You’ve made a great decision to get the 15 Minutes To A Perfect Golf Swing program. But please read this entire page carefully now because it compliments perfectly what you’ve just purchased…
How To Repeat Your Great Golf Shots — Consistently
By Jeff Richmond, Director of Instruction, ConsistentGolf™
re you frustrated with your lack of consistency and wonder why you can’t repeat your great golf shots consistently?
You know what, I totally understand how frustrating it is to know that you’re capable of hitting great golf shots but you have no idea how to repeat them once….let alone consistently.
But don’t worry because as you read every word of this articleyou’ll finally discover what you need to do to repeat your great golf shots (without hours of practice) so you will hit great shot after great shot just like a well oiled machine.
But why has no one taught you this before?
It’s very simple: once you find out and master what I’m going to reveal in this article you will no longer need to search for some miracle tip, amazing new swing theory, revolutionary new golf clubs/balls or incredible gadgets. And if you no longer search and buy these things a lot of golf companies will go bust.
The bottom line is that your golfing inconsistency is good for business.
Which is sad, real sad, I know, but it’s the truth and the truth has to be said. Because golf is one of the most addictive and fun games there is it means there are lots of people and companies out there that don’t give a damn whether you improve or not. All they care about is making a quick buck while this game is at fever pitch.
Is it sick or what?
The truth that no one wants to talk about or admit is that all the stuff that promises to improve your golf game simply does not teach you how to repeat your great golf shots consistently.
And it’s sad how you love to hit great golf shots but you rarely get to experience this thrill consistently because practically all the ways you’ve been taught and shown steer you away from ever being able to do this.
Obviously you love the feeling you get when you hit that perfect golf shot…when golf is easy…when you shoot your best ever scores…. when your handicap is coming down.
What a game!
But as you know, there’s one teeny little problem that sort of takes away the enjoyment of hitting your greatest ever golf shots and shooting your lowest ever scores:
Because you would do almost anything to repeat those great performances consistently, since golf is miserably depressing when you’re playing badly, you’re basically forced to use anything that sounds “reasonable” in an attempt to fix your consistency problems for good.
Anyone would be frustrated not knowing how to repeat their great golf shots consistently….shots that give you that cruel knowledge that you have great ability and potential.
Anyone would feel frustration building up inside them when there is never any chance of finding out how to consistently repeat what they’ve proven they can do on occasions.
You know, it’s only natural to feel frustrated after hitting bad golf shots when you’ve proven you’re capable of so much more. But who needs to feel like this when you’re playing a game you love? Why should anyone have it so hard….when it can be so easy?
There must be a better way!
Well there is…and in this article I’m going to explain a golf system that guarantees you golfing consistency month in, month out BUT…
- You WILL NEVER get these answers from any golf magazine
- You WILL NEVER get these answers from any golf video.
- You WILL NEVER get these answers from any golf book you’d ever find in a bookshop
- You WILL NEVER get these answers from any golf professional
- You WILL NEVER get these answers from anything you’ll ever see on T.V., and
- You WILL NEVER get these answers from any other website on the Internet
No, you WILL NEVER get these answers from anyone else, because the real honest answers that I’m going to reveal to you here are totally unique, yet totally, unbelievably easy at the same time.
Now before I explain this system to you, imagine playing a game of golf while hitting every drive as good as your best ever drive. Imagine hitting every putt as good as your best ever putt….imagine hitting every chip as good as your best ever chip….and imagine hitting every pitch as good as your best ever pitch.
How low will your scores be when you consistently do that?
Picture in your mind’s eye the satisfaction and confidence you’ll feel walking onto the golf course knowing you’ve got a system that lets you consistently repeat what you did before and during your greatest ever golf shots.
Imagine playing golf without the feeling of hope, then despair of yet another quick fix not working because you have one method of playing golf that gives you the long term golfing consistency and success you’ve always wanted and dreamed about.
Because is there anything worse than walking off the course knowing you could have saved 5, 6, 7 or more shots easily if it wasn’t for dumb mistakes?
Don’t you hate missing shots in a game that you can play easily while practicing? And isn’t it so frustrating having to write down a score on practically every hole that should easily be one, two or more shots better!
Plus isn’t it depressing after your games of golf to think how many shots better you should have scored if it wasn’t for your massive inconsistency between your great golf shots and your bad golf shots.
And don’t you hate the fact that you never get given a permanent solution to your consistency problems — only band-aids and quick fixes that cover the real consistency problem for a short period of time? (Read this next story, and see if it sounds all too familiar!)
“CRACK! Your ball shoots off from your clubface like a bullet from a gun. You finish your swing and watch your ball climb high up into the blue sky and it seems to hang up there for a fraction of a second before falling gently to the ground. And as your ball is falling you notice that it has some draw spin on it….WOW!…what an awesome feeling.
That felt so damn gooood!!
You look around the driving range to see if anyone saw that last shot. It must’ve gone well past the 250-yard marker…on the fly!
You tee up another ball. You want that “awesome” feeling back, and hey, why shouldn’t you, you’ve just proven you can do it? You get yourself ready to hit the ball, and you’re trying so damn hard to remember exactly what you just did to hit such a great golf shot.
You can’t remember too much about the physical swing, apart from the great feeling of powerful, yet relaxed ease that you seemed to have during and after the swing.
What a feeling!
It felt so smooth, rhythmical and easy. And you can’t believe what awesome distance you got from such an easy, effortless swing.
From all the stuff you’ve read everyone seems to agree that to have a good repeating swing you need a slow and low take-away along with a steady head. And that must be what you did to hit that last great shot. Yeah, so just try to concentrate on those two things.
