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Mental Practice Sessions

Here’s some pointers so you can the most from these Mental Practice audio sessions:

1. It is best to stay awake during the sessions to get the most for your golf game. It is also perfectly ok to fall asleep to help train yourself to be able to calm down and relieve tension and stress for all areas of your life including golf. However you do it, is good.

2. Some of the sessions are pretty direct as to what I am saying and some parts of some sessions can be “metaphorical.” This means that I am talking in the language of the unconscious mind. It’s fine if you don’t totally “get” what I’m doing, just know that the work is being done for you. All you need do is be present and listen…easy!

3. You cannot listen to any one of these sessions too often or too much. Listen as often as you like or until you get totally bored with one.  There is no way to “fail” at these sessions…however you go through them is exactly right for you! Be easy on yourself and trust that you are getting just what you need, just how you need it…because that’s how I designed them. This comes from my years of working with hundreds of golfers and other athletes with solid proven results….that’s all I care about for you is RESULTS.

4. Be patient with yourself. You might have a miracle after one particular session or you might just be planting seeds for later in the season for a personal best round. Improvement rarely happens in a straight line, you will have ups and downs…look for the long term trend.

Putting – Confidence

All golfers know that putting is a game itself within the game of golf. A great putter can more than make up for weaknesses in other parts of the game.  In my experience in working with golfers, performance on the green most often simply comes down to how confident the golfer feels while lining up and standing over the ball before making the stroke.

This ”feeling” or “knowing” that the ball is going in comes and goes for most golfers. I am here to tell you that you already have the ability and can cultivate it so that it shows up much more often. This recording uses NLP Anchoring and Association techniques to code the feeling into a unique stimulus that you can charge up and re-trigger to experience that feeling when you most need to have a putt.

By the way, if you ever catch yourself thinking or saying “I must have” or “I need” this putt, you are hurting your chances of making it because that causes tension and anxiety and interferences with your fine motor movements needed in a putting stroke.

Instead, focus on your target path and then utilize the anchor you will set in this recording.

You want to “allow” the ball to fall in the hole from your efforts and just think how easy it is!

I recommend listening to this recording at least  3 times in the first week of it’s use and then once a month to keep it fresh.

Putting – Improve Green Reading

It is a well-known fact among golf teachers and instructors that golfers underestimate how much a putt will break.  Missing a putt on the low side of the hole is often referred to as missing “on the amateur side.”  This is not entirely true as it has also been proven by Dave Pelz in his putting studies that even pros miss putts more often on the low side as well.

Under-reading breaks on greens on downhill sliders is the number one reason for 3-putting greens. Putts always break more going downhill and so the golfer tends to put too much speed on it to compensate for the under-read break. The ball then screams past the hole and leaves a lot of work on the comeback.

This recording is going to address all that and put more emphasis on you trusting your unconscious mind to take in the subtleties of the environment on a putting green, make the proper calculations and then give the instructions to the cells of your body all on automatic pilot. Because let’s face it…great putters do not guide their shots or strokes with their conscious mind. When golfers attempt to do that, it turns into tension or in it’s extreme form, the yips.

The 80/20 on improving your green reading:

I would suggest recording on your scorecard all of your missed putts whether you miss on the high or low side. Over a couple rounds, you will see where your tendencies are. Becoming aware of this is the first step in fixing the problem. If you consistently miss on the high side (you would be in a very small minority), then reverse in your mind some of the messages in this recording to work to improve on your mistakes.

I would also recommend that once in awhile, you go to the practice green, crouch, and roll balls with your hand and focus on seeing the aimline and rolling it down that line. Then, really focus on the imaginery path it takes. Don’t look to see if the ball goes in the hole or not. Only notice if you followed your aimline and if the aimline was a good one after the fact. This takes away the whole putting stroke and teaches your unconscious mind to zero in on the aimline and improve visualizing a ball path in advance of the stroke. This is an amazingly powerful, but simple method to support the session below:

Short Game – Chipping and Pitching

The overview for this section is that you have to get it into your head that… this is what you build your game on.  The pros know that up to 80% of your practice time should be on the short game. There are so many benefits to this improvement route I don’t know where to begin. Bottom line, when you have a stellar up and down game, you can beat anyone regardless of how far they hit. Sam Snead didn’t call Paul Runyon “little poison” because he was long off the tee. Paul, at 5′ 7″ beat him often by wizardry around the greens.

