This Golf Swing Secret Will “Change Golf Instruction Forever”…
Are You Ready To Learn The Secret And Join My List Of Students Who Have Grooved Tour Caliber Golf Swings In Just 15 Minutes? Keep Reading….“
Dear Struggling Golfer,
More time reading means less time swinging, so I’ll get right to the point. With this new, recently updated and improved program from Consistent Golf, you’re going to get these immediate benefits:
- Longer drives that will make your buddies demand you move back to the championship tees.
- A sense of control and real “ownership” of your golf swing.
- Precisions accuracy that will make hunting down tucked flagsticks child’s play
- The ability to groove a reliable, repeatable, “sexy” golf swing WITHOUT having to spend countless hours on the range.
From: Jeff Richmond – Director of Instruction, Consistent Golf
I want to let you know one thing… it’s not your fault.
It’s not your fault that a perfect golf swing alludes you. For decades now, golf instructors have come out with magazines, DVD’s, etc. in order to cash in on helping struggling golfers.
The problem with that? All of this instruction is CONTRADICTORY. You know it, and I know it.
One article says keep your left arm straight and heel on the ground. The next articles says lift your heel and let you arm bend a bit… then an instructional video you just saw tells you to just “use your natural swing.”
Pardon my language… but it’s all crap. It’s fluff. Smoke and mirrors designed to keep feeding the golf publishing business and keep the gravy train running full steam ahead.
That ends TODAY… right here.
The reality is that if your “natural golf swing” was all you needed to hit it 290 down the middle, and then hit a baby draw 9 iron to a back left pin and tap in your birdie, then you would already be a scratch golfer… wouldn’t you?
If golf were so easy, the pros would never need to practice, yet they practice hours every single day honing their skills.
But back to the issue…
If you’re looking to hit longer drives, crisper iron shots, and pin-seeking wedges, I’ve both good and bad news for you.
The bad news is that you’re currently incapable of producing these results, because you don’t have the knowledge you need to groove a reliable, repeatable golf swing. Now that might sting a bit (and maybe even offend you) but I promise it gets better…
The good news is I’m going to show you exactly how to get that knowledge, AND show you how to apply it so that you can groove a reliable, repeatable, beautiful golf swing that impresses your foursome (while at the same time making them hate you just a little bit for taking their money…).
Your Ball Striking
To make any significant improvements in your ball striking, you’ll need to do the following 2 things:
1. Spend a lot more time practicing (who has the time?)
2. Change your swing so it is “better” (what does that even mean?)
As you can probably tell by now… I believe there are two BIG problems with this advice…
The problem with practicing more is this:
Unless you are practicing with a purpose, you’re just going to ingrain really bad habits. The pros hit a lot of balls to ingrain good habits. If your swing isn’t where it should be, then by pounding a bunch of golf balls aimlessly you are just going to make things worse.
Which brings us to the next big problem…
What are you supposed to work on? You know beating balls all day aimlessly isn’t going to help improve your swing, but if you start working on the wrong things (or too many things at once) that opens up a whole new set of problems.
When you understand the “plight of the average golfer,” it’s no wonder they can’t break 100, 90, or even sniff breaking 80.
Fortunately there is a simple, straightforward solution that I’m going to share with you…
You Need To Change Your Swing…
And This Is The Shortcut
Whether it’s free online tips, instructional videos, or even expensive 1-on-1 instruction, there are a lot of things you can do to change your golf swing.
Heck, I’ll even bet you have a training aid or two (or three) sitting around your house that never gave you the results the infomercial promised.
As a golf instructor this bothers me, which is why I’m about to give you the shortcut to grooving a repeatable, reliable golf swing in just 15 minutes. You’ll NEVER have to hit thousands of balls, or spend countless hours in front of the mirror checking your “positions.”
In fact, just read the testimonials (and watch the videos) to see what a few of my students are saying about how my online programs have helped them achieve phenomenal results and real improvement in their golf games:
Gained at least 30 yards with this system!…
“This system has for the first time allowed me to hit a draw. I’ve never in my life hit a draw before. As a result my drives have gone from averaging about 220 yards to over 250 yards! This is the best system I have ever seen to fix a slice. Not a lot of technical instructions and lot’s of pictures so I knew exactly what I should be doing. Just do this, do that and you’ll fix your problem. Worked for me and I can’t see why it wouldn’t work for any other golfer with a slice.”
Stu Sanderson, USA
Gained at least 30 yards with this system!…
“This system has given me an extra 15 to 20 yards on my drives. I am also now more consistent. But the best thing is that the right side of the course is not one I dread anymore. Before this system my ball would go both to the right and left of the fairway. Now I’ve taken the right side out of play which is awesome and has given me a lot more confidence. One thing I really like about this system is it had a definite purpose with very clear instructions and great pictures and videos so I knew exactly what I should be doing each day. The daily format was great. “
Grant Meyer, USA
Was The Shortest Driver – Now The Longest!…
“I used to have the shortest drive in our foursome. The only time I could out drive them was when they hit a really poor drive and I just happen to hit a really good one. As the weeks passed, my buddies noticed that I was getting “longer” . And you know what? I now out drive all of them at least 50% of the time even when they hit a good drive. My buddies were all surprised and even predicted that it won’t be long before I really out drive them. They’re already panicking. I’m not stopping here. I’m continuing your program. Your frequent tips also helped me a lot. Thanks again. I’m a fan of yours.“
Andy Pages , Philippines
20 – 25 Yards Longer…This Is The Only Thing That Has Worked.