You start your backswing sloooowly and try really, really hard to keep your head still. But this time instead of your swing being like it’s on auto-pilot it feels stiff and mechanical. And it’s like you’ve been given rubber-shafted clubs and a steel ball – CLUNK! The ball squirts off to the right with an ugly looking banana slice! You silently scream to yourself….it’s just so damn frustrating.
Why can’t you repeat that great golf shot?
Why do you go from one extreme to the other?…Why? Why? Why?…now calm down. Take some nice, slow deep breathes. This frustration is not going to do your golf game any good, you know that for sure, don’t you?
OK, those swing thoughts didn’t help but what can you try now?
Just then you remember reading in Tiger’s book that your swing shouldn’t go past parallel.
Now maybe that’s what happened on that last shot. You let your swing collapse at the top and your club went beyond parallel. That’s it! You tee up another ball excited about the possibilities of solving your consistency problem once and for all. And if that’s what Tiger thinks about, then it’s gotta help you, right?
So you swing making damn sure that your club does Not Go Beyond Parallel and THUD.
It wasn’t a great shot but at least it went straighter than last time. You tee up another ball and before you swing you again remind yourself not to swing beyond parallel…THUD.
Again, it wasn’t a great shot but it went relatively straight and straight certainly beats the jungle, that’s for sure! You could be onto something here. You tee up another ball, setup to the shot and start your backswing slowly and deliberately and make sure that your swing is nowhere close to parallel and….CRACK!
Yes, that felt solid and it flew straight! That’s it, you’ve finally found the secret.
But hold on, you’d better hit a few more shots before you start getting too excited. You’ve been let down so many times in the past when you’ve honestly believed you’ve found the answer to your consistency problems. Times when you would’ve put the house on the fact that you’ve got this game licked.
So you tee up another ball and remind yourself to just do what you did on that last shot.
Concentrating on keeping the club short of parallel you start your swing and focus on your backswing. How far exactly did you go back?… CLUNK…another big banana slice. This is getting embarrassing!
You decide to take a short break and think about things because this practice is getting you nowhere…fast!
As you’re taking a break you suddenly remember that great golf shot you hit about 10 minutes ago. The one that felt so easy and powerful. You remember the awesome feeling you got from that shot. The rush that went right up your arms as soon as you struck the shot. The sense of power that you got from watching the ball fly high and true with that great looking draw. Man that felt good!
You decide you’re going to do that again. You’re determined and you’re not going to be denied. There’s just got to be something out there that can help you to repeat that perfect shot. OK, think, think. If you can just figure out what you did and then repeat it…man, you’d be some great golfer.
Maybe it was your grip?
Yeah that’s it, your grip must’ve slipped back to your old one. So you tee up another ball and setup to the ball making damn sure your grip is just right and then you swing and…CLUNK…crap! What about???…”
Is this anyway to play golf?
How many of us live with the false hope that some “quick fix” is going to give us long-term golfing consistency and success?
And is it any wonder over 95% of golfers greatly lack consistency trying to improve their golf game using the same old quick fix, try this, hope like hell it helps, golfing information, swing advice and gadgets that guarantees we’ll never consistently repeat our great golf shots!
We can talk all you want about how having the right amount of professional and technical knowledge should be enough to be consistent. We can talk all you want about how the current swing theory and the right equipment are all you need. We can talk all you want about all of that stuff, but clearly it’s all meaningless.
Obviously the real secret to becoming the consistent golfer you want and dream of being is to simply find out what you did mentally before and during your great golf shots and then consistently repeat that.
And that’s why you can play great one minute and crap the next.
Because the times you’re playing great you automatically go through a mental process before each and every shot that gives you the most chance of success. And this mental process lets you swing with nothing going through your mind as to what you should or shouldn’t be doing.
Or in other words, you just hit the damn ball without any technical crap buzzing around in your head!
So when you hit your bad shots, when you lose your consistency, it’s simply because you have not gone through the same mental process you used before you hit your great golf shots. Plus, when you hit your bad shots you most certainly don’t have a blank mind when swinging do you?
You’ve got a million and one things racing through your head…keep your left arm straight, watch the ball, make sure you turn your shoulders 90 degrees, whatever you do don’t fat this one, keep your head still, transfer your weight, don’t hit it right because there’s OB over there etc., etc.
Now with all these types of thoughts bouncing around in your head are you surprised you lack consistency? And are you surprised you can’t fix your consistency problems for good when almost everyone is trying to give you a physical solution?
Practically everything you’ve been taught that promises to fix your consistency problem stresses how you must do all the physical movements correctly, which gives you even more to think about doesn’t it?
This is crazy and it has to stop NOW! Let me explain…
Anytime you or anyone else hits a great shot, no matter what level of golfer they are, you’ll have one thing in common during the stroke.
Your mindset will be exactly the same.
Because no one has ever hit consistently good golf shotswithout their mind being relaxed, focused and totally void of any technical thoughts!
And no one has ever hit consistently good golf shots while concentrating on the physical movements when swinging a golf club.
Having said that, every golfer that has ever played this great game has analyzed what’s gone wrong mechanically after they’ve hit a bad golf shot BUT the golfers that become successful, consistent and fully enjoy playing golf to the best of their potential realize there is no such thing as a perfect swing. For example, did you have a perfect swing when you hit your great golf shots?
Important Note:
When you see the 15 Minutes To A Perfect Golf Swing method you’ll quickly see how all of this fits together perfectly. There is no one perfect golf swing but there’s a perfect golf swing for YOU. And that program will help you find it.
Of course you didn’t have “the” perfect golf swing. The reason you hit your great shots was because you were in a state of mind that let yourself hit the great shot.
