Score Lower By Doing This 1 Thing

There’s no doubt about it… Golf is a HARD game! But oftentimes we can make a hard game even harder, here’s how… Before every game you could have a long list of things you’re working on in your swing, OR… …as I heard Jack Nicklaus saying recently… “You should only have one swing key/thought out…

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Golf Pro Head Movement Analysis

In this new post I’m going to be looking at 23 great golfer’s swings in terms of their head movement. I’m doing this because a little while ago I read this statement on the Internet: “the average PGA Tour player moves his head only one inch during the swing” That got me intrigued to see…

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How To Add Some Serious Distance To Your Shots

It’s a new year and it’s the perfect time to add some serious distance to your shots. For a lot of you it will be winter time, and you could think it’s the worst possible time to try and add distance to your drives. But if you think that, think again because… There’s only a…

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Focus On These 2 Things For Longer Drives

Today I have 2 things you need to focus on for longer drives. But before I give you those two things I need to comment on something. In one of the replies I got recently about “golfers problems” a golfer said they couldn’t gain distance even though they tried just about every driver on the…

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How To Find YOUR Perfect Golf Swing

This is common knowledge. The best ball strikers in the world have copied other great ball strikers’ swings. Ben Hogan did that. Jack Nicklaus did that. Tiger Woods did that. Every great ball striker has done that. They look at what others do successfully, and copy it. That’s called modeling success. But if you look…

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The Perfect Golf Swing

The golf swing. It’s probably the most analyzed, dissected and debated movement of any sport. One person likes Tiger Woods’ swing, another person hates it. One person likes Sergio Garcia’s swing, another person hates it. One person likes Ben Hogan’s swing, another person hates it. So is there ONE perfect golf swing? Well, it depends…

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Ben Hogan’s REAL Golf Swing Secret

Ben Hogan was one of the best ball strikers the world has ever seen. And when he practiced he would have a person down the driving range ready to collect the ball after it bounced. And that person hardly ever had to move! So imagine…. You’ve got a 5 iron in your hands and that…

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Patrick Reed’s Golf Swing Secrets

Patrick Reed is stirring things up, on and off the golf course. After his 3rd PGA Tour win in just 7 months, he happened to say that he believes he’s in the top 5 golfers in the world. That’s without ever playing in a major! Patrick has taken some flak for that statement. And I’m…

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