You probably already know the fundamentals of the short game as a serious player so I am not going to do much with that.  What we can improve on is to create that state that allows your creativity to come out and then a trusting mindset around this part of the game.

A genuine love of the challenge of the short game is also going to motivate you to want to practice more and everywhere. Working on your short game in your house, your backyard, your garage all will make you really good friends with your wedges.

Tiger, Phil, and the rest are known for their creativity around the greens. You have that too but you must allow the right side of your brain to come alive when playing these shots.

The second major key is to use the left side of your brain to make the smart, strategic decision and keep the odds in your favor for a perfect shot. The fact is, this is one of the few parts of the game where your decision-making process plays the greatest part of your success with the shot. And you always want to have SCORING LOWER as your number one priority. This boils down to choosing the high percentage shots most of the time…which means, keeping the ball as low as you can.

Every time you see the “W” on any of your wedges, you are going to think of it standing for “WIN” from now on.

Short Game – Bunker Shots

Like most of the games within the game of golf, you will play your best sand trap shots when you flat out just FEEL like you own those shots.  When you have confidence in this area like the pros, you’ll get up and down in 2 more often than not.

The way to get confidence here is to… relate and associate the sand to some good feelings and to convince yourself at the unconscious level that this is one of the easiest shots in golf…which it really is. It is the one the shot in golf that has the most room for error with regard to where the club strikes the ground.  This knowledge, going into the shot, will give you great comfort when you think it.  Haven’t you seen the pros in a tournament talking to the ball and telling it to “get in the trap” when they know it’s going to miss the green?

I cover some of the mechanics with the intention of helping that and to strengthen the 80/20 about sand shots. You should already know about opening up your stance in the sand and activating the bounce on your SW appropriately for the type of sand and lie that you are in.

As with other areas of the game, you want to look at being in the beach as a good thing! Most pros think this way. Why? Because you have much more control over spin and the largest margin of error of all the shots in your bag. Sand is very forgiving.

Like all these recordings, bring up the emotion and the imagery that works for you in achieving the confidence and surety that you are a GREAT SAND PLAYER!

Long Game – Accuracy

The most important point you want to hold in your mind along with your intention to become much more accurate with your driver is the fact that if you have hit a perfect shot in the past with your driver, then your unconscious mind (ucm) has stored all of the instructions for being able to repeat that…

If you have hit many perfect shots, then it is all the more easier to call upon these instructions when you want it. Every time you drive perfectly, from now on, you want to really celebrate that shot in your mind. Bring up the emotion about how excellent that is and how it feels. This sends signals to your ucm to associate the driver in your hand and that event to your intention.

The more you hit great shots and then couple it with a strong command to your unconscious, the more it will “understand” that that is the program that it is supposed to run when you get up there on the teebox with your driver and evoke it to perform.

Another way to put it is…when I make a bad shot with my driver, I don’t attribute it to poor mechanics that I need to “fix.” Every instructor will tell you that you do your “fixing” of your swing on the practice range. No, instead, I come to the conclusion that I just did not make a direct communication to my ucm to play the perfect shot and/or I created some interference that got in the way.

Success in recalling and repeating an accurate shot comes from communication and repetition.  Yes, you want to have good swing mechanics and have a swing coach teach you a swing that is likely to increase your chances for squaring that clubface up at impact and following through down the target line (my square and point principle).

But that is only half the battle. At some point, you have to TRUST your body, your ucm that it knows how and then let it do the work.