And is this state of mind going to come from some technical knowledge?…Is this state of mind going to come from trying some “new” swing theory?…Is this state of mind going to ever come from a lesson from some pro?…Is this state of mind ever going to come from some technical/mechanical instructional book or video?…Is this state of mind going to come from some gadget?
Obviously it isn’t.
Because clearly this state of mind is only going to come when you find out and repeat the 7 mental secrets YOU used before and during every great golf shot. And this is the secret to becoming the consistent golfer you dream of becoming. It’s the secret to finding out how to repeat what you did mentally to hit your great golf shots so you can hit great shot after great shot without hours or practice.
Or in other words, finding out and practicing the 7 mental secrets you used before and during your great golf shots is the quickest and easiest way for you to become a more consistent ball striker without practicing for hour after hour.
Plus it’s the simplest way to play closer to the potential that you’ve proven you’re capable of…and no one is teaching you it until now!
But I want to make sure you’re not mixing up my message here.
I’m not saying that the physical setup and swing fundamentals aren’t important. No, I’m not saying that at all.
But what I am saying is that obviously if you don’t find out how to repeat the 7 mental secrets you used before and during every great golf shot you’ve ever hit, then you don’t have a hope in hell of becoming a consistent golfer…no matter how good your setup and swing become.
Because if you had a “perfect swing” BUT you often lose your concentration or you choose the wrong club or choose the wrong options or you have a bunch of negative thoughts going through your head as you’re swinging (or a million other mental mistakes) you’ll never play well consistently.
Obviously the bottom line here is that the fastest, most dependable way for you to become a consistent golfer is to find out and repeat the 7 mental secrets you used when you’ve hit your greatest ever golf shots. That way, you’ll be more relaxed, have less frustration and enjoy playing golf more than ever!
To help you do that I have put all 7 mental secrets onto a program called:
The Perfect Shot System
Here’s what a few golfers who have been through this program have achieved…
The Secret To Consistent Golf He’s Been Looking For…
“I have just finished Day 45 of the plan. I must say that the way you’ve laid everything out makes it extremely easy to follow and implement. This complete system will give me the ability to play to my potential consistently and I have never seen such a program like this before. It’s what I’ve been searching for so long. When I started I was averaging 92.4 but now I’m averaging 85.2. I have a clear plan and I know I will succeed much more by following it. This is the secret to consistent golf that I have been looking for. Thanks Jeff!”
W Moore, Texas, USA
Finally Learnt How To Play One Shot At A Time….
“I have heard so many times that you should play one shot at a time but no one has shown me how to do it. This system has changed all of that. After 50 days of putting the plan in this system into practice my golf game has improved dramatically. For example, I was on 19 when I started and I’m now on 14. I used to 3 putt at least once every game but I haven’t had one single 3 putt since starting to use this system! My chipping has also made a big improvement as well as my entire golf game including accuracy off the tee. I am for once confident on the golf course. The 7 mental secrets in this system are the right way to go if you want to become a consistent golfer. I firmly believe that.”
C Martin, Utah, USA
Do It At Home And See Great Results On The Course…
“This system has been a HUGE asset to my game. The thing I liked most about it was that you can do most of it at home and then see the great results on the golf course. For example, my average score before getting this system was around about 95. I didn’t keep accurate records but that would be pretty close. Now 4 months after following the instructions in this system I am shooting on average 85.4. This is amazing to me and my golfing buddies are dumb founded with my improvement. The magic in this system is with doing all the techniques together. I’ve done a few of them randomly in the past but when you put them all together like you show then the results are mind blowing. This was the best golf investment ever and the thing I liked the most was that I could do it all at home. My playing partners are amazed at my improvement because they never see me practice!”
B Tasker, Texas, USA
Do It At Home And See Great Results On The Course…
“This system has been a HUGE asset to my game. The thing I liked most about it was that you can do most of it at home and then see the great results on the golf course. For example, my average score before getting this system was around about 95. I didn’t keep accurate records but that would be pretty close. Now 4 months after following the instructions in this system I am shooting on average 85.4. This is amazing to me and my golfing buddies are dumb founded with my improvement. The magic in this system is with doing all the techniques together. I’ve done a few of them randomly in the past but when you put them all together like you show then the results are mind blowing. This was the best golf investment ever and the thing I liked the most was that I could do it all at home. My playing partners are amazed at my improvement because they never see me practice!”
B Tasker, Texas, USA
Added At Least 30 Yards To His Drives…
“The plan with this system is brilliant! For once in my life I can actually learn what it’s like to play one shot at a time. Because of the exercises in this plan I have increased my drives by at least 30 yards. It is only the system that has helped me to do this because I have made no other changes. My playing partners have asked me what I have been doing but I’m keeping it secret. It’s too much fun taking their money every week. Before I got this system I was on a 26 handicap. Now 3 months later I am on an 18 handicap and loving golf a lot more than ever. I could never imagine playing golf without using this secret weapon. It’s just never going to happen. Getting this system was the best golf investment I have ever made because I can make huge improvements to my golf game without hitting thousands of balls!”
R Lee, Arizon, USA
Did you notice how most of the golfers above talk about a plan?
Well, what they are referring to is a comprehensive step-by-step plan that helped them create and habitualize a simple and quick mental routine (which takes less than 20 seconds) to use before and during every golf shot.
With The Perfect Shot System You’ll Discover A Simple 20 Second Mental Routine That Will Help You To Repeat Your Great Shots Consistently
And I Will Support You 100% To Ensure You Become The Consistent Golfer You’ve Dreamed About
Now this simple and quick mental routine includes the 7 mental secrets these golfers used every time they hit a great golf shot, which in turn gives them the most chance of doing it again. Obviously this leads to the golfing consistency they’ve always wanted and dreamed about without the hours and hours of practice they thought and were led to believe they’d have to put in to get it.
