Do This To Hole More Putts
There’s little things you can do that over the long term will drop shots from your scores. Today I’m going to share one of those little things with you and I bet you’ve never done it before.
You see, it’s well known for golfers to stand behind their ball on the putting green and visualize their ball rolling into the hole.
But I have a unique twist on doing this that will help you to hole more putts. HOWEVER, you will need to practice this on the putting green to get used to it, because you would have never done it before.
To do this, here’s what I want you to do.
On the practice putting green putt a ball in the hole or place the ball in the hole. Doesn’t matter what you do. Just the ball needs to be in the hole.
Once the ball is in a hole then study it. Take a real good mental image of that ball in the hole. Next I want you to pick the ball out of the hole and place it 3 feet from the hole.
Then go through the same putting routine you’d use on the golf course for this length of putt. But on the last look at the hole I want you to imagine the ball already at the bottom of the hole. Then I want you to visualize the ball coming out of the hole and rolling perfectly along the line to your putterface. Right where the ball is. As soon as your eyes come back to the ball then putt and send the ball on the line you’ve just seen.
This might seem odd at first, but give it a try and I’m sure you’ll find you hole more putts incorporating this little mental change into your putting routine.