How To Manage The Golf Course

If you’re playing a course you know well then you should have a general plan/strategy for each hole. Of course the same is true for other golf courses, but if you have never played a course before then it’s very tough to do that. You’re just guessing. That’s a big reason why golf pro’s play…

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The A Swing (By David Leadbetter) Product Review

It’s been a decade since David Leadbetter wrote a book. That’s a long time. So is this new instruction book, titled The A Swing, worth the wait? Let’s see… First, the A stands for Alternative. The swing in this book is what David considers to be a more different swing than the norm. To start…

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How To ‘Stick Your Finish’ Like Rory McIlroy

When you watch Rory McIlroy on T.V. you almost always see a super balanced, posed, beautiful finish to every golf swing. But here’s the thing… Rory is swinging about 120 mph through the ball on his drives. So to “stick his finish” every time Rory has to be good at slowing down. And if you want to…

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Practice Negative Thinking To Lower Your Golf Scores

Practice Negative Thinking To Lower Your Scores! You may have thought that was a typo… but it wasn’t. I honestly want you to practice negative thinking and it WILL lower your scores. Here’s what I’m getting at. Have you ever had a putt and thought that you’re going to miss it? Have you ever had…

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2015 US Open

I was reading this week about the 2015 US Open (which is coming up in the middle of June) organizers considering putting the tees so players have to contend with slopes. Why would they do that? The only logical reason I can think of is they think this course is going to be eaten up.…

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Score Lower By Doing This 1 Thing

There’s no doubt about it… Golf is a HARD game! But oftentimes we can make a hard game even harder, here’s how… Before every game you could have a long list of things you’re working on in your swing, OR… …as I heard Jack Nicklaus saying recently… “You should only have one swing key/thought out…

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Golf Pro Head Movement Analysis

In this new post I’m going to be looking at 23 great golfer’s swings in terms of their head movement. I’m doing this because a little while ago I read this statement on the Internet: “the average PGA Tour player moves his head only one inch during the swing” That got me intrigued to see…

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How To Add Some Serious Distance To Your Shots

It’s a new year and it’s the perfect time to add some serious distance to your shots. For a lot of you it will be winter time, and you could think it’s the worst possible time to try and add distance to your drives. But if you think that, think again because… There’s only a…

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Focus On These 2 Things For Longer Drives

Today I have 2 things you need to focus on for longer drives. But before I give you those two things I need to comment on something. In one of the replies I got recently about “golfers problems” a golfer said they couldn’t gain distance even though they tried just about every driver on the…

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