Begin the work of trusting here:

Long Game – Distance

Key elements for increasing your driving distance that this recording will improve are:

1. Improving your swing mechanics to get every bit of energy you have available efficiently transferred to the end of your club for maximum impact

2. Increasing flexibility and strength within your body

3. Creating a strong emotional framework and belief that you can swing faster while keeping your accuracy.

In this recording, we will be teaching your unconscious mind some of the specific instructions you want it to accept in order to put those concepts above into your driving efforts. This is supplanted by the fact that you have hit a “longest” drive of your life in your past. This is your absolute minimum current potential (given bodily changes).  We first want to be 100% confident that you have these instructions in your memory and can bring it back. Secondly, you will be pushing past those limits with this recording using the concepts on the course and mentally rehearsing them as reality while you listen.

Much of the improvement that you will experience here will again be due to your intention and commitment to the belief that you have the power to change your mind and as a result, your body. Not only to actively program these messages but to go out on a course and keep that intention in the front of your mind.  I would recommend starting out by holding that belief on fun practice rounds and then on competitive rounds, focusing simply on the task at hand, namely, the pre-shot routine and rhythm while on the tee with your driver.

Long Game – Your Perfect Swing

I’ve written much about the futile attempt to achieve a perfect swing. Golfers and announcers dissect top pros swings down to the smallest detail in hopes of finding the magic bullet that they can apply to their swing.  Here’s the deal folks, it’s not about a perfect swing, it’s about achieving a repeatable swing…one that works for you.

There are so many different ways to swing and win. Yes, you should follow an instructor or swing coach’s advice if you believe in his/her system. Once you have it…once you’ve shown that you can use it effectively, as you do on the practice range, then you know you own it. All that’s left is bringing back what you know you already can do.  The session below will help you do that.

Mental Toughness – Develop Patience

Every golf instructor worth his salt will tell you that rhythm and tempo are ultra important in creating a good scoring round…and I’m no exception. Sometimes, this is a challenge due to other players in your group, or from slow players ahead of you or just a slow day on the course where you have to wait for each shot. You know what happens then…you get antsy, anxious and you think too much.

I’ve got news for you…this is PART OF THE GAME and part of the challenge which is one of the main reasons why you play golf isn’t it? The challenge right? You want to get some learnings into your body that this is a good thing and that you can have an advantage over your competition in such circumstances. Fast players on tour get ruined when they have to slow down for others. After listening to this session a few times, you won’t have that problem any more…

Have at it, it’s a fun one!

Mental Toughness – Confidence Part 1 Of 2

So where does confidence come from? It comes from previous success or a belief in the ability for success. Can we create confidence when no previous success has been experienced? That answer is a resounding YES!

We must first unblock the pathway to confidence. Everyone has some old mental baggage that we carry around just like a heavy backpack. It’s our old programming or tapes that came to be mostly when we were in our youth but could have been at any time.

Any time you had a difficult emotional event in your past, it most likely created a disempowering belief inside you that now brings up tension, anxiety, stress, yipping, doubts, fears, etc at the wrong time…just when you want to do your best is when it is most pronounced.

You may be thinking that you don’t need this section…that you are already confident…that you just need some reinforcement of swing mechanics in every facet of the game and then you’ll be good.  Wrong again.

You will never reach your true potential until you clear all of your interference. The formula for success is:

Performance = Potential – Interference

This is part 1 of a 2 part process that I would recommend you take at least 2 weeks to go through. Listen to the first session and allow to come up whatever comes up. You will need to do your own work here but I have given you the guidance to get down into the basement of your mind where this stuff lives. You may have interesting dreams during the process or some difficult things might come up that you have repressed. Allow yourself to process them and follow the instructions given to clear them. This works very well in my office and will work very powerfully for you as well.

Mental Toughness – Confidence Part 2 Of 2

The next part of this exercise in building Confidence is an important stage in the Mental toughness game. In week one you had a chance to listen to the audio and practice through a game of golf. Now you can drive this home.

What did you notice during the game? What distractions crept in. Were there real fears, or things which just seemed like it? Either answer is ok. However, this will help. You made it this far- now you’re ready for part 2 in this important lesson…

Mental Toughness – Eliminate Fear

When I first read about having “Fear” on the golf course, I was incredulous. I thought: “What, I never have any fear.” That word, Fear, it didn’t register with me.  But I certainly had experienced it out there many times. In fact, every round. I called it “tension” or “nerves” or “pressure.” Guess what, those all come from Fear. And that Fear comes from focusing on outcomes that may or may not go well.

