Posts by Jeff Richmond
Ben Hogan’s Slow Motion Practice
Here is a video of Ben Hogan showing how he used to practice a lot swinging in slow motion.
Read MoreBen Hogan’s Secret To Scoring Success
I was watching recently an interview with Ben Hogan, and he shared a secret to his success that a lot of golfers would have missed. You see, Hogan was talking about how he loved work and how he would play 36 holes a day in tournaments. He went on to explain that he would play…
Read MoreJordan Spieth Golf Swing Analysis
Jordan Spieth is a great, great golfer. There’s no doubt about that. And he has an interesting style that is uniquely his own. When he plays golf he has an uncanny ability to make a 65 look like an 85. But he keeps shooting low scores over and over again without looking like he’s playing…
Read MoreStart/Stop Golf Improvement
How does a game of soccer start? With a whistle blast naturally. Then how is half time in a game of soccer signaled? With another whistle blast. Then the next half is started with a whistle and the finish of the game is signaled with a whistle blast. There’s many other sports that have clearly…
Read MoreHow To Shape Shots For Increased Consistency
If you have a 4 iron approach shot into the green and you have no idea which way the ball is going to curve, then it’s just a crap shoot. But if you have a 4 iron into the green and you’re 99% certain that the ball is going to curve right to left, then…
Read MoreHow To Stop Hitting Fat Golf Shots
How often do you see pro’s on T.V. fat a golf shot? Very rarely, right? And there are pro’s on Tour that you would think have something wrong with their golf swing if you were looking at a perfect golf swing model. You’ve got Jim Furyk compared to Rory McIlroy. John Daly compared with Luke…
Read MoreThe Key To A Successful Golf Swing
When you go to hit any golf shot most of the time you spend on the golf shot is NOT swinging. Maybe that’s why Jack Nicklaus said this… “I feel that hitting specific shots – playing the ball to a certain place in a certain way – is 50 percent mental picture, 40 percent setup,…
Read MoreGun To The Head Golf Shot
Imagine this… You’re on the driving range hitting golf shots when someone comes up to you with a gun, sticks it to your head and says… “Tell me which shape of shot you’re going to hit on this next shot and hit it.” If you don’t hit that shape I’ll shot you. A bit dramatic…
Read MoreTiger Woods vs. Jack Nicklaus
Tiger turned 40 late in 2015 and with 3 back surgeries now, his career is pretty much over. And as he said himself… “anything from now on is gravy.” I really hope to see him come back if at all possible. At the very least, I hope he gets healthy enough to be able to…
Read MoreHow To Practice Hitting The Sweetspot
If you want to hit longer shots, hitting the sweetspot consistently is critical. Here’s why… Golf Digest did a study on the effect of missing the sweetspot when swinging at 100 mph. Here are their results: Center Hit – 258 yards 1/2 inch off center – 243 yards 3/4 inch off center – 237 yards…
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