Golf Tip – How To Play Well With Better Golfers Than You
Golf Tip Question
I feel intimidated when I play with golfers that are better than myself, what should I do to get over this?
Golf Tip Answer
To get over this intimidation you should search out the better players and play with them and you’ll soon find that they’re just normal human beings. It’s just that they’re better at a particular skill than you are.
But hey that’s life, you’ll be better than them at something else.
So don’t worry and instead you should aim to learn from these better players and most of them are willing to help where they can.
The quickest way to success in any area of golf and life is to find people better than ourselves and then model what they do. When you are playing with a better golfer than yourself, watch what they do, observe how they approach shots and pick out the bits and pieces you want to emulate and then practice that.
Obviously there will be things that golfers do that you won’t want to copy, but try to pick out things that will suit you and practice it.
Also, as an aside, it’s been proven that the golfers you play with most often will be of a similar playing ability to yourself. So if you want to improve your game it makes sense to search out better players and play with them. You know, those we are around most often we become like… so make sure they’re good sorts too.
That was an answer to a golfing question I have received from one of my students in the online Consistent Golf School. If you would like me to give you a solution to a golfing problem you’re having, simply go here, signup and I’ll do that for free, anytime as part of being a student of the online Consistent Golf School.