Fix Your Golf Slice Fast By Doing This…

If you want to fix your golf slice in the quickest possible time then you MUST do the exact opposite of what you’re doing to hit your golf slice in the first place. The fastest way to do that is to do drills that exaggerate the opposite of what you’re currently doing. And I can…

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Your Golf Slice Will Be Gone When You Do This

Your golf slice will almost certainly be the result of a flat backswing followed by a steep downswing. Or an over the top move as it’s commonly known. To fix your golf slice you want to do the opposite which is to have a steep backswing and a flat downswing. To help you start to…

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The Golf Slice Cure

If you were to look at 100 golfers swings that suffer from a slice problem, I’m sure 99 out of 100 would have a flat backswing, followed by a steeper downswing.  Or an over the top swing – which naturally causes a slice. So if you suffer from a slice problem, you’re going to love…

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Golf Drill To Check Your Backswing

There are certain places in your backswing where you can check whether or not your swing is on the right track. In this article, I’m going to tell you about a position in your backswing where you should check this, and I’m going to give you a great drill to check it. Ok, let’s get…

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The Consistent Golf Swing Plane

A big tennant of the one plane golf swing is to return the golf club back to the same position it was at (in terms of the shaft plane line) at address. That’s what Moe Norman and Ben Hogan did. But let’s see how the top golfers in the world today fear as far that…

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3 Drills for More Distance

Here’s 3 drills to help you hit longer golf drives… #1. Swing Faster NOT Harder It’s a fact that the faster you swing the further the ball goes, because for every 1 mph you increase your swing speed you add about 2.5 yards to your shots. The problem is that golfers often make the mistake…

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Take-Away Drill For Longer Golf Shots

How you take the club away from the golf ball has a big impact on the rest of your back swing so if you get the take-away correct you’re more likely to hit good golf shots. You have probably heard about the one-piece take-away and you may have tried to do it. Well, in this…

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3 Tips For Longer Drives In 15 Minutes

No doubt you’ve seen the ads that say things like “Add 30 Yards To Your Drives In A Bucket Of Balls”. And if you’ve purchased anything that says something like that, you would have quickly found out that you CAN’T add 30 yards to your drives in a bucket of balls. But that doesn’t mean…

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