And here’s how this plan is setup.
After the first 30 days of the plan (which only takes an average of 13 minutes and 46 seconds each day) you’ll have the exact same mental routine to use before and during each shot as everyone else that follows this plan.
And the reason I designed it this way was to give each golfer the necessary mental skills and knowledge to then personalize their routine to match as closely as possible to what they did mentally when they hit their great golf shots. Which is what you’ll be doing for the rest of the days of the plan.
But don’t think for a second that you have to do all the days exercises consecutively because that could not be further from the truth. You can do 2, 3, 4 or however many days of the plan you want, take a break and then pick up again where you left off, no problem.
Also you can do ALL the exercises at home…anytime, day or night with very little time commitment.
And that time commitment (or lack of it) is a very big thing.
Because I know what it’s like to play or practice very little but still have a burning desire to really improve at this great game. And that’s why I designed The Perfect Shot System to fit around golfers busy lives instead of it being their lives.
Anyway, I can assure you, when you practice there is no guarantee you are going to get better, a lot of times you will be practicing the wrong things or the wrong way and get worse as a result…what a waste of time!
But with this system…
You Are Guaranteed To Get Better
Without Hours Of Practice
Plus, this system is so easy to follow even a kid could do it, and I wish I did have this system when I was a kid. Who knows how good I could have become and how much money I would have saved on lessons, books, videos and gadgets. Not to mention how much time I wasted practicing things that were never going to help me improve.
So here’s just some of what you’ll find out when you get The Perfect Shot System yourself…
- Find out how to consistently and easily get your mind into the same state it was in when you hit your greatest ever golf shots.
How to concentrate 100% on each and every golf shot to give yourself the most chance of success.
- How to hit every shot without any technical thoughts destroying your swing.
- How to trigger your mind to completely concentrate on the shot at hand to the exclusion of everything that has happened in the past or may happen in the future.
- The mental technique that Jack Nicklaus used to become arguably the best golfer the world has ever seen.
- How to make all your golf swings as automatic as driving a car, walking or eating. You know you hit your best shots without any negative thoughts telling you what you should and shouldn’t do as you swing. But now you’ll finally find out how to hit every golf shot with a blank mind.
- How to reduce your worry and anxiety about results. Trying to make a score or trying to force things to happen is one of the worst things you can do if you ever hope to consistently repeat your great golf shots or play great golf consistently.
The simple mental technique that helps your anxiety, confidence and motivation all at once.
- How NOT to become score conscious when you’re heading for your best ever score, i.e. when you’re in with a chance of breaking 100, 90,80 or even 70.
- The best mental technique that will teach you how to be relaxed and in control all the time on the golf course.
- How to block penalty inducing elements (e.g. out-of-bounds, bunkers, lakes, trees etc..) out of your mind.
- The four things you must do before you will ever have a consistent, repeatable and reliable swing.
- The simple mental technique that will increase your golfing confidence by over 100% – instantly.
- How and what to practice so you don’t waste your time.
- The secret mental technique Tiger Woods used naturally as a kid to hit shots consistently where he wanted them to go.
- How to play all your golf shots without any fear.
- Find out how to mentally prepare so you play your best golf every round.
- The best technique you will ever find to cure bad faults that you may have done for years, e.g. can’t play bunker shots or always miss short putts etc., etc.
- The secret mental technique that ensures you concentrate on the shot at handwithout thinking about the past or future. Or in other words: how to really play one shot at a time!
- How to improve your putting and chipping touch without practicing.
How to automatically swing without any conscious thoughts destroying your chances of success.
- Find out how to use only the necessary amount of muscular tension in your body to hit all your golf shots consistently to the best of your ability.Because over tightening your muscles at the wrong time in your swing is one of the biggest causes of bad shots, i.e. slices, missed putts, duffed chips etc., etc.
- How to stop a bad shot from destroying your round. How many times do you hit more than two bad shots in a row? It’s easy to stop this from happening when you learn how.
- Take a simple and quick test that will clearly show you the differences between your great golf shots and your poor ones. Then you’ll find out what simple exercises you can do to easily hit more great shots.
- Discover what you must do to choose the best club for every shot you face. It’s no good being able to hit great golf shots if you can’t choose the right club, is it?
- Find out what to ask yourself after your shots to ensure you play your next shot to the best of your ability.
- How to…
Feel Relaxed And At Ease Over Every Single Shot
Trust me, this feeling is so much better than feeling nervous and afraid about what may happen.
- Discover the little known technique that will let you go from frustrated to motivated in a split second. This is a critical skill to use after bad shots and by finding out this technique you’ll save yourself a lot of shots you would have normally wasted.
- How you can enter into a state of relaxed concentration when playing any golf shot. This will let you to have all your focus on what you are doing to the exclusion of everything else happening around you. Imagine how good you’ll play once you learn that.
- How you can become a confident golfer with a click of the fingers. Also use this amazing mental technique to completely relax yourself in less than a second.
After reading just some of the benefits of The Perfect Shot System you can obviously see that this system has so much practical information, techniques and exercises that you’ll never find anywhere else — and clearly that’s why I have everyone who get’s this system sign a non-disclosure form.
Now when a golfer get’s this system I give my total commitment and support to that person to ensure that each golfer is 100% successful with this system.
Clearly this personal support and attention takes a huge amount of my time. So to limit the amount of people going through this I only give people one opportunity to get this system after an order and and I don’t advertise this anywhere else after that. This is to limit the people that get this because if I had a lot more people completing this system at any one time I just couldn’t provide the level of support I feel this extraordinary system deserves. And when I get too many people in this program I simply pull out this one time offer.
