Fix Your Golf Slice With This Proven Formula
If you want a proven formula to fix your golf slice you’re in for a treat because…
Here are the 4 things you must do to fix your golf slice for good…
1. Setup for a draw
2. Swing from the inside so the ball starts to the right (for a right handed golfer) of your final target
3. Contact the ball with a slightly closed clubface
4. Have equipment that encourages you to draw the ball
Now that list of 4 things is generally the opposite of what every golfer does to hit a slice. For example, when a right handed golfer suffers from a slicing problem they generally aim to the left to allow for a slice – which just makes it worse, doesn’t it?
But the absolute quickest possible way to fix your slice is to do the exact opposite of what you’re currently doing. So that means you have to setup for a hook. Then you need to try and swing a lot from the inside and release your hands a lot through impact so you contact the ball with a slightly closed clubface. And finally, you need equipment that helps you to hit a draw/hook.
If you did all of these things you could fix your slice tomorrow.
Seriously! It would happen that fast.
But here’s the problem — because it would feel so strange for you to do all of these things at the same time you would barely hit the golf ball….at least for a few days.
You see, golfers are adverse to change. It’s taken you a long time to build up the habit of slicing and if you go slowly at trying to fix it then it will take a long time to fix it…if you ever do it at all.
Now you probably want to fix your slice sooner rather than later. So the absolute fastest way to fix your slice is to forget about results for a few days (even up to a couple of weeks) and exaggerate the exact opposite of what you do to hit a slice. And if you’re like most of golfers that do this, after a few days you’ll be hitting the ball straight!
If you exaggerate the opposite of what you do to hit a slice you’ll eventually hit the ball straight — not hook it. That may sound weird but that’s just how the golf swing works. Because when you swing a golf club, what you think you’re doing and what is actually happening are often two totally different things.
Now when you’re making changes to your golf swing to fix your slice you’ve got to work on one thing at a time. And the best place to start is with the setup. You need to setup the opposite of what you’re currently doing. So adjust your grip so it’s strong, align yourself to the right of your final target, position the ball in the middle of your stance etc., etc.
This will be tough to do but if you REALLY want to fix your slice you’ll do it.
Once you’ve done that you then exaggerate swinging from the inside. Then you’ve got to work on releasing your hands through impact so you contact the ball with a slightly closed clubface. Lastly, if the equipment you’re using is encouraging a slice rather than a draw then you must change your equipment so that it encourages you to hit a draw/hook.
So that’s the proven formula you need to follow to fix your slice. And remember, to get the fastest results you must exaggerate the opposite of what you’re currently doing to hit your slice. To make a start change your grip to make it stronger, because a lot of golfers that have just done that have fixed their golf slice. So start with making changes to your setup and then progress through the rest of this proven formula after that.
Good luck!