Order Confirmation – The Consistent Golf System

[headline_arial_large_centered color=”#000000″]Congratulations on purchasing
The Consistent Golf System![/headline_arial_large_centered]

I will be sending you an email to the email address you used when you checked out with PayPal to confirm your physical address.  If that email address is wrong or no longer in use, or you haven’t heard from me within 24 hours please send an email to: jeff@consistentgolf.com.

Once I have confirmed your physical address I will personally….

1. Place your order with our fullfillmnet house to get the system sent out to you.

2. Email you the details so you can get all of the digital products in order to start improving your golf game straight away while you’re waiting for The Consistent Golf System to arrive.

If you have any questions please just email me.

For Consistent Golf,



Jeff Richmond
Creator of the…
Consistent Golf System