But because you’re reading this right now it means I have some space for you to be involved in this amazing program. So when you get this system today you’ll be able to download a 126 page PDF, which simply and easily explains the…
7 Mental Secrets You’ll Use To
Repeat Your Great Golf Shots
This is called The Perfect Shot Methodology and here’s a partial list of the little known and almost unheard of information you’ll finally have access to:
Find out how to quickly and easily program your mind for long term golfing consistency and success by using the same amazing mental secret Tiger Woods was taught, by a sport psychologist, as an amateur and continued using after he turned pro. (See pages 110-126 for a full explanation)
- Discover the one simple question you MUST ask yourself before every golf shot you face to be guaranteed good, consistent results. You asked yourself this question subconsciously before every great golf shot you’ve ever hit . (Read page 11 to find out what this one critical question is)
- Find out the secret rule that will consistently and dramatically boost your enjoyment levels to what you experienced the first time you ever hit a great golf shot. (See page 17 for this amazing rule)
- Find out the simple and amazing mental technique that will let you automatically and effortlessly identify and relax any unwanted tension in your body that may stop you from swinging your absolute best. (Fully explained on pages 28-30. Plus you’re given the exercises to practice this technique on CD #2 & #3)
- Find out the thought process you must go through for every aspect of your game and for every shot, to give yourself the best possible chance of success. (See pages 33-69 to learn this)
- Listen to simple exercises on CD #4 that will train and improve your concentration levels so that you can focus 100% on each and every golf shot to the exclusion of everything else!
- Find out and master the secret Jack Nicklaus used to become the most consistent golfer the world has ever seen and learn how he used this secret to win 18 Major Championships. (See pages 89-100 for full details and exercises)
- Discover and consistently repeat the amazing mental technique you used when you hit all your great golf shots! (See pages 101-109 to find out how to consistently repeat this exciting secret that you’ve used only before your greatest ever golf shots)
- You’ll finally find out a simple mental technique that you can use before every golf shot, letting you just swing naturally and automatically with a blank mind. (See pages 114-115 for the secret)
Obviously with this system you’ll finally have the rare opportunity to discover just how much fun golf can be…when you abandon all the useless swing theories, ideas, tips and gadgets that sound good, but don’t teach you how to consistently repeat what you did to hit your greatest ever golf shots.
You’ll now be able to…
Play Golf With The Consistency
You’ve Only Dreamed About
All this without putting in the hours of physical work you may have thought you needed to become a consistent golfer.
Also, you’ll finally find out what the top golfers in the world do mentally to play consistent golf week after week, month after month, year after year. And you’ll now have the rare opportunity to discover just how much fun golf can be.
Plus you’ll now be able to hit the golf ball with an automatic fluid swing that will never break down, because it’s just so simple.
And if you’re one of the lucky ones who gets The Perfect Shot System today you’ll never have to say “I hit some great shots out there. If only I could repeat those great shots consistently, I’d really improve.”
Won’t that be nice?
Also with your Perfect Shot System, you’ll never be alone out there anymore. I’m always here with you…. anytime you need help, or just want someone to talk to. Because I know what it’s like to come off the course knowing you could’ve played so much better but you don’t know how or what to do about it.
And I know what it’s like to have played great some shots and terrible on others. I also know what it’s like to have some fantastic scores on some holes only to need a calculator on others. Plus I know what it’s like to be playing great one second, only for one bad shot to set off a chain reaction of bad shots. And I also know what it’s like to be totally frustrated with all of this and have no one else give a damn.
Because of all of this, when you get this unique system today you are only given the best advice and care from me personally to make sure your consistency problem is beaten, not just for today or tomorrow but for good!
But that’s not even half of it because when you get The Perfect Shot System now you will also get the following to make sure you succeed…
Unlimited Email Support System
Look, I’m 100% committed to making sure you get the consistency, enjoyment and handicap you deserve with The Perfect Shot System, and that’s why I back this up with free email support.
If you have any golfing questions, problems or need any assistance in using the system I’m personally here to help you.
That is another reason why you can feel safe trying this system, because I give you a complete service guarantee. I’m so convinced that The Perfect Shot System will work for you that I give you my personal back up and support guarantee when you try this system.
You can ask me any questions at anytime. There is no extra charge for me to help you with any golfing problem. I will give you better, more specific information and help than anyone else ever will.
See, unlike everyone else that promises to improve your golf game I will never leave you hanging. Which is another major difference between me and other forms of golf improvement information. I know what it takes to be consistent. I understand the commitment you’re making when you try this system and I honor that commitment by backing you up 100%.
The Perfect Shot Plan
With this system you also get a 197 page plan. This plan explains in simple step-by-step details exactly what you should be doing and when to create a mental routine that matches as closely as possible to what you did when you hit your great golf shots.
In this plan you’ll find simple and easy to understand, step-by-step instructions, along with over 147 pictures, showing you exactly what you should be doing on any given day. Plus you’re given simple daily progress charts so you can tick off each task as you complete it to keep track of where you’re up to. Also, you’re given 5 MP3’s that have all the exercises you need to complete the program.
So this plan will help you to easily turn the 7 mental secrets in the system into a habit…fast! A habit that you will use before and during every golf shot you play until your golfing days are done.
And this new habit of yours will give you the most chance you’ve ever had of hitting every shot to the potential you’ve proven you’re capable of when you’ve hit your greatest ever shots.
Plus when you get The Perfect Shot System now you’ll also get…
The Perfect Shot Game Recorder Manual
This 52 page PDF manual gives you 1 entire page to record the critical information from your games relating to The Perfect Shot System. Once you get the system you’ll find out the one and only goal you should set for each golf game to ensure you play to the best of your ability every single game.
