Thanks To The Baby Boomers There’s a
Golf Gold Rush Happening NOW, So…
Who Else Wants to Claim Their Share of the Golf Goldmine?
Here's My Proven Steps To Have Money Pouring In While Having A Great Lifestyle From The Lucrative Golf Niche… Even If You’ve Never Owned A Business, Hate Technical Stuff, And Aren’t That Good At Golf!
Imagine this…
You turn on your computer in the morning and check your emails. And instead of SPAM emails, you get email after email saying you’ve got money.
Then every 5 minutes you check your emails again and new order emails are flooding in.
Sound far fetched?
Before this happened to me, I would have thought so too….
Hi, I’m (Your Name Here), and I run a (brief example of your business credentials or golfing credentials)
But first, here’s my story….
(your story here)
5 Myths That Stop Golfers From
Starting a Golf Business
Myth # 1 - Never Owned/Run a Business Before
Before I started online, I never owned a business and knew nothing about running one. I was terrified! But now, years later, I can look back and honestly say I have no idea what I was worried about. Because everything that I’m NOT good at in running a business (like accounting) I simply outsource and get someone else to do it. That leaves me free to focus on making more sales and improving my profits, and you simply need to do the same.
Myth # 2 - Not a Golf Pro or Highly Educated
One of the best selling golf products on Clickbank for years, that sold thousands and thousands of copies, was from a guy that was not a pro. In fact, he celebrated the fact that he was just an AVERAGE golfer that stumbled upon a way to help golfers hit the ball better and more consistently. And that’s just one example of a person, with limited golf skills, making great money in the golf niche. In my coaching program I show you a lot more. And I’m a college dropout. So if I can do this, almost anyone can with the right knowledge given to them.
Myth # 3 - Don't Have the Technical Skills/Knowledge to Create a Website
Here’s a little secret… I don’t have the technical skills to build a website. From the beginning I have hired out the work of getting a website created to someone that knows how to do it. And in my coaching program not only do I give you all the details of what is needed for a new website, so you can outsource it to get it done…. but I tell you where to go and what to do say to get it done right the first time, for a lot less than you’d expect. It’s so simple and cheap to get a great looking website created these day’s that this is no barrier for anyone. And to be honest, it’s almost better if you don’t know how to create a website, because that leaves you free to focus on making money!
Myth # 4 - There's Too Much Competition in the Golf Niche
Look, here’s the deal about competition in the golf marketplace. Yes, it’s competitive. And there’s a big reason for that…. there’s LOT’S of money to be made! If you find a market that is not very competitive then I can almost guarantee you, it’s because there’s no money to be made. As I have already said, there’s loads of crappy golf websites out there, but a shortage of great golf websites with great products. That’s what I want to help you create, so you will stand out and make a great living from the lucrative golf niche.
Myth # 5 - I'm Too Old/Too Young
If you’re over the age of 50 and think you’re too old for this, then don’t let that put you off. And here’s why. The average golfer that spends the most amount of money is aged between 40 – 70. If you’re in that age group then you can easily identify with the ideal golfer you want to be targeting. And if you think you’re too young, don’t let that put you off either because when I first started up my golf business, I thought I was too young and I’m super glad I didn’t wait. I was amazed at the respect I got as a golf teacher, despite being young.
The bottom line with these myths is that really they are just excuses. Because if you really want something then you’ll just do it anyway, even though you’re feeling concerned or worried. You’ve got to see any possible hurdles as merely a challenge that you can overcome.
And I’m so glad I did it anyway, because looking back I can see that my unfounded worries were exactly that… unfounded.
So I hope that’s helped you to get some answers to some of the fears you might have had about starting up your own golf business. And because the first 12 months of any new business are crucial, that’s how long this coaching program goes for. It includes 52 lessons, plus a lot of bonuses. And speaking of bonuses, when you join now you’ll get these bonuses straight away:
Your Bonuses:
Bonus Gift # 1 - Your Golf Business Fast Start Guide
As soon as you join this coaching program you will get a quick and easy to follow fast start guide, so you can start to get your golf business up and and running as soon as possible… and you can start to make money ASAP!
Value – $57 when sold separately
Bonus Gift # 2 - Your Golf Quick and Easy Product Creation Blueprint
If you’re worried about having to create your own product, you don’t need to. Because in this blueprint I outline how you can either create a product really, really quickly and easily, or get one made for you. With the 3 product creation options I reveal in this report, it’s so simple, anyone can do it.
