Improve Your Ball Striking
7 Shortcuts to
Ball Striking
In the previous pitching lesson I said that you should have the golf ball in the center of your stance when playing a pitch shot. So now we are going to look at some more finer points to hit successful pitch shots. After you have addressed the golf ball in the center of your stance…
Read MoreWhen you address the golf ball for a pitch shot the ball position plays a major role in the trajectory that the golf ball will have after impact. For example, the further back in your stance you position the golf ball the lower the trajectory of the pitch shot and the less backspin and more…
Read MoreTo begin this pitching series let’s start by defining what a pitch shot is. Pitch Shot Definition Simply, the definition of a pitch shot is a shot that has maximum air and minimum roll on its way to the hole. So in other words a pitch shot generally makes the ball fly two thirds in…
Read MoreVery often golfers say something like this… “I can hit my irons well but I greatly lack consistency with my driver. How can I hit my driver like my irons?” If you resonate with that question then you’ll want to read these simple tips to improve your driving off the tee. And the first thing…
Read MoreIncreasing your golf swing speed will only result in longer drives IF you swing faster at impact. If you increase your golf swing speed but the fastest you swing is not at impact then the increased swing speed is wasted. So in this article I’m going to give you a great little golf drill that…
Read MoreWatch this golf video to see a miracle golf shot.
Read MoreIf you want to hit better, more consistent golf shots then you need to align yourself correctly, in relation to where you want your golf ball to go. In this article I’m going to tell you a proven way that you can do this, and even the best golfers in the world need to learn…
Read MoreIn this golf video you’re going to learn how to hit a nice, high, soft pitch shot. This golf shot comes in so handy when you need to land the golf ball softly on the green. For example, if your golf ball is behind a bunker and you have to fly the ball over the…
Read MoreThere are only two possible reasons why golfers slice the golf ball, and sadly most golfers who slice the ball do both of these things together. The first reason why a golfer would slice the golf ball is that they contact the ball with an open clubface. The other reason why a golfer would slice…
Read MoreBubba Watson hits it long – there’s no doubt about that. Recently I was watching Bubba’s swing, and I noticed something he was doing that is a BIG reason for his long driving. So I’ve made this video below, in which I reveal this long driving swing move… and then I tell you how you…
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