With this Game Recorder Manual you’ll find out the one and only thing you should be “trying” to do when you play golf and how you can measure whether you’re a success or not. It’s easy once you know how.
Relaxed Concentration Programming MP3
Imagine playing shot after shot completely focused on what you need to be doing without feeling tense or uncomfortable. Just imagine playing shot after shot without forcing, without any thoughts of what you MUST do to hit the ball CORRECTLY!
This Relaxed Concentration Programming MP3 gives you ONE amazingly simple mental exercise, that with practice will let you go into a relaxed and concentrated state (just what you want for every golf shot) upon saying 5 simple words and giving yourself a special secret physical touch.
Just imagine the possibilities of including this amazing mental technique with the other 7 mental secrets of The Perfect Shot System.
But that’s not all, because…
When You Get The Perfect Shot System Now You Will Also Get The Following For FREE…
Free Bonus #1 – Break 80 Without Practice – 4 CD Set (Audio MP3)
When you get The Perfect Shot System now you also get the famous Break 80 Without Practice 4 CD (in MP3 form) set by Craig Sigl that teaches you how to improve your golf game without practice. Thousands of golfers from all around the world have purchased this and improved their golf games…without practicing. It’s a perfect complement to The Perfect Shot System. Here’s what a few golfers said about this course:
Took 8 to 10 Shots Off His Game…
“Last year my game became so bad (shooting consistently over 100) that I seriously considered giving up the game for good. Since I’ve been exposed to Craig’s Break 80 Without Practice program, I am lowering my score week by week. I’m currently shooting in the low 90’s and fully expect to knock another 8 to 10 strokes off my game this year. I most value the fact that the program allowed me to understand and appreciate that what was stopping me from lowering my score was not my ability or knowledge of how to play the game, but simply my own brain and how my thoughts get in the way.”
S Middleton, NY, USA
Dropped 8 Shots And Broke 80 In 20 Days…
“Craig, just a note to tell you that after getting and listening to your 4cd break80 program I started putting in my mind the thought that I can break not only 80 but 70. While I haven’t been at it a full 20 plus days to ingrain the thought, I played my first round today since getting your cd and dropped my score by 8 strokes to 79! Thanks. With your help and my mental attitude, I WILL BREAK 70! “I like the program and I have recommended it to several of my friends. Even the cheap ones who squeeze a nickle so tight they get 4 cents change have listened to it and wanted to get a copy.”
G Dalton, Sacramento, USA
Didn’t Break 80 But 70!
“Craig, I replied to an email the other day to tell you that not ONLY did I break 80 after listening to your tapes for a week – I broke 70!! I shot a 66 on Friday, the 25th! It was an “out-of-body” experience! Absolutely fabulous! Everyone is pretty amazed by my 66 – including myself! …when Friday happened, I felt I had to give credit to your tapes. It was just too amazing for words!!I’m a member at Champions Golf Club in Houston, Tx and my handicap is 8.”
J Job, Houston, USA
Free Bonus #2 – Break 80 Without Practice eBook
In this 81 page book by Craig Sigl you’ll discover such things as…
- The fundamental psychological keys to achieving the impossible and having a career round this weekend.
- The 2 biggest mistakes golfers make that cause them to lose strokes after the 14th hole.
- Find out how to create that feeling of confidence where you can “will” the ball in the cup.
- How to eliminate all that negative thinking that ties you up in knots with tension, nervousness and stress.
Free Bonus #3 – 52 Ways To Lower Your Golf Score Without Practice eBook
In this 168 page book by Craig Sigl you get 52 quick ways to improve your golf game without practice. For example, you’ll learn…
- How to stop your past misses and failures from hurting your future performances (#6)
- How to master your emotions (#14)
- How to improve your putting touch in 5 minutes(#25)
- How to fix your slice permanently (#35)
- How to calm your nerves on the golf course(#52)
The next 13 free bonuses are mp3 audios by Craig Sigl to…
Program Your Mind To Improve Any Aspect
Of Your Golf Game That You Choose
These are proving very popular with my students because….
- They are the easiest and simplest way ever to improve any part of your golf game!
- Makes golf easy and so much more fun!
- Saves you time because you don’t need to practice!
- Reprograms your mind to fix any golf problem
- Allows positive suggestions to go into your mind without being discredited, blocked or analyzed!
- You can put them on your iPod and listen to them wherever you want.
So read the list of bonus audios and start thinking about which one’s you’re going to start listening to first.
Free Bonus #4 – How To Hit Every Club In Your Bag At Least 10 Yards Longer Programming Audio
- This audio guarantees to help you hit EVERY club in your bag 10 yards longer so you have shorter clubs into the greens to make golf easier and more fun.
Free Bonus #5 – How To Improve Your Long Game Accuracy Programming Audio
- This audio will program your mind with the necessary belief system so that you will automatically and naturally hit your golf shots as straight as an arrow.
Free Bonus #6 – How To Build YOUR Perfect Swing Programming Audio
- This audio will program your mind to help you build a repeatable, perfect golf swing for you.
Free Bonus #7 – How To Have A Short Game As Good As A Professional Programming Audio
- Listen to this audio and brainwash you mind to have the same positive, confident thinking that the great short game players have.
Free Bonus #8 – How To Become A Confident Bunker Player Programming Audio
- This audio will turn your attitude around from a fear of bunkers to rather being in a bunker than the rough – thinking just like the pro’s!
Free Bonus #9 – How To Become A Confident Putter Programming Audio
- This audio will make you feel like you did when you putted your best. Remember that feeling? You have done it more than once and now after listening to this audio you will be able to experience this confidence every time you play golf!