Value – $79 when sold separately
Bonus Gift # 3 - Your Golf Business Free Traffic Plan
In this plan you’ll discover the main traffic strategy that you’ll be learning in this coaching program. But more importantly, you’ll discover 13 action steps you can use now to help you get fast and free traffic to your golf website.
Value – $99 when sold separately
Bonus Gift # 4 - Your Golf Business Sales Ignition Strategies
In this report, you're going to get 17 great techniques to start making sales straight away with the visitors that you're already getting to your websites (if you have one), or people you have on your email list. If you want to make money fast, then you'll want to implement the techniques in this report quickly.
Value – $99 when sold separately
Bonus Gift # 5- Eight Game Changes to Turbo Charge Your Golf Business Profits
Whether you're just starting out, or you're a long-term veteran of an Internet golf business like myself, the "truths" that I share in this report will prove to be invaluable to you. Some might be important reminders of where to focus your efforts, and others will be eye-opening insights you've never thought about before.
Here are just a few things you’ll learn when you download your copy today…
- My “top eight” game changes for growing any internet golf business. Including the easiest way to grow your business (see truth #1), the one source of traffic you need to focus on (see truth #2), and the best way to generate long-term profit (see truth #4)
- What every successful Internet marketer I know does, in order to expand his or her golf business to reach income levels that would be unimaginable without utilizing this strategy! Hint: It is the difference maker for anyone who has hit a plateau or is "stuck"! (see truth #6)
- The most often quoted INCORRECT online business myth that leaves countless money on the table. And how you can successfully add in the “missing ingredient” to clear the table, and put spendable cash in your pocket! (see truth #3)
In all, there are eight “business changers” – any one of which can “positively alter the overall outcome” of your new internet golf business!
Value – $67 when sold separately
So you get those five bonus gifts valued at $401 for free as soon as you join up to this golf business coaching program. And here’s how this coaching program is setup to help you create a successful online golf business. In each weekly lesson you get…
Every lesson you receive includes small tasks for you to complete to build a real successful online golf business, and every lesson carries on from the previous lesson so the lessons build upon one another.
Because you’re going to get bite-sized lessons that sequentially carry on from one to the next, it will mean you will be more likely to actually take action. Look, to have a successful online golf business you need the right advice and then to take action. By giving you small tasks to do each week, you will have the right advice, and therefore the most chance of building a successful online golf business.
As you complete the tasks in these weekly lessons, you’ll see your online golf business come to life before your eyes. Each week you’ll see something new being added to your golf business. You will see tangible results and that will be exciting for you and help you to keep motivated and moving forward. You’ll be following a proven, systematic, weekly plan of action that will help you to build a successful online golf business.
In this coaching program you get PDFs, videos and audios so it caters for all the different learning styles. Each lesson you get you’re going to receive all the instructions you need to complete the tasks for the week. Nothing is left out.
As soon as you join you’ll immediately get all the bonuses and lesson 1, in which you’re going to discover….
Week #1 – The Key To Long-Term Internet Marketing Success In The Golf Niche
In this first lesson I’m going to give you an overview of my Internet Marketing Success Formula. Plus I’m going to give you what I believe is the starting key to long term Internet Marketing Success. Then I’m going to start to help you understand what makes golfers tick. Here’s just a small selection of what you’re going to get in this 58 page first lesson:- You’ll get a 5 pronged, proven internet success formula for golf. This will give your new golf business a clear direction and path, which will help you to shortcut your way to profit.
- You’ll get the key to a great, profitable, long term, successful golf business, so you can stay focused on what is needed to make big money in the shortest possible time.
- You’ll discover how to use YOUR strengths to create an online golf business with the most chance of success.
- You’re given the exact profile of the type of golfer you should be targeting in your online golf business, so you make the most money possible.
- You’re told where your ideal golf prospect is, what they are doing and what search terms they are looking for, so you can hone in on giving them exactly what they want in return for their cash.
Week #2 – Choosing a Golf Business Model
In this week’s lesson, I’m going to help you start to make a decision on the type of golf website you’re going to create. And to help you do that…
- You’re told how a multimillion dollar online golf business does it so you can replicate their success if you want.
- You’re shown 12 different online golf business models for you to choose from for your new online golf business, so you can easily choose the best golf business model for you. And this will give you the most chance of success.
- You’re given help and advice to pick the best online golf business model for you and your monetary goals. This is so you don’t waste your time on a golf business model that will never give you the finances you’re looking for.
Week #3 – Choosing a Golf Business Model
In this lesson, you’re taught how to create your own information product for golf. Because no matter what golf business model you choose, you should have an information product to help you get leads. And an online golf information product is great no matter what, because….
- You get almost 100% profit.
