Below is a sample video from the best golf flexiblity DVD’s (there’s two of them) I’ve ever seen. You can’t purchase these DVD’s from anywhere else anymore. But because they are so good I have secured the rights to sell them now. They are from the fitness guru, Bill Hartman. Now before you watch this…
Read MoreHere’s a great golf video tip from Stan Utley in which he shares some awesome advice for improving your chipping. Stan Utley is the author of the book called The Art of the Short Game. Great golfers know that the secret to a lower score is a solid short game, but mastering those small strokes…
Read MoreThe chipping stroke is very easy. Or at least it should be very easy, because next to putting chipping is one of the smallest movements required in the game of golf. A good chip shot requires very little use of the body and wrists. The problem with most amateur golfers, however, is that they use…
Read MoreThis is a review of the C No Evil product available at: This product review is the strangest product review I have ever done… and here’s why. The picture you see of that product to the left is not what I’m reviewing. Huh?! No, I’m reviewing the concept of this product. Here’s the story…
Read MoreThere’s one thing all my golfing patients have in common – they wish they had done something to protect their back. There are 30 million active golfers in the USA alone, 40% of which get injured each year – that’s a lot of bad backs. The lumbar spine (lower back) is the most common site…
Read MoreTo hit longer drives the formula is really simple: If you normally swing at 85 mph on the downswing and through the ball and then you increase that swing speed to 95 mph you will hit the ball further. About 25 yards further in fact, because for every 1 mph you increase your swing speed…
Read MoreTo help you increase your putting confidence here is a simple putting drill you can do. For this practice putting drill you will need your putter and one golf ball. This is a simple, fast and fun putting exercise. In fact this golf drill is so fast you can do it almost every time you…
Read MoreDo you want to break 80 when playing a game of golf? Really! Well, erase all doubt about it! ACT AS IF you are already able to break 80 and have even done it before! Go on about your life pretending to yourself that you are a 70’s shooter and just keep forging ahead. And…
Read MoreYou can use your mind to improve your golf game like you wouldn’t believe. Read these stories to see what unlimited potential and possibilities you have available when you learn the mental secrets these people knew. During the late 60’s when the U.S. was at war in Vietnam, U.S. Air force col. George Hall, was…
Read MoreIf you go to pretty much any driving range and watch how golfer’s practice, you’ll see many golfers stopping at the top of their backswing and trying to see if the club is in a good top of the backswing position. Naturally it’s very hard to tell by doing this so in this article I’m…
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