Free Bonus #10 – How To Read The Greens Like A Book Programming Audio
- Most golfers underestimate how much a putt will break and this includes pro’s. That’s a proven fact! But this audio is going to help you to read greens just like you would a book.
Free Bonus #11 – How To Become The Most Confident Golfer Possible (Part 1 of 2) Programming Audio
- In this audio you’ll be laying the foundation for building an unshakable confidence out on the golf course. Confidence that is not fazed by one or two bad shots because every golfer has them. This audio starts the process of building this confidence foundation.
Free Bonus #12 – How To Become The Most Confident Golfer Possible (Part 2 of 2) Programming Audio
- In this second audio session on confidence you get the final pieces of the puzzle needed for you to have unstoppable confidence no matter what. When you finish listening to this audio you’ll ooze confidence out on the golf course that will help you to slash strokes from your game.
Free Bonus #13 – How To Stop Distractions Ruining Your Golf Game Training Audio
- The best golfers, the golfers that enjoy playing golf the most have the mental skills to deal with distractions and not let them negatively affect the rest of the round. That’s what this awesome audio programs you to do. It’s a score saver!
Free Bonus #14 – How To Stop And Eliminate Fear From Your Golf Game Training Audio
- This audio training session will be worth it’s wait in gold to you because you’ll actually program your mind NOT to be afraid. Just imagine how much more you’ll not only enjoy playing golf without fear but how many shots you’ll drop off your scores when you can swing freely without fear crippling your natural swing.
Free Bonus #15 – How To Be Focused And Concentrate For All 18 Holes Training Audio
- When you get this audio and listen to it a lack of focus and concentration will be a thing of the past for you. Imagine how it would feel to keep your concentration levels high for every shot so that you focus 100% on what you need to and avoid those blow up holes.
Free Bonus #16 – How To Bring Your Practice Game To The Golf Course Training Audio
- This audio training session is going to program your mind to take your golf game that you’ve proven you can do on the driving range to the golf course. Picture in your mind’s eye the shots you’ll slash from your scores when you do that.
Next up you’re going to get the most comprehensive instructions you’ll find anywhere to…
Help You Play In The Zone Consistently
Just checkout everything you’re going to get now…
Free Bonus #17 – How To Play In The Zone Video (Part 1 of 3)
- In this video you’ll find out exactly what the zone is and how to get into the zone much, much more often. You’ll also find out the first step needed to help you do this.
Free Bonus #18 – How To Play In The Zone Video (Part 2 of 3)
- In this video you’ll discover one big key to helping you get in the zone more often and how you can practice this anywhere to help you get in the zone on the golf course. You’ll also discover the antidote to fear that will help you to naturally go into a zone state more easily.
Free Bonus #19 – How To Play In The Zone Video (Part 3 of 3)
- In this video you get specific exercises to help you feel the zone and then recreate that so you can almost experience playing in the zone at will. Once you have used these exercises you will then be able to find out exactly what works best for you to help you get in the zone.
Free Bonus #20 – How To Play In The Zone Training Audio
This audio actually programs your mind with the information that was in the zone 3 part videos series so that you train yourself to get into a flow state that will lead to the zone much, much more often.
Whew, is that a HUGE golf improvement package or what?! But please be aware that this TOTAL GOLF IMPROVEMENT package is only available on special along with all of these free bonuses on this page, right now. And because you have just purchased the 15 Minutes To Perfect Golf Swing program, this Perfect Golf Shot System is clearly the perfect compliment to it. So here’s what I’m going to do for you…
Right here, right now you can get the digital version of The Perfect Shot System for only $79 USD!
I am only doing this because I know when you combine the two programs together your golf game will be totally transformed for the better.
Plus remember, all this comes with my own personal help . And as you sit there reading this, I know you’re thinking about how great it would be to get The Perfect Shot System now so you too can find out how to hit great shot after great shot just like a well oiled machine.
However, I must warn you.
If you don’t get this system right now you WILL miss out on this special price and free bonuses! Because as I said, it’s only available on this page, right here, right now. If you leave this page without ordering The Perfect Shot System you will never be offered this special again plus…
This Special Offer Is NOT Available Anywhere Else
This is a ONE TIME Only Opportunity!
Look, I would feel terrible if you missed out on this special and wanted to get it in the future but couldn’t. So I urge you to click here to secure yourself a system right nowbefore you miss out, because this could be your only opportunity to find out how to consistently repeat your greatest ever golf shots.
Plus you risk absolutely nothing.
The Perfect Shot System is 100% guaranteed to be the best golf improvementinvestment you’ve ever made — or your money back. The guarantee is simple — you assume zero risk.
Here’s the deal: Go ahead and preview The Perfect Shot System in its entirety (that’s over 8 hours of audio and 395 crammed pages of information and pictures) without risking a single dime. If, for any reason, you’re not completely satisfied within 60 days of ordering – simply let me know and I will be happy to refund every penny of your purchase.
No explanation is necessary. You are under absolutely no obligation to keep the system if you’re not 100% satisfied. Plus, you can even keep all the free bonuses just as my way of thanking you for giving it a go.
But remember, to even try this system you must agree to the terms on this non-disclosure form, because if a person does not agree to the terms on that form I will not send the system out…period!
So does all of this make sense?
I hope so. But before I shut up I’d like to ask you to do me a favor and simply remember the last few games of golf you played.
Did you hit some great golf shots each and every game you played… some shots that you’d just love to know what you did and how you could repeat them consistently?
Obviously you did, because that’s what keeps you coming back for more isn’t it?