- There’s no printing costs.
- You have no inventory to store.
- It’s quick and easy to update.
- There’s no shipping costs or delays.
- It’s quick, simple, and inexpensive to produce.
Also in lesson 3, you’re given a quick, simple and easy formula to help you start to create a page where you will either sell or give away your golf information product, to get golfers on your email list.
Week #4 – How to Stand Out in the Golf Market
To be a success in the golf market you need to be perceived as being different. If you look the same as everyone else that is not making any money in the golf niche, then you’ll get the same results as them. So you need to know exactly what to do so you appear to be new and different. And this 59 page lesson is packed with step-by-step ways to do this. Here’s just a fraction of what you’ll get in this lesson…
- You get proven templates to help you come up with a great title for your new information golf product, so it quickly and easily attracts attention and separates your golf product/service from the crowd.
- You’re given a template for your new information product, and you simply need to fill in the blanks to make it faster and easier for you.
- You’re shown a lot of examples and given templates, to help you create the page where you’re going to sell or give away your golf information product.
- You’re given simply step-by-step instructions, to help you start setting up your new golf website – and anyone of any technical ability can do this.
Week #5 – How to Make the Most Money Possible From Your Golf Product/Service
Seen as how you’re going to the effort of building an internet golf business, you may as well make the most money possible, right? Well in this week’s lesson…
- You’ll learn lots of tricks on how you can increase the perceived value of your golf product, so you can sell it for more and make more money.
- You’ll learn where you should register your new golf website.
- You’ll learn where you should host your new golf website.
- You’ll discover how to choose the best domain name for your new golf website.
- You’ll find out what you have to do to get the most people promoting your product/service as possible.
Week #6 – Getting Your New Golf Website Live
In this 40 page lesson, I detail in step-by-step format, how to get your new golf website setup so it looks good and ready for traffic. Don’t worry about any technical bits however, because you can easily outsource this – and I give you all the details so you’ll know exactly what to ask for. Also in this lesson you’ll…
- Learn how to bulk up your product so you can earn more money from it.
- Get 6 steps that will show you how to setup your new golf website so it’s live. This is so simple anyone of any technical ability can do it. As long as you can follow simple step-by-step instructions, you’ll be able to get your own golf website live.
- Discover 7 simple things you can do so golfers will enjoy your new golf product more.
- A secret place to find copywriters for hire at great prices.
- Find out how to get golfers begging to buy your product or service NOW!
Week #7 – Getting Ready to Launch Your New Online Golf Business
In this lesson I get you to start to put the finishing touches to what you’ve done, so your new internet golf business is ready for golfers all around the world. In this lesson you’ll….
- Get a 9 part video series that shows you step-by-step how to create videos to put on your website.
- Discover what you must do to get golfers to order now and not put off getting your product or service.
- Find out how to setup an online support system for free!
- By the end of this lesson, you will have 8 new pages on your golf website that will allow you to be ready to start making money or getting leads that you can sell to over and over again.
Week #8 – Finishing So You’re Ready to Start Getting Hordes of Traffic to Your New Golf Website
During this week’s lesson, you’ll be putting the final finishing touches to your new golf website and product, so you’re ready to start getting traffic. And in this lesson…
- You’ll get 24 ways to bulk up your golf information product to make it look more impressive, so you can make more money from it or get more credibility.
- You’ll be shown how to track your page conversion stats, so you can try to improve them and make more money from every visitor.
- You get a checklist so you can make sure your sales copy is going to have the best chance of success from the start.
- You get 7 tips so you’re never short of ideas on new products to create.
Week #9 – Your Own Private Resale Rights Golf Products and Sales Letter
In this lesson you get a 50 page golf information product, that you can do whatever you want with. This is a great product that teaches golfers how to hit the golf ball longer. Plus, you also get 3 bonus reports and a great sales letter to start making money with as soon as possible. Also in this lesson…
- You will find out how to re-brand this product so it is unique and stands out from the rest of the golf products out there.
- You will get a step-by-step guide to help you start making money as soon as possible with this golf product I’m giving you.
- You’ll get a checklist that you must go through before you try to get any traffic to your website. This will allow you to be 100% positive that you’re going to be in the best possible position to make money as soon as possible.
From lesson 10 onwards, you’re going to get everything you need to get traffic to your website and to make that traffic do what you want them to do.
For example, in lesson 10 you get 18 strategies you can use to get virtually instant traffic to your new golf website. And I pick out the top 3 ways and give you in depth instructions on what you need to do, so you can get traffic to your new golf website fast.
