Posts by Jeff Richmond
Long Drive Myth #8 – If You Try To Swing Faster You’ll Get Injured
I’ve said this a million times, but I’ll say it again because it’s so important… the faster you swing… the further the ball will go. For every 1mph you increase your swing speed by, you’ll gain roughly 2.2 – 2.5 yards in distance. So following programs like this can help you to dramatically improve the…
Read MoreLong Drive Myth #7 – You’re Too Old To Increase Your Swing Speed
I so often hear older golfers say….”I’m (insert age here) and I’m too old to even try to increase my swing speed.” It’s sad…but they’re right, IF… They Keep That Attitude! Look, no matter what age you are, if you can swing a golf club you can increase your swing speed. And if you follow…
Read MoreLong Drive Myth #6 – Drive For Dough Putt For Show
If you’ve been around golf for a little while you would have heard of the saying… Drive For Show Putt For Dough And what that is implying is that you can drive great but it doesn’t really matter that much. You’ll impress some people, look good, yada, yada. But it’s not that important because what really…
Read MoreLong Drive Myth #5 – Added Distance Will Be Inaccurate Distance
There’s a popular misconception among average golfers, that if you gain distance you’ll be less accurate. I’m not sure where that misconception came from – BUT it’s wrong! Look… you can hit the ball longer and be MORE accurate, because if you look at the main things you can do to hit the ball longer,…
Read MoreLong Drive Myth #4 – You Need Expensive Equipment To Measure Smash Factor
Have you heard of the term “Smash Factor”? Smash Factor is the term used for the measurement of your ball speed, divided by your clubhead speed. This measurement is so important, because it tells you how well you hit the ball in terms of transferring speed into the golf ball. And the largest influence on…
Read MoreLong Drive Myth #3 – Pro’s Swing Slowly
You hear it all the time on golf courses….I need to slow my swing down. Maybe you’ve even said that yourself. Well, unless you swing at 160 mph and are spraying it all over the place you don’t need to slow your swing down….ever! You may need better timing. You may need better rhythm and…
Read MoreLong Drive Myth #2 – You Can’t Add Lot’s Of Distance To Your Drives Quickly
No doubt you’ve seen the ads that say things like… “Add 30 Yards To Your Drives In A Bucket Of Balls”. And if you’ve purchased anything that says something like that, you would have quickly found out that you can’t add 30 yards to your drives in a bucket of balls. But that doesn’t mean…
Read MoreLong Drive Myth #1 – You Can’t Increase Your Swing Speed
Imagine getting someone who is 15 years old, never trained in their life and can run the 100 meter sprint in 15 seconds and saying to them…. “Sorry, that’s as fast as you can run. Don’t try to train to run faster because you just won’t get any faster.” That would be a stupid thing…
Read MoreThe Long Game Improvement Plan – Part 5
In this part of the long game improvement plan we’re going to be discussing tempo, rhythm, timing and an automatic golf swing. So let’s start by looking at… Rhythm & Timing If you watch any great golfer’s swing they will have great rhythm and timing. But “trying” to swing with great rhythm and timing is…
Read MoreThe Long Game Improvement Plan – Part 4
In this part of the the long game improvement plan we’re going to be looking at the follow-through and the finish of the golf swing. So let’s start by looking at… The Follow-Through Now before we begin I want to clear up what the follow-through is and to help me do this I’m going to…
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