Fix Your Bogey Golf Hole
[headline_arial_medium_centered color=”#B10000″]Video To Fix Your Bogey Golf Hole[/headline_arial_medium_centered]
As a golfer I’m sure you’ve experienced a hole or two that you always seem to struggle on. And sometimes these holes can be what is considered the easiest holes on the golf course!
Well, I have a video for you today that explains a technique to get rid of your bogey hole so it will not have any negative affect over you any longer. To watch this video simply click the play button on the video below:
Thanks for that. Some more great advice again and I am greatly enjoying the great advice you are sending but I am getting quite frustrated with all of this talk about the consistent golf system when I can’t seem to find a link to purchase it. How does one go about getting it?
I have one hole on my course that bugs the heck of me. I will use this technique to hopefully fix it. Thanks!
thanks for video. i will try this.
What is meant to be the easiest hole on our course is in fact the hardest for me. I will use this tactic to hopefully fix that. Fingers crossed it works!
i see this all the time in tournaments were a golfer will play a hole bad all tournament. the commentators often say the hole sets up bad for the golfer etc., etc. that is a load of rubbish. it’s all mental. thanks for this tip. i have a hole that gives me a headache most times and i know it’s mental because i get nervous before playing it and it’s the 7th hole so i am well and truly warmed up. i look forward to the release of your consistent golf system. i like what you have to say on golf improvement. it makes sense to me unlike a lot of other rubbish out there.
Thanks! I needed this!
Sounds a bit crazy but I’ll give it a try because one hole is driving me crazy!
I don’t really have a bad hole but I have a bad shot. Can I use this technique on my bad shot?
Just had to come back and report that this technique works!!! It really does! I had a bad hole at my course that I would always bogey or double bogey but yesterday I played and I got a birdie on this hole. I can’t believe it!! I want to kiss you Jeff!!!
Sounds like great advice. I will try it.
i have a hole that i really stuggle on. i hope this is the cure because it is very embarrassing for me playing this hole.
Love the tips. Keep em coming BUT when and how can I get a consistent golf system?
Sounds interesting, I will try.
Thanks for the tip.
Nearly always end up in the lake when I play this hole – will definitely try this
Time will tell!
Thanks I’ll try that – but I have 3 bogy holes – 3 par 3s. I’ll let you l know in a months time
Can’t wait to get started I think it will work, THANKS.
I have a short water hole on the 7th which attracts my ball like a magnet! Will try this for a month
Hi. It is an interesting learning technique. I believe some of the olympic shooting skiing cross country teams use this technique (PS They would be exhausted if they practised reality). Two south Australian league football teams, Port Adelaide and Sturt, used a similar technique for 6 straight premierships each. Australian Championship archers have used this technique for many years and shoot arrows in their visions … the research showed that they scored the same in the championships as those who practiced all day every day.
Worth a try
Sounds like a mental image and a visualization “trick’ that, if I put it into action, should work.
Thank you
good NLP, It should work. Thanks
this is crazy, like you said in the video, but I’m going to try it and see if it works, thanks
jeff. On my courrse in flagstaff , az there are 4 holes over water that I usually take double to triple bogey & destroy my confidence. I tighten up & make a short inefective swing & hit it into the hszzard. I have been unable to over come this no matter what I try.
Hi Jeff, no particular bogey hole – they all are at one time or another but I’ll try it on oneand see what happens
Great idea! I have “a bunch” of these ‘special’ holes to work on.Thanks for the Mental Maylox!
Amazing !!!!!!!!
I’m going to try the crazy music technique next time out!
I think it’s a great Idea – it will be so much nicer to laugh instead of cry!! I’ll let you know how I get on.
Sounds weird…but I’m willing to try it!
(I’ll try anyrhing at this stage to improve my score on this hole,(the 10 at Gavea Golf Club in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil).
great advice , will put into practical immediately………..hope its work.
Sounds weird, but I will try it!
Sounds crazy but I’m going to try it out. I’m tired of getting double bogey’s on the easy holes at my home course!
This is great info Jeff. One hole on my local track get’s me every time. I am going to give this a go. What’s to lose! Cheers.
Thanks for sharing! I’ll give it a try.
Very Good Will Try
Yep. Sounds weird but also sensible. Will give it a try. I have the perfect hole to envision
Gonna try!!Thanks sounds fun!
Sounds good but I have about 13 bogey holes in an 18 hole round!!
It’s crazy to green
N like this one
Great tip. ?
Jeff, You are unique!!!
for some reason the video won’t open, it gust keeping in the attempt to load I have enjoyed, other tips you have made.The putter where you missed the holes, and not watching the ball. Great info.
Sounds weird but will give it a try!
I will try tonight when I go to bed. I won’t playing golf for a while there is about six inches of snow on the ground.But I will give it a try when I can get out playing.Thanks for the infor.