Then here are other ways you’re going to learn to get traffic to your website:
- JV/Affiliate Marketing
- Viral Marketing
- Article Marketing
- Press Releases
- Pay Per Click Advertising
- Banner Advertising
- Media Buying
- Postcard Advertising
- TV Advertising
- Print Media And Radio Advertising
- Website Advertising
- Video Marketing
- Piggyback marketing
- Blogs/SEO
- Twitter Marketing
- Facebook Marketing
Plus remember, I want you to be successful with your own products so I can sell them to my own 100,000+ golfers email list.
But to do this you need to get started now, because after you complete this first lesson you’ll start to see your new successful golf business come to life.
Here's My Big Promise to Your With This Golf Business Coaching Program...
After lesson 9, I promise you will have everything in place to launch a real, scalable, internet golf business that (when successful) will give you the freedom you want in your financial life
You don’t need to buy anything else once you join, apart from the costs of setting up your own website. To do this it will cost under $300. That is to get a website looking like the one you’re on at the moment or better. Plus as far as skills are concerned… if you can use the internet then you will have no problem following the instructions in this program, because they’re simple and straight forward.
So who is this internet golf coaching program for?
- This coaching program is for people who want to setup a real golf internet business the right way, the first time. It’s also newbie friendly too.
- This coaching program is for people who have maybe had some success online, but see people making a lot of money in the golf niche and want to know how they really did it so they can do it too.
- If you’re already in the golf niche and you want to improve your profits, then this is the program for you.
- This coaching program is for people who want a successful golf internet business, but are confused and frustrated about how to build one.
- This coaching program is for people who have a golf blog and can’t figure out how to make a lot of money with it. This will give you clarity and a focused way to really build a successful golf internet business.
- This coaching program is for people who want to make the most money possible from each visitor to their website.
- This coaching program is for people who want to get large amounts of traffic to their golf website for free.
- If you want to know how to turn visitors into sales, then this coaching program is definitely for you.
And this golf business coaching program is especially for you if…
- You hate seeing others telling you how it’s so easy to make lots of money online, when you’re struggling so hard just to make ends meet.
- You hate not having freedom with your finances and your time, to do what you want when you want.
- You hate working so hard for so little reward.You hate being confused and going from one thing to another and wasting so much time on over-hyped, under-delivering internet marketing products.
- You hate your job and would love to do something in an industry you love.
- You hate not being able to spend precious time with your family.
Look, if you’re happy and content with the money you’re making and your lifestyle currently, then this coaching program is probably not for you.
But if you’re at the point where you’re willing to follow simple step-by-step instructions to reach your golf internet business dream, then this coaching program is most definitely for you.
The reason I say this is because I’m not going to coach anyone who does not really want a successful golf internet business. The formula I teach you is the quickest way to build a real golf internet business quickly. But this is not some hyped up push-button money making scheme that doesn’t work.
You'll Have a REAL Golf Internet Business
So if you really want a successful Golf Internet business and are willing to commit to taking the action steps necessary to do it, then I’m personally willing to commit to help you make it happen by giving you this…
Bonus Gift # 6 - Free Email Support From Me!
As a student of mine you will get my personal email address so you can email any questions you have. I will not pass you off to some $10 support person. Because I have a vested interest in helping you succeed, I want to be here to answer your questions. So as you’re going through the lessons, if you have any questions just email me and I’ll answer them for you. Clearly this is a huge advantage, and one you will want to take advantage of when you join today.
Value – Conservatively $100 Per Month
Naturally, once I get to a certain point were this personal touch is taking up too much of my valuable time, I will remove this extremely valuable bonus. But when you join right now you’ll be guaranteed to be able to ask me any questions at any time, about building up your own successful Internet golf business.
Now because this is the only golf business program of its type in the world, you’re probably concerned that this is going to be way out of your price range. And to be honest, you have every right to be concerned too, because I earn well over six figures every year, working less than 20 hours a week, and you’ve seen proof of the PASSIVE INCOME I get month after month after month, … so you might think I’d charge you $10,000 or more to find out exactly how I do it.
But I’m not going to charge you that, because it would restrict the amount of people I can work with to help build up my own business.
And I’m not going to charge you even $5000.
Nor $1000.
And even though $500 per month for this training would be a steal, I’m not even going to charge you that. Because I want as many people as possible, who are serious about a having a successful online golf business, to go through this program so we can both benefit, I have decided that you can join right now for just $97 per month.

There’s no long term commitments with this. You can cancel at anytime. And in fact… because these payments are through Clickbank, you can ask them to cancel your subscription and they’ll do it very quickly.
