Golf Grips: How To Test Them To Improve Your Game
The actual golf grips on your golf clubs have a big influence over the golf shots you hit consistently. For example, if you have a slice problem your golf grips could be encouraging that ball flight. Equally, if you have a hook problem your golf grips could be encouraging that ball flight.
So in this article I’m going to show you how to test your current golf grips to see if they are best suited to you and what you can do if they’re not.
Now if you search golf grips you’ll quickly see that golf grips come in many different shapes, styles and even colours. But there is one big factor that has the biggest impact on the type of golf shots you hit consistently and that factor is the size of your golf grip.
You see, if your golf grips are too thick of you then you’ll find it easier to hit a fade/slice. Conversely if your grips are too thin for you then you’ll find it easier to hit a draw/hook.
So if your bad shot is a slice you should have a thinner grip than a thicker one. Here is a great way to tell if your golf grip is too think or too thin for you.
Simply grip the golf club with your just your left hand and then pick up the golf club and look at the middle fingers of your left hand. Now here is how you can tell if the grip sizes are correct for you.
- If the tips of your middles fingers on your left hand are just touching the pad of your palm then that indicates that the grip thickness is fine for you.
- If the tips of your middle fingers on your left hand are quite a bit away from the pad of your palm of your left hand then that indicates that your grips are too big for you.
- If the tips of your middle fingers on your left hand are digging into the pad of your left hand then that indicates that your grips are probably too small for your hands.
I highly recommend that you go through and do this golf grip test on all of your golf clubs now.
If after you do this you find that your grips are either too small or too big then I suggest you get your grips changed. If they are too thin you can simply get wraps put under your grips to thicken them up. Or if your grips are too thin you can get thinner grips.
Just experiment with one of your golf clubs to see what works best for you as far as your golf grips are concerned. A simple change to you golf grips can really have a big impact on your ball striking.
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Really helpful advice Jeff. Very grateful for your blog
This is great advice, and I must admit I have just read this tip so I haven’t actually put your advice to the test yet.
Just wanted to let you know, after reading this I thought I’d go and get my grips checked out. Turns out my grips were too thick for me, and that would explain a lot of why i couldn’t get over that damn slice. If you could give us some help and advice to get rid of a slice that would be greatly appreciated Jeff. Changing my grips has already helped but it wasn’t the complete cure so some extra help for that would be good.
Thanky Thanky for all this good inofmration!
Glad you’re all liking this advice. Aaron, here is a blog post to help you get rid of your slice: https://consistentgolf.com/golf-slice-use-this-4-step-proven-formula-to-fix-your-golf-slice/