Long Game
What Is The Golf Swing Plane?
When you start looking at the golf swing plane you can get confused – FAST! It’s an area where the more scientific/engineer types seem to have a field day. And if you’re not that way inclined you can read and watch some stuff on the golf swing plane that will just give you a headache!…
Read MoreWhere To Position The Ball For A ‘Pro’ Push-Draw
Are you struggling to hit consistent draws… or hit a draw at all? If you answered yes, that’s not surprising. And truth is… it’s not your fault. For well over a hundred years now, golfers have been subjected to all kinds of bad golf tips from golf magazines, golf pros and well-meaning golfing friends. Some…
Read MoreHow To Increase Golf Swing Speed Without Injury
I’ve said this a million times, but I’ll say it again because it’s so important… the faster you swing… the further the ball will go. For every 1mph you increase your swing speed by, you’ll gain roughly 2.2 – 2.5 yards in distance. So following programs like this can help you to dramatically improve the…
Read MoreYou’re Too Old To Increase Swing Speed – Whatever!!
I so often hear older golfers say….”I’m (insert age here) and I’m too old to even try to increase my swing speed.” It’s sad…but they’re right, IF… They Keep That Attitude! Look, no matter what age you are, if you can swing a golf club you can increase your swing speed. And if you follow…
Read MoreSmash Factor – How To Measure It Cheaply
Have you heard of the term “Smash Factor”? Smash Factor is the term used for the measurement of your ball speed, divided by your clubhead speed. This measurement is so important, because it tells you how well you hit the ball in terms of transferring speed into the golf ball. And the largest influence on…
Read MoreHow To Hit Longer Drives In 15 Minutes
No doubt you’ve seen the ads that say things like “Add 30 Yards To Your Drives In A Bucket Of Balls”. And if you’ve purchased anything that says something like that, you would have quickly found out that you can’t add 30 yards to your drives in a bucket of balls. But that doesn’t mean…
Read More7 Moves for More Distance
Below are 7 things you should do for more distance. This advice comes from the Max Distance DVD that you can find out more about here. #1. The Grip When you are gripping the club make sure that the fingers in your left hand and the palm of your right hand are gripping the club.…
Read MoreDrive For Show, Putt For Dough
If you’ve been around golf for a little while you would have heard of the saying… “Drive For Show, Putt For Dough” And what that is implying is that you can drive great, but it doesn’t really matter that much. You’ll impress some people, look good, yada, yada. But it’s not that important because what…
Read MoreLonger AND More Accurate Drives
There’s a popular misconception among average golfers, that if you gain distance you’ll be less accurate. I’m not sure where that misconception came from – BUT it’s wrong! Look… you can hit the ball longer and be more accurate. Because if you look at the main things you can do to hit the ball longer,…
Read MoreThe Simplest Way To Longer Drives
To gain more distance is really simple. All you need to do is increase the speed that you swing the clubhead on the downswing and through the ball. For example, if you normally swing the club at 80 mph through the ball and you increase that speed to 85 mph the ball is going to…
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