The cost of this coaching each month is about the cost of a family meal at a decent restaurant, which is extremely fair when you consider you have the best chance you’ll ever have to build at least a 6 figure a year plus online golf business.
So if you want the best chance to replicate what I’ve done in the golf niche, then it’s just $97 to join and that includes unlimited email support. I’m here to hold your hand and make sure your new golf business is a success. Because when you succeed I succeed.
But if you’re on the fence you most certainly are free to try it out. Because the full program takes 12 months to go through, so you can cancel anytime you choose if you are not happy for any reason.
And all of this is backed up by my personal guarantee. Here it is…
Your 60 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee
Your Money Will Be Refunded Within 60 Days If You’re Unhappy For Any Reason With This Golf Business Coaching Program.
Look, Clickbank is securely handling the payments of this new golf business coaching program, and this means I play by their rules. And their rules state that I’ve got to offer you a 60 day, money back guarantee.
And I’m fine with that.
I stand behind my new golf business coaching program 100%, and I know you’ll be completely thrilled with the content, and more importantly, the results.
However, for your peace of mind, please note that a refund is available anytime within the next 60 days, by simply emailing me or Clickbank if you’re dissatisfied for any reason.
And understand that at anytime during the full program, if you want to cancel you can either email me or contact Clickbank and your membership will be cancelled quickly and without any hassles.
Once you’re in this coaching program I don’t think for a second you’ll ask for a refund. But you have the security and knowledge to know that you’re making a wise, risk-free decision by joining right now while this coaching program is available. Because the worst that will happen is you’ll get your money back.
But the best that will happen is, you’ll build a successful golf internet business of your dreams. With all that in mind…
Join Now While There Are Golf Business Coaching Memberships Still Available
Yes (your name here). I want to learn how to build a successful internet based golf business.
I understand my initial charge will be $97, and I understand I will be charged $97 per month for 11 months after my initial charge has been made. But I understand that I can get a refund within 60 days of joining if I’m not happy for any reason. Then after that I can cancel my subscription at anytime quickly and easily by contacting Clickbank or you. On that basis, I am clicking the button below to start your golf business coaching program right now…

After you have completed your order you will receive your first lesson, plus bonuses, instantly.
And as a paying member of this golf business coaching program, you will receive an email every week with a download link for your new weekly lessons. These weekly lessons will include a PDF and, when necessary, audios and videos
*Every effort has been made to accurately represent this product and its potential. Please remember that each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. As with any business endeavor, there is no certain guarantee that you will earn money and by ordering you acknowledge that you have read and agree to the legal disclaimers below.
Look, the fact that you’ve read up until this point must mean that you’re truly interested in having a successful golf internet business. So do yourself a favor and join this coaching program right now while you still can, because if you don’tclick here to join now you may forget and miss out.
And if you don’t take action right now and secure yourself a spot in this exclusive coaching program, will anything in your life really change?
In 12 months time will you look back on this and kick yourself if you’re in exactly the same job, or situation, doing and achieving exactly the same things?
If you’re not willing to invest just $97 per month to learn how to have a successful online golf business from someone that has done it, then you’re probably not really serious about doing it. And just think, with the golf product I’m giving you in lesson 9 of this coaching program, you’ll only have to make a little over 2 sales per month to cover the costs of this coaching program.
So look, this is your chance to take action right now and start living your life on your terms. This is your chance to learn how to make a great living with a real, successful internet golf business. And by learning how do this, you’re going to earn the money you deserve to be earning. You’re going to have the freedom to do what you want, when you want.
But guess what?
You’re not going to get any of this until you take action right this minute and… Click Here to join the online golf Business coaching program.
Remember, I truly want to help you succeed with this. And besides, the worst that can happen by you joining this program today, is you get your money back. When you look at it that way there really is only one logical thing to do… click here to join this program now and start to build your successful golf Internet business today.
I can’t wait to help you build a real, successful internet golf business, and work with you soon so we both profit!
Your’s Sincerely
(your name and signoff here)
P.S. In my coaching program I will get you to take the steps necessary to build a successful golf internet business. Not a one hit wonder. But I can take only so many people into this program while it’s still available, so make sure you click here to join now.
P.P.S. Look, you could go and keep buying cheap little ebooks that don’t tell you anything about how to build a real successful golf internet business. OR… you could join this program now, and be shown what it really takes to build a true golf internet business that gives you freedom and financial security – from someone who has done it – and is still doing it!

ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 917 S. Lusk Street, Suite 200, Boise Idaho, 83706, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products. And Jeff Richmond is a pen name used b the author.