Posts by Jeff Richmond
How To Increase Golf Swing Speed Without Injury
I’ve said this a million times, but I’ll say it again because it’s so important… the faster you swing… the further the ball will go. For every 1mph you increase your swing speed by, you’ll gain roughly 2.2 – 2.5 yards in distance. So following programs like this can help you to dramatically improve the…
Read MoreGolf Tip – Lower Ball Flight In Strong Winds
Golf Tip Question When I’m playing in strong winds I struggle a lot trying to keep my shots down on shots into the wind. Can you give me some pointers on how to play these shots with a lower ball flight? Golf Tip Answer I have 6 key things for you to do when playing…
Read MoreYou’re Too Old To Increase Swing Speed – Whatever!!
I so often hear older golfers say….”I’m (insert age here) and I’m too old to even try to increase my swing speed.” It’s sad…but they’re right, IF… They Keep That Attitude! Look, no matter what age you are, if you can swing a golf club you can increase your swing speed. And if you follow…
Read MoreSmash Factor – How To Measure It Cheaply
Have you heard of the term “Smash Factor”? Smash Factor is the term used for the measurement of your ball speed, divided by your clubhead speed. This measurement is so important, because it tells you how well you hit the ball in terms of transferring speed into the golf ball. And the largest influence on…
Read MoreGolf Tip – Pitch Shot Distance Control
Golf Tip Question When I’m faced with a pitch shot in the 20 – 50 yard range I have no idea how hard to hit it. I have no feel and it shows! What can I do so I have more feel for these pitch shots? Golf Tip Answer Feel on pitch shots is critical.…
Read MoreGolf Tip – Eye Alignment For Putting
Golf Tip Question I often read that you should have your eyes over the ball when putting. But how can I check this easily? Golf Tip Answer Having your eyes directly over the ball when putting helps to make putting easier. But there have been some great putters that have not had their eyes over…
Read MoreGolf Tip – Prevent Your Weight Going To The Outside Of Your Right Foot
Golf Tip Question In your instructions you say to start the backswing with a slight bump of the hip to the right. I’ve tried to do this but my weight goes to the outside of my right foot. And I know this isn’t good but what can I do to prevent it? Golf Tip Answer…
Read MoreHow To Hit Longer Drives In 15 Minutes
No doubt you’ve seen the ads that say things like “Add 30 Yards To Your Drives In A Bucket Of Balls”. And if you’ve purchased anything that says something like that, you would have quickly found out that you can’t add 30 yards to your drives in a bucket of balls. But that doesn’t mean…
Read MoreGolf Tip – How To Have Confidence On Golf Holes
Golf Tip Question I feel more comfortable and confident on some holes than on others. I don’t like this feeling and I know it costs me strokes so what can I do to have more confidence on the holes that I dislike? Golf Tip Answer To help you solve this problem here’s what I suggest…
Read MoreThe Very First Thing You Need To Become A Great Putter
The very first thing you must do to become a great putter is you MUSTlearn to love and enjoy putting. If you don’t find out how to love and enjoy putting then you’ll never become a great putter. Trust me, this is the first and most important fundamental of putting. So anytime you’re faced with…
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