Practice Your Pitch Shots From This EXACT Distance
The other day I was reading an article online, which had research that shows the average distance golfers miss the green is 6 to 8 yards from the edge.
Now for most pitch shots you want the ball to land a couple of yards from the edge of the green, and then let the ball run the rest of the way to the hole.
So knowing this can help you tremendously to lower your score… and here’s how:
Find a grassed area where you can practice pitch shots up to 30 yards in distance.
Then get about 50 balls ready to hit. Then place an object 10 yards away from you that you’re going to try to land your ball on.
Now I want you to get out the following clubs:
- 7 iron
- 9 iron
- Pitching Wedge
- Sand Wedge
- 60 Degree Wedge (if you have one)
Then I want you to play each shot with a different club, trying to land the ball on the 10 yard marker.
When you get proficient at doing this, then go to a practice green and find spots about 8 yards from the edge of the green.
Play shots with the appropriate club to land the ball a couple of yards on the green and let it run to the hole.
If you get really good at this ONE length of pitch shot, you’ll save yourself a lot of shots around the greens, AND…
You’ll be using your practice time wisely!