Long Game
How To Swing The Golf Club Faster
Swinging the golf club faster through impact will result in longer golf drives and more fun for you. Plus you will shoot lower golf scores because you’ll have higher lofted clubs into the greens, making it easier for you to get your ball close to the hole. So how do you swing the golf club…
Read MoreHow To Hit Longer Golf Drives This Weekend
If you want to hit longer golf drives this weekend then read this article for simple golf tips to help you do it. The first thing you can do to hit longer golf drives this weekend is to do some active stretches before you tee off. It has been found that golfers who do this…
Read More3 Golf Driving Tips For Longer Golf Drives
If you’re struggling to hit your golf driver consistently well, this article is going to explain 3 simple things you can do to improve your drives now. So let’s get started with the first tip. Tip #1 – One of the biggest keys to hitting longer, straighter golf drives is to make consistently solid impact…
Read MoreGolf Swing Sequencing – The Key To More Power
If you want to hit longer golf drives then you’ll want to read this to find out one key move that will help you to hit longer drives. It’s a little known fact among amateur golfers that if a golfer wants to hit the golf ball as long as possible then as they are completing…
Read MoreHow To Hit Your Golf Driver Better Than Your Irons
Very often golfers say something like this… “I can hit my irons well but I greatly lack consistency with my driver. How can I hit my driver like my irons?” If you resonate with that question then you’ll want to read these simple tips to improve your driving off the tee. And the first thing…
Read MoreThe Best Golf Swing Speed Tip For Impact
Increasing your golf swing speed will only result in longer drives IF you swing faster at impact. If you increase your golf swing speed but the fastest you swing is not at impact then the increased swing speed is wasted. So in this article I’m going to give you a great little golf drill that…
Read MoreBubba Watson’s Golf Swing Secret
Bubba Watson hits it long – there’s no doubt about that. Recently I was watching Bubba’s swing, and I noticed something he was doing that is a BIG reason for his long driving. So I’ve made this video below, in which I reveal this long driving swing move… and then I tell you how you…
Read MoreLonger Golf Drives With One Simple Move
Longer golf drives can be achieved simply by having a longer golf swing, because the longer you swing, while still maintaining a good solid golf swing, the more you will allow the club added time to build up speed and move faster. In this article I am going to share with you one simple thing…
Read MoreThe Golf Swing: What Your Legs Should Be Doing To Hit Longer Golf Drives
In your golf swing you legs should be doing something very important to help you hit longer golf drives, which is… MOVING! I so often see the golf swings of amateur golfers where you’d think the golfers were wearing lead boots! Or they have their feet stuck in concrete. Now look, if you don’t move…
Read MoreGolf Swing Take-Away Drill For More Distance
One of the worst golf swing faults amateur golfers make (that costs them a lot of distance) is to pick the club up at the start the golf swing instead of sweeping the club away. Picking the club away quickly at the start of the swing destroys almost any chance of long, accurate and consistent…
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