Perfect Golf Swing – Upgrade Package

[content_box_yellow width=”75%”][headline_arial_small_centered color=”#000000″]Do Not Hit Your “Back” Button
Pressing “Back” Can Accidentally Cause You To Double-Order[/headline_arial_small_centered][/content_box_yellow][headline_tahoma_extra_large_centered color=”#000000″]Start To Groove *YOUR* Perfect Golf Swing Right Now With The Upgrade Pack – and Save BIG For Today Only![/headline_tahoma_extra_large_centered]

Congratulations on making the great decision to get The Perfect Golf Swing program mailed to you.

Because you’ve taken action today, you’re getting a one-time opportunity to upgrade your order to get instant access to the digital version of this program, along with the 21 yards in 21 days program and direct email access to me and my email coaching program, so you get the best and quickest results with the perfect golf swing method. 

[headline_tahoma_medium_centered color=”#000000″]The Perfect Golf Swing Upgrade Pack Includes:[/headline_tahoma_medium_centered]

[features_box_green width=”75%” + border=”2px”]Component #1:
Instant digital access to The Perfect Golf Swing method
($57 value)

perfect-golf-swing-imageThe digital version of this program is selling right now for $57.  (Click here to verify this if you’d like.)  Naturally the attraction of the digital version is that you can start right now to improve your golf swing.   You don’t have to wait.   It will take 1-2 weeks for the program to arrive to you in the mail.  But with this upgrade pack you can start right now, because you get instant access to everything in the program.

  • An 83 page book (PDF) that explains The Perfect Golf Swing method in full detail.
  • 12 videos you can view online that help you to use The Perfect Golf Swing method.
  • An mp3 audio you can download that guides you through The Perfect Golf Swing method.


[features_box_yellow width=”75%” + border=”2px”]Component #2:
The 21 Yards In 21 Days program
($47 value)

21yards-21-daysWith this program you WILL add 21 Yards To Your Drives In 21 Days or less, and here’s how that’s going to happen. Every day of this new program you will get one new drill or exercise that WILL add AT LEAST 1 – 10 yards to your drives in just 15 minutes per day.

PLUS… ALL of the drills and exercises can be done in the comfort of your own home. These daily drills and exercises have been arranged in a specific order, so that by the end you’ll get the most LONG DRIVE bang for your buck. Plus, to make sure you know what you should do every single day, this program comes with:

• 67 Page PDF
• 64 Full Color Pictures
• 36 Videos

So after just 21 days YOU WILL be hitting your drives AT LEAST 21 yards further than you are right now. This program is selling right now for $47.  (click here to verify this if you’d like). But it’s yours FREE with this Perfect Golf Swing upgrade pack.


[features_box_green width=”75%” + border=”2px”]Component #3:
1-on-1 Email Support with Jeff, along with ongoing email coaching
($100 value)

email-iconBecause of the high volume of emails I get everyday, I cannot answer everyone’s personal emails/questions about the program.

However, if you would like to clarify something in the Perfect Golf Swing program or get some advice about your particular situation, you can take advantage of my personal email support with this upgrade pack.  Plus, you will be emailed regular instructions on how to get the most out of the perfect golf swing method.

After adding this option to your order, you’ll be provided with specific instructions on how to download everything, along with the email address where you can communicate with me personally, so you can move forward with the confidence of knowing you’re doing everything right.


[headline_tahoma_extra_large_centered color=”#000000″]As you can see, everything above is a total combined value of $204.[/headline_tahoma_extra_large_centered]

I really want you to experience the BEST and FASTEST swing improvement, and I’ve added this upgrade pack to help you do just that.

[order_box_3 width=”90%” + border=”4px”]upgrade-pack

You can have all 3 components included in the Upgrade Pack, which is a combined total value of $204, today for only:

[headline_tahoma_large_centered color=”#000000″]Today’s Price: Only $27[/headline_tahoma_large_centered]

add-to-orderYes, I want the Upgrade Pack! Please add the Upgrade Pack
to my order today for a one-time fee of only $27.


60-day-guaranteeNo thanks. I understand this is my only opportunity to get access to this information and I’m okay with missing out, even at today’s HUGE discount. I understand that after declining this offer, the Perfect Golf Swing upgrade pack will never be made available to me again at this price.
Click Here to Decline This Offer Forever


[text_bar_1 background=”#444444″ + width=”100%”]20 – 25 Yards Longer…The Only Thing That Has Worked[/text_bar_1] [content_box_yellow width=”75%”]

“After working through this 21 Yards In 21 Days program my ball flight now is straight with a little draw at the end. This is a B-I-G improvement from my previous slice ball flight. The instructions were very easy to follow and understand. My drives are now a good 20 – 25 yards longer thanks to this program. I have tried numerous other things but this is the only thing that has worked. I’m lucky to have found it. Thanks!”

–  Mark Benson, North Carolina, USA

[/content_box_yellow] [text_bar_1_left background=”#444444″ + width=”100%”]Finally Become More Consistent….[/text_bar_1_left] [content_box_blue width=”75%”]

“One day I can shoot 95 and the next I can shoot 85 with no rhyme or reason why the difference.  I was getting very frustrated with this inconsistency and was looking for a solution.  Then Jeff invited me to try his new perfect golf swing program which I gratefully accepted.  After a month or so I can finally say that I have become more consistent.  I play at least twice a week and since starting the program every game has been in the 80’s.  Before I would have at least had a couple of games in the mid 90’s but I haven’t even been close.  My ball striking is a lot more consistent.  My bad shots are simply not as bad anymore.  If anyone get’s a chance to try this, on my experience you should jump at it.  I’ve never done anything like this to improve my golf game and I’m so glad I tried it.  You can’t beat lower scores with less effort.  Thanks Jeff!”

John Baker, Australia
