was trying to own his golf swing. And he said that only two golfers have ever owned their swing. Ben Hogan and Moe Norman. I don’t agree with only two golfers ever owning their…

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How To Trust Your Golf Swing On The 1st Tee

Imagine this… You’re about to tee off on the 1st tee. Are you… a) Confident you’re going to hit a good drive OR b) Have no idea where the ball is going to go If you asked that question of some of the best pro’s in the world, they would all be confident they’re going to…

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Sterling Single Length Iron Review

In this blog post I’m going to be reviewing the new Single Length Sterling Irons®. But to begin with I think it would be a good idea to look at a bit of a history of single length irons. First, what are single length irons? Single length irons are all the same length. So your 5 iron is the same length as…

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Bryson DeChambau Golf Swing Analysis

In this blog post I’ve got an interesting golf swing review of 22 year old Bryson DeChambeau, who was a Physics Major at SMU. Bryson has received a lot of publicity since he just turned pro. But you may not be aware of who he is or why he’s getting so much attention. So let me give you a bit of…

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Sergio Garcia – Swing Analysis

Below I have a swing analysis of Sergio Garcia. It was great to see Sergio win the 2016 Byron Nelson golf tournament. Sergio has been one of the best ball strikers for a very long time now. But the mental side of Sergio’s game has cost him Majors. I hope that win helps Sergio to make a “major” breakthrough. 🙂 I…

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Rory McIlroy Fitness

There is a bit of controversy between the Golf Channel’s analyst Brandel Chamblee and Rory McIlroy. Here is what Brandel said that upset Rory a little bit… “The only thing that gives me concern about Rory, is the pounding that he puts on his body in the gym. I say it with a lot of…

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