Easy Swing Plane DL

[headline_tahoma_large_centered color=”#000000″]Congratulations On Purchasing The
3 Steps To A Professional Swing Plane Program![/headline_tahoma_large_centered]

On this page you can download this program and the videos for the drills that are featured in this system.  But please read all instructions CAREFULLY!

[content_box_yellow width=”75%”]Important Note: You MAY NOT resell, redistribute, share, or give away this program. It is all Copyright Protected. You may print ONE COPY or save to disk and view on your computer. If you have any problems downloading anything… Don’t panic!! Simply email and we will help you.[/content_box_yellow]


To Download The Easy Swing Plane Program simply….

To download all of the videos for this program simply click here

[features_box_yellow width=”75%” + border=”2px”]Important Note: The 3 steps in this program appear easy.  But unless you do each step correctly and verify this by video analysis you will not improve your ball striking consistently.  So to help you do this I’m offering you the opportunity to send me a video of your swing after each step so I can check you are on the right track.  Instructions on how to take advantage of this offer are below. [/features_box_yellow] [headline_tahoma_large_centered color=”#000000″]Free Surprise Bonus[/headline_tahoma_large_centered]

As a customer of the easy swing plane system I want to give you my Add 42 Yards ebook.  This book has a 5 day program in it to help you add 42 yards.  And although it may sound far fetched adding that much distance to your drives it’s not when I break down how you’re going to do it.


To Download The Add 42 Yard Ebook simply right click here and save the file to your computer.

Now for many golfers going through this easy swing plane program the over the top swing problem is going to be a biggie.  And that’s why I thought I would share with you…

[headline_georgia_medium_centered color=”#990000″]The Quickest And Easiest
Ways To Fix An Over The Top Swing Problem[/headline_georgia_medium_centered]

One of the biggest, if not the biggest, swing faults golfers have is swinging over the top and because you purchased this swing plane improvement product I can almost guarantee you have this swing problem. And this causes golfers all sorts of problems like…

[red_arrow_list width=”100%”]

  • Starting the ball to the left of your target
  • A slice problem
  • Lacking accuracy
  • Lacking swing speed/distance
  • Lacking consistency


If you suffer from any of these problems then you’re going to want to read carefully what I have to say. Because I have found one of the quickest and easiest ways to fix an over the top swing problem.

First, I want you to watch this Youtube video to see a golfer that is swinging over the top and then you’ll see him fixing this over the top problem in record time:

[headline_arial_medium_centered color=”#000000″]Youtube Golf Swing Video[/headline_arial_medium_centered]

OK, a pretty impressive swing improvement right?

And I guess you now want to know what that swing device is that was used by that golfer in that video. Well, it’s called the Perfect Release.

Perfect Release Training Aid

Perfect Release Training Aid

I have been using this device for a while now and have found it to be awesome. Here’s some things I really like about this product:

[red_tick_list width=”100%”]

  • You can you use it with any golf club
  • Helps you to develop a wide swing arc
  • You can hit full shots with it
  • Fixes the over the top swing problem FAST!
  • Helps you to release properly so you hit longer shots
  • Synchronizes your arms and body together for a more consistent golf swing
  • Helps you to square the clubface up at impact so you hit straighter golf shots
  • Increases your swing speed for longer shots
  • Helps to eliminate a slice
  • It’s lightweight and portable


The Perfect Release can be used with two different cords. The default cord that you get when you order is the green cord.

Green Tension Cord

Green Tension Cord

There also is a yellow cord you can get that provides more tension and this helps to train you to swing faster.

Yellow Tension Cord

Yellow Tension Cord

When I got this to test it out I got the yellow cord as well, and I highly recommend you do the same because it really is good for helping you to swing faster so you can hit longer golf shots.

 Because I have been so impressed with this product I have requested and been approved to sell it. And I have arranged the following two special ordering options for you to choose from…

[order_box_2 width=”70%” + border=”4px”][headline_arial_medium_centered color=”#000000″]The Perfect Release – Option 1
(Green Cord Only)[/headline_arial_medium_centered]



To get the Perfect Release now with the green band it’s just $49.99 plus $14.95 shipping and handling. The normal retail price on this is $59.99 plus shipping and handling. So simply click the add to cart button below to order this now at the discounted price.

[add_to_cart_btn_style_1 link=”https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=AEB2MMX4VX9XC” + target=”_self”] [/add_to_cart_btn_style_1]

[/order_box_2] [divider_bar]Insert Your Text Here[/divider_bar] [order_box_1 width=”70%” + border=”4px”][headline_arial_medium_centered color=”#000000″]The Perfect Release – Option 2
(Best Option: Green + Yellow Cord)[/headline_arial_medium_centered]


[headline_arial_medium_centered color=”#000000″]+[/headline_arial_medium_centered]

Yellow Tension Cord

To get the Perfect Release now with the green cord PLUS the yellow cord it’s just $59.99 plus $14.95 shipping and handling. The normal retail price on this option is $69.99 plus shipping and handling. So simply click the add to cart button below to order this now at the discounted price.

[add_to_cart_btn_style_1 link=”https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=75PDS5K6XPJ2N” + target=”_self”] [/add_to_cart_btn_style_1]


After your order has been successfully processed we’ll get the Perfect Release to you ASAP! 

[headline_tahoma_large_centered color=”#000000″]The Easy Swing Plane Video Critique Service[/headline_tahoma_large_centered]

The 3 Steps in this program are on the surface very easy to do.  But I have seen golfers think they have mastered a step in this program and then once I analyze there swing they have not completed the step successfully.  Often ‘feel’ and ‘real’ in the golf swing are two completely different things.  Now because I want you to succeed with this program so…

1) you improve your ball striking a lot and shoot lower scores, and

2) I get a great testimonial to show other golfers what is possible when they fix their swing plane

….I am going to offer you the chance to get me to personally critique video of you swinging.   

I believe that within 3 video critiques you would have greatly improved your swing plane.  Normally I charge $50 per video critique.  But like I said, because I want you to succeed with this I’m giving you the chance to get 3 video critiques from me for just $50 — that’s a $100 saving! 

To order these critiques simply click ‘Add To Cart’ button below and place your order.  Then when you’re ready, send me a video of your swing and I’ll get back to you within 48 hours (weekdays) on how you’re getting on, and what you need to do to improve.  In your first email to get your video critique put this in the subject: “Easy Swing Plane Video Critique #1” and we’ll go from there.

Stress-Free Golf Swing - Video Critique Service