The Magic Drill For Longer Golf Drives

If you want to hit longer golf drives then you’re going to love this article because you’ll discover exactly what you need to work on to hit longer drives, along with a great golf drill to help you accomplish it. You see, an American company did some research into those golfers that hit long drives…

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Longer Golf Drives With These 5 Exercises

If you want longer golf drives then you really should work at making your legs stronger. One of the greatest golfers who has ever lived, Jack Nicklaus, has stated that the legs are the power source in the golf swing. So to help you strengthen your legs so you can hit longer golf drives, here…

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Backswing Power Test For Longer Drives

Longer golf drives can be yours if you know what you need to do in your backswing in order to achieve longer drives. You see, to get the most power in your backswing you need to wind your shoulders up as much as possible against your hips, which should be restricted in their turn. The…

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Golf Swing: How To Achieve The Power Impact Position

Golf swing power is determined by what happens at impact. And if you want to hit solid, accurate and long golf shots then you absolutely must have the correct wrist position at impact. And the correct impact position is for your left wrist to be flat and your right wrist to be bent (for a…

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How To Increase Your Golf Swing Speed (Video)

We all know that the faster we swing the further the ball will go, BUT how can you speed up your golf swing without it screwing up your tempo and rhythm? Well, I’ve found something really cool that will train you to swing faster so you hit longer shots and it won’t screw up your…

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Golf Driver – The Secret To Hitting It Long And Straight

A lot of golfers struggle to hit their golf driver as well as their irons. If that’s your situation then you’ll want to read this entire article now to find out what you can do to fix this problem. Because you’ll enjoy playing golf so much more when you hit your golf driver like you…

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Posture For Longer, More Accurate And Powerful Golf Shots

You may not know this but the posture you have when you setup to hit a golf ball has a big affect on how you will swing the golf club and the potential distance you can hit the golf ball. You see, the posture you have at setup largely determines how you shift your weight…

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Where To Position The Golf Ball For Consistent Ball Striking

If you want to become a consistent ball striker then learning where to position the ball in your stance is very important. In this article you’re going to find out exactly where you should position the ball in your stance for consistent ball striking with every club in your bag. But first, read what Tiger…

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The Longer Golf Drives Formula

To hit longer drives the formula is really simple: If you normally swing at 85 mph on the downswing and through the ball and then you increase that swing speed to 95 mph you will hit the ball further. About 25 yards further in fact, because for every 1 mph you increase your swing speed…

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