“After working through this program my ball flight now is straight with a little draw at the end. This is a B-I-G improvement from my previous slice ball flight. The instructions were very easy to follow and understand. My drives are now a good 20 – 25 yards longer thanks to this program. I have tried numerous other things but this is the only thing that has worked. I’m lucky to have found it. Thanks!”
Mark Benson, USA
Added Between 10 – 15 Yards On His Irons…
“I want to thank you for your great program. Several years ago I was a 4 handicapper but had to quit playing golf when I lost my job. This year I recently started playing again and decided that I was going to change my swing utilizing your information. I have already added between 10 – 15 yards on most of my irons and up to 30 yards on my driver. I am already back breaking 80 on a regular basis and look forward to getting much lower with your help. Thanks again.”
Rob Vojvoda, USA
But I Want To Help You Achieve Faster And More Impressive Results… With Less Effort!
While I’ve had incredible feedback from students around the world who have followed my step-by-step instruction programs, I’ll occasionally hear a student say “Your program looks great, but I just don’t have the time to practice.”
Spouse. Kids. Job…I get it. You’re already stretched thin, and can’t just block off hours of your life to practice.
Being the golfing “mad scientist” that I am, I started researching some really bizarre, “mind hacking” type stuff that is meant to speed up the process of change.
The result? After a lot of trial and error, I nailed down the perfect formula and had a few golfers serve as “crash test dummies” for my new system. Here’s what they had to say:
Dropped 5.4 Shots In A Month…
“First, thanks Jeff for giving me the opportunity to try your new program as part of being a past customer. When I saw the new program I was skeptical it would help much. But because I trust you based on past results I gave this a good college try. Now, one month later I am so glad I did! I religiously keep my stats and since starting this program I have played 7 games. My average score for the previous 7 games to starting this was 92.8. The average score 7 games after putting your new program to the test is 87.4. The difference between then and now is like night and day. I am hitting all of my shots a lot crisper and more consistently. My driving is a lot more consistent now and my bad drives aren’t very bad anymore. The thing I liked the best however was the time to do this. I’m a busy guy and don’t get a lot of time to practice so this program was right up my ally. I can’t thank you enough for letting me be one of the first to put this to the test for you. After doing so I can honestly say IT WORKS! “
Mark Campbell, USA
Driving Now His Strength…
“As a 5 handicapper my golf game is pretty solid. However my driving is by far the weakest area of my game. So when Jeff gave me the opportunity to try this program I jumped at the chance simply to try and improve my driving. Now, one month later, I can honestly say that the results have exceeded my expectations. Not only has my driving improved but it has now become the best part of my golf game. I wish to formerly thank you Jeff for allowing me the opportunity to try your new program. It has made golf a lot more pleasurable for which I can’t thank you enough.”
Peter Woodland, United Kingdom
Finally Become More Consistent….
“One day I can shoot 95 and the next I can shoot 85 with no rhyme or reason why the difference. I was getting very frustrated with this inconsistency and was looking for a solution. Then Jeff invited me to try his new program which I gratefully accepted. After a month or so I can finally say that I have become more consistent. I play at least twice a week and since starting the program every game has been in the 80’s. Before I would have at least had a couple of games in the mid 90’s but I haven’t even been close. My ball striking is a lot more consistent. My bad shots are simply not as bad anymore. If anyone get’s a chance to try this, on my experience you should jump at it. I’ve never done anything like this to improve my golf game and I’m so glad I tried it. You can’t beat lower scores with less effort. Thanks Jeff!”
John Baker, Australia
This program will give you the shortcut you’ve been looking for to groove a consistently great golf swing AND….
Remember… Your Success Using This Program Requires Absolutely ZERO Range Time Or Practice!
I’m never going to tell a golfer not to practice, but it’s not required…at all. You might even be better off not practicing when you understand what you’ll be doing instead.
The first step is listening to a special audio that will guide you step-by-step toward grooving a perfect golf swing. This isn’t just “theory”…this audio has helped real students achieve real results…in record time.
Right now, you might be thinking “Jeff, are you going to send me some audio message with a bunch of psychological babbling about visualizing my shots?”
In a word…NO!
Sure, visualization is a small part of the program, but it’s only 1 out of 4 parts that make up this unique system.
It’s a combination of these little known, seldom discussed, “underground” mental techniques that will have you hitting better shots faster than you ever thought possible (this is some of the same material professionals and top amateurs pay thousands of $$$ to a shrink for).