So if your problem is that you can’t consistently repeat your great golf shots, then I’ll show you the real answers to becoming more consistent than you’ve ever dreamed possible – without having to practice for hours to do it.
But again remember, before you can get this system you must agree to the terms on the non-disclosure form. So click here to go to that form now because you won’t get the system otherwise.
Now, if any of this makes even the slightest bit of sense to you, and you are serious about becoming a much more consistent golfer and having a lot more fun on the golf course because of this…then why not explore this a bit further?
Just the fact that you’ve read up until here must mean that you not only want to be a golfer…but you want to find out how to consistently repeat your great golf shots you know you’ve proven you can hit.
So do yourself a favor and click here to get The Perfect Shot System now while you’re on this page. Because once you leave this page without ordering now you will never get a chance to get this system again.
Remember, by getting it now you save yourself $718.00 and you get all the free bonuses. And just think how much information, products and services you’re getting and most of them FREE!
So while you’re thinking about how much more consistently you’ll play once you have this system, you begin to realize that you have only one choice to make, and that is to get The Perfect Shot System now while this is fresh in your mind.
Finally, I look forward to helping you to become more consistent than you’ve ever dreamed possible without practicing.
Jeff Richmond
Creator of the…
Perfect Shot System
P.S. By getting The Perfect Shot System now you will finally discover how to repeat your great shots. But before you can become one of the privileged few to find out the secrets of repeating what you did to hit your greatest ever golf shots you must agree to the terms on this Non-Disclosure Form. Because you will not get the system unless you do so.
Non-Disclosure Agreement For
The Perfect Shot System
Yes! I hereby agree to use the information provided in The Perfect Shot System in my own golf game and to share this system and what I’m doing only with members of my immediate family.
I understand that everything in The Perfect Shot System is protected by copyright, so that reproduction or distribution in any form is prohibited by law. Further, I understand that this system is giving me access to information and knowledge which I will not receive from any other golf source, and this is to be treated in the strictest of confidence.
I also understand that by securing a copy of The Perfect Shot Systemnow, I will finally learn how to consistently repeat what I did to hit my great golf shots, giving me the consistency I’ve always wanted without having to do the hours of practice I thought I needed to do to get it.
Plus, because I’m responding right now I understand that I will be receiving the following free bonuses:
- Break 80 Without Practice – 4 CD Set (digital download)
- Break 80 Without Practice Book (digital download)
- 52 Ways To Lower Your Golf Score Without Practice Book (digital download)
- Hit Every Club In Your Bag At Least 10 Yards Longer Programming Audio (digital download)
- Improve Your Long Game Accuracy Programming Audio (digital download)
- Build YOUR Perfect Swing Programming Audio (digital download)
- Have A Short Game As Good As A Pro Programming Audio (digital download)
- Become A Confident Bunker Player Programming Audio (digital download)
- Become A Confident Putter Programming Audio (digital download)
- Read The Greens Like A Book Programming Audio (digital download)
- Become The Most Confident Golfer Possible - Part 1 of 2 Programming Audio (digital download)
- Become The Most Confident Golfer Possible - Part 2 of 2 Programming Audio (digital download)
- Stop Distractions Ruining Your Golf Game Training Audio (digital download)
- Stop And Eliminate Fear From Your Golf Game Training Audio (digital download)
- Be Focused And Concentrate For All 18 Holes Training Audio (digital download)
- Bring Your Practice Game To The Golf Course Training Audio (digital download)
- Play In The Zone Video - Part 1 of 3 (digital download)
- Play In The Zone Video - Part 2 of 3 (digital download)
- Play In The Zone Video - Part 3 of 3 (digital download)
- Play In The Zone Training Audio
Yes! I hereby agree to use the information provided in The Perfect Shot System in my own golf game and to share this system and what I'm doing only with members of my immediate family.
I understand that everything in The Perfect Shot System is protected by copyright, so that reproduction or distribution in any form is prohibited by law. Further, I understand that this system is giving me access to information and knowledge which I will not receive from any other golf source, and this is to be treated in the strictest of confidence.
I also understand that by securing a copy of The Perfect Shot System now, I will finally learn how to consistently repeat what I did to hit my great golf shots, giving me the consistency I've always wanted without having to do the hours of practice I thought I needed to do to get it.
Plus, because I'm responding right now I understand that I will be receiving the following free bonuses:
I also understand that my order is absolutely risk-free. If I find that The Perfect Shot System is not the best golf improvement investment I’ve ever made I can ask for a refund and I will get it with no hassles and no questions asked plus I can keep all the free bonuses! On that basis, I am ready to order.
The Digital Version
Secure Yourself The Perfect Shot System For Just $79 USD! After successfully completing your order you will receive instant access to everything straight away so you can start to learn how to repeat your great golf shots like a well oiled machine.
Orders for the digital version are handled by our trusted and secure merchant supplier: Clickbank.com and comes with a 60 day money back guarantee from the date of order.
Single Figure Handicapper Now!…
“Before getting this system and implementing it I was a 15 handicapper. 4 months later I am a single figure handicapper now! My handicap is now 8. Not only that but 2 months ago I got my first ever hole in one after playing golf for 32 years. But the thing that so impressed me was Jeff’s support even after getting my money. He really does care. About a month into the plan I had a few questions that I fired off to Jeff and he sent me back a very detailed reply and then checked up on me to see how I was getting on. I have never experienced this type of support with any other golf product I have purchased and I have purchased a lot! This golf system makes golf so much easier and more fun. I will keep using it for the rest of my golfing life. I can’t thank you enough Jeff.”
M Arnold, Florida, USA
ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 917 S. Lusk Street, Suite 200,Boise Idaho, 83706, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.