Posts Tagged ‘Ben Hogan’
Ben Hogan Teeing Off In Tournament
This video shows a younger Ben Hogan hitting a driver off a tee in a golf tournament. This videos shows Ben swinging from a different type of view and I have made this driver swing play at various speeds to you can clearly see what Hogan is doing. And from this view you can clearly…
Read MoreBen Hogan Hitting Driver In Tournament
This video shows an older Ben Hogan hitting a driver in a golf tournament. This videos shows Ben swinging from a different type of view and I have made this driver swing play at various speeds to you can clearly see what Hogan is doing. And from this view you can clearly see the great…
Read MoreBen Hogan Hitting Directly At You
This video shows Ben Hogan hitting a driver directly at the camera. It’s a great view of Ben Hogan’s golf swing. I believe this was shot at Augusta National. From this view you can clearly see how quickly Ben opens up his hips in the downswing and follow-through and just let’s the club be slung through the…
Read MoreBen Hogan Driver Golf Swing – Face On
The video below shows Ben Hogan hitting a driver from the face on view. I believe this video was shot in 1948 before his car accident. This swing is when Ben Hogan said he was swinging his best. This is a great quality video of Ben Hogan’s golf swing with a driver. And I show this swing…
Read MoreBen Hogan Golf Swing At Augusta National Golf Course
This video shows Ben Hogan hitting a fairway wood shot into the 13th green at Augusta National golf course. Yes, where The Masters is played every year. Even though it’s a black and white movie you can see the ball clearly tracing towards the pin. Very impressive! This video highlights how flat Ben’s swing plane…
Read MoreBen Hogan Face On Driver Swing
In the video below you’ll see a great face on view of Ben Hogan hitting a driver. This driver swing was after the accident and shows a great golf swing. Notice the great extension Ben Hogan has through the hitting area while keeping his head back. A truly great golf swing.
Read MoreBen Hogan Golf Swing In Later Years
In this video it shows an older Ben Hogan teeing off. Even in his older years Ben Hogan maintained a great golf swing. Watch in this video how he starts the downswing. His arms are kept way behind him and there is no manipulation of the golf club through the hitting area. His golf swing…
Read MoreBen Hogan’s Grid Swing
This video shows Ben Hogan swinging in front of a grid. This video shows clearly the movement in Ben’s golf swing and how great his body moves. Incidentally, this video is the one I was analyzing Ben Hogan’s head movement when I accidentally discovered a secret move he makes in his golf swing. You can…
Read MoreBen Hogan’s 1st Tee Shot – Shell’s Wonderful World Of Golf
This video shows Ben Hogan playing his 1st drive in the Shells Wonderful World of Golf event in which Ben Hogan played against Sam Snead. In this match Ben Hogan hit every fairway and every green in regulation. Watch this first drive to see why.
Read MoreBen Hogan Swing 1948
In this video Ben Hogan is hitting a driver in about 1948. This was before his car crash and Hogan said himself this was when he was swinging his best. This is a very clear face on swing of Hogan and it shows how great his golf swing was. Poetry in motion…. as perfect a…
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