But you don’t just get an audio…you also get:
- An 84 page PDF that explains The Perfect Golf Swing method in full detail.
- 12 videos that help you to use The Perfect Golf Swing method.
- An mp3 audio that guides you through The Perfect Golf Swing method.
- A 1 Page PDF cheat sheet that explains this method in 5 easy steps.
The best part? This system will get you off of the golf instruction hamster wheel once and for all…
You Could Keep Doing What You’re Doing (With Little To Show For It…) Or Try Something Completely Different And Reap HUGE Rewards As A Result
It’s pretty clear that traditional, confusing golf instruction doesn’t work, which is why it’s time to try something totally different.
When you invest in my program today (for less than the cost of one round of golf), you’re going to get instant access to the easiest way to build a bulletproof golf swing that won’t break down, and won’t abandon you in the middle of your round.
You’ll FINALLY have the knowledge you need to own your swing, and I’ll also teach you exactly how to apply it to your game…in as little as 15 minutes.
So the question is…what is all of this worth to you?
You could spend $400 on a brand new driver (but what about the other 13 clubs in your bag?)
You could spend $200+/hour on golf lessons (but you’ll forget everything a week later…)
You could even spend $150+ on a bunch of golf instruction books or DVDs that will just leave you more confused than when you started (if you ever actually read them)!
So based on that, $147 for this program sounds like a pretty sweet deal…right? If you’re ready to sign up now I’ve got some news for you…
It’s not even close to $147 (or even $127 for that matter). If you choose to invest with me today, I’m going to give you access to this entire program (in digital format…so you get the complete system 5 minutes from now), for just $47.
Oh and did I mention there is an iron-clad, 100% money back guarantee?
You can try this product for a full 60 days, and if I haven’t delivered on every promise on this page, simply request a refund and I’ll send your money back immediately. No questions asked.
Click the Add to Cart Button Below to Start Grooving Your Perfect Golf Swing in Just 15 Minutes!
Click The ‘Add To Cart’ Button To Start Grooving Your Perfect Golf Swing In Just 15 Minutes….
Right now you’re probably very skeptical…I understand. This program is radically different than any other golf instruction program you’ve ever tried. That’s for sure.
But you need to ask yourself the question “What If?”
What If all it takes is 15 minutes to groove a new golf swing that produces higher quality golf shots and performs under pressure?
What If this really is the answer I’ve been looking for?
What If this is the missing piece of the puzzle that will finally enable me to improve my golf swing and hit longer, more consistent golf shots without practicing?
If you’ve read this far, you know what you need to do now. It’s time to take me up on my risk free, no questions asked, 60 day money back guarantee.
For a one-time investment of $147 $47, you’ll have everything you need to unlock your true potential in the game of golf…and that is priceless.
And let’s be honest…the absolute worst that can happen is you get your money back. There is zero risk.
The more likely scenario is that you’ll buy this system today, implement it, and have success the very next time you tee it up.
I truly believe my Perfect Golf Swing program can change your golfing life…otherwise I couldn’t possibly afford to offer such a generous money back guarantee. You’ll be piping tee shots 20-40 yards longer than you do now, right down the middle, or your money back.
My 60 Day Money Back Guarantee
If you’re not hitting the ball longer, straighter and more consistently within 60 days of using this program… just let me know and I’ll refund 100% of your purchase price, no questions asked…. anytime within 60 days of your purchase today.
Now picture this…
You’re on the golf course hitting more fairways and more greens than you ever thought possible. In fact, you’re overflowing with confidence because you know that you OWN your golf swing.
Imagine shooting your best round ever, and having the satisfaction of knowing that it wasn’t a fluke…you can do it again next time because you have the knowledge and skills to repeat it!
Your buddies are going to wonder if you “made a deal with the devil” because you’ve never played like this before…(they may even whine about it and tell you to “find another foursome”).
Get Instant Access To The Perfect Golf Swing System Right Now! Click The Button Below To Get Started….
Life is short…and none of us get to spend as much time on the links as we want to. Don’t you want to make the most of it by playing your absolute BEST golf?
I’ve put together a truly risk-free, “no brainer” offer (remember…the worst thing that could happen is you get your money back).
It’s time to hop off the fence, and invest in yourself and your golf game. After you complete your payment on Clickbank’s secure payment page, you’ll immediately be redirected to the download area where you can start the program immediately.
So go ahead…. click the ‘Add to Cart’ button above to place your order and begin to add yards to your drives, and I’ll speak to you again in just a few minutes.
For Consistent Golf,
Jeff Richmond
Director of Instruction
Consistent Golf
P.S. You only need to listen to the special audio that’s part of this program for 3 days a week to see incredible results. This program is backed up by my rock solid, no questions asked, 60 day money back guarantee. Once you order you will have everything to start grooving the perfect swing in just a few minutes from now. Click the Add to Cart button below to start now…
You’re Just 15 Minutes Away From Discovering The One True “Secret” To A Perfect Golf Swing… Click The Button Below To Get Yours Today!
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