Are You A Bad Putter And No Matter What You Try You Don't Get Any Better?
"Shocking Confession From Golf Pro Reveals Why Some Golfers Will Never Improve Their Putting Using Traditional Putting Instruction..."
My name is Jeff Richmond. I'm Director of Instruction for and over the years
I've helped thousands of golfers to improve BUT (and I feel bad about what about to say but I
need to be totally honest)...
...there's been some golfers that no matter what traditional instruction I've given them, have
not improved their putting no matter how hard they try.
Everything on the face of it looks fine with these golfers. They have technically sound
strokes. They have routines they follow like a pro. They visualize before putts. They try
and be more positive about their putting BUT...
...they still suck at putting
...have too many 3 putts
...too many missed short putts
...too many putts hit too hard
...too many putts hit too soft
...too many putts hit off line
...and naturally there bad putting is holding them back from lower scores and enjoying golf more.
They are just getting the same bad results on the greens no matter what they try whether it's
new putters, new putting methods or a new technique.
If that sounds like you, keep reading
for finally the real solution...
For some time now I've been wracking my brain trying to figure out a way in which I can help
bad putters become great. And in 2018 I had a "ureka" moment when it finally occurred to me
what bad putters need.
Before I tell you what bad putters need I'm going to tell you what bad putters DON'T need.
It finally dawned on me what bad putters need and I'll reveal that in a second but....'s understandable that bad putters try one thing after another to improve because
they know if they become a great putter they will enjoy playing golf a heck of a lot more.
Golfers respect great putters more.
Great putters are much more confident and don't have to go through the embarrassment of missing putt after putt... they should make.
Great putters are less frustrated and enjoy playing golf more... and naturally score lower.
But the only way a bad putter (that seemingly has tried it all) is going to experience that
is to have a new start.
A new beginning.
A completely new way of looking at putting.
A fresh, new start.
Not just a tweak here and there.
Not just a new "fitted" putter.
Not a technical analysis of their putting stroke.
Not a new putting method.
What they need is a complete overhaul of their entire putting.
Because if you keep doing the same things you'll get the same results. And with bad putters
there's a cycle that repeats itself to get bad results. Here's the cycle...
The Bad Putters Cycle Of Doom!
Bad putters have a few CRUCIAL putting fundamentals wrong that cause them to 3 putt too often and miss short putts and this leads to poor confidence. Every time a short putt is missed or a 3 putt is taken, it just reinforces to that golfer they are a bad putter and the cycle repeats every time they play golf.
For bad golfers, trying a new putter or new method may offer some relief for a brief period of
time but it won't last because they don't have the complete recipe needed to become a great putter.
Doing one thing different is NEVER going to help a bad putter become great.
It's because of this I set about to develop a completely new program to give bad putters a fresh
start with their putting to turn things around quickly.
It took me 3 months to put this new program together and then at the start of 2019 I sent out
an email to my best customers. The customers that I know follow the advice I give them and I
asked for 7 golfers that consider themselves bad putters to test out a new program for me.
7 golfers that have tried it all and still are not good putters.
I quickly got 7 golfers to volunteer to try my new putting program and the results from those 7
golfers was remarkable. Read them here to see for yourself...
Proof Great Putters Are Not Just Born!
Putting Tester - 1 of 7
My buddies know me as a bad, bad putter. Any putting bets and I'm easy money! When I got an email from Jeff looking for bad putters I responded fast!! At the end of 2018 my handicap was 15. At a guess my bad putting would have cost me at least 5 shots a round. I started following Jeff's program at the start of 2019. It was like a revelation to me. As I addded one piece after another my putting changed. My playing partners noticed the changed and started seeing me differently. I was no longer the easy money target. After a month or so on the program my regular partners started asking me how I turned my putting around. Of course I lied so they didn't ask for the same program ha ha. At the end of Feb my handicap was down to 11. Down 4!!! The only difference was Jeff's putting program! I'm more than overjoyed. Putting is fun now. I don't dread it anymore. I would actually label myself a confident putter now. CAn't believe I'm saying that. This program gave me putting a new begging. Amazing. Anyone that has a chance to get it, DO IT NOW! Thanks so much Jeff. Your new program has bought this old man a lot of joy."
Ted Davis
- Arizona, USA
Putting Tester - 2 of 7
The yips got me young. Ever since then I've been trying one thing after another looking for THE SOLUTION! Never found anything that helped me long term. Some ray's of hope now and again but nothing lasted