Fear of choking, missing a putt, hitting it out of bounds, missing the fairway, disappointing my partners, etc.

In other words, if you focus on whether or not this shot will go off well or whether or not you will have a good score…then you are going to be experiencing a lot of fear throughout your round and that can actually contribute to hurting your shots and your score! It’s a vicious cycle, and you already know this don’t you?

What to do about it? Turn your focus over to outcomes that you can be sure of and allow for your best performance to emerge. This session does that and strengthens your self-image at the same time. It also gives you specific thinking techniques to utilize at the moment on the course that you experience that fear.

Ready? Here we go…

Mental Toughness – Focus

I often hear from golfers, after a round,  that they just didn’t focus and if they had, they wouldn’t have missed that putt or shot…And when I press them, they admit that they had no plan or intention at the beginning or during the round to foster this.

We are all pretty good at giving ourselves a cue or reminder for a swing thought for instance. Why not one to trigger “Focus?”

There are a number of things that cause us to lose our focus and concentration…

Lack of motivation. The answer to this is in deciding and reminding yourself of your reason for wanting to improve your focus and and as a result, your scores.

Expectations cause you to lose focus. These cause difficult emotions, tensions, and anxiety that destroys the coordination you have in your fine motor skills.

Significant Distractions. You will be given a tool to deal with this in the first session below.

Before you go out for your next round, here’s some suggestions to dampen your expectations and put things in perspective for you. Review these before every round.

1. It’s not your life, it’s not your wife, it’s just a game

2. We are fragile beings and can die tomorrow. How does this putt compare to that?

3. What if you were able to float your body out in space and watch the spot on the earth where you are golfing…while connecting to your higher belief systems…up there, at that moment

4. Will the legacy you want to leave your loved ones be affected by this shot?

5. Does this round have any relevance to your overall purpose/mission for being alive on the planet right now?

6. Wow, this tension, stress, tightness feels a lot like being excited and energized doesn’t it?

The fact is, YOU ARE ALREADY GREAT AT FOCUSING, when you want to or need to.  You do it in your work, vocation or studies and you do it in your play. You do it well when watching a movie or book that you enjoy…or even a tasty meal.

Focus is more a matter of emotionally framing your round for how you want it to go before you go out on the course.

Add a tool to “practice” your focusing…and you should be set. The tool, is how to be in the present. You will want to use the Focus induction here to practice using this tool in hypnosis.

Golf is supposed to be fun!! Decide that that is your main objective and then you will just naturally play to your potential and keep your focus…Just like when you watch a movie you really like.

And then when you get up to that pressure putt or back 9, then you can easily focus and be calm as a monk. That’s how it works….for you now…doesn’t it?

Mental Toughness – Bring Your Practice Game over to the Course

Just a warning. This is a long one…about 30 minutes. Not being able to take your great fluid swing over to the course has long been the most common problem of golfers. They do well in practice and then choke on the course. This problem CAN be solved by total and complete dedication to endless hours of practice most of the time.

But if you don’t have the hours to put in to hitting balls and putts in your spare time, then this is the next best thing.  Do your best to stay awake and with this in it’s entirety. It will do some magic for you if you let it.

How To Play In The Zone All The Time

How do you get into the zone for your golf game? This has been the holy grail of golfers throughout the history of the game. And it’s not only golf that we’re talking about here. Sports psychologists, coaches and athletes worldwide have studied this phenomenon to the ends of the earth.  Can you get into the zone at will?  Well, yes and no.

Does anybody have the secret shortcut that when used can drastically increase your odds of getting there? Maybe. If you’ve ever been in The Zone for even a short time, then yes, you have an avenue. This training is about helping you find that.

If you’ve never been in The Zone before, you are about to add a dimension to your performing ability that will blow you away (and your opponents).

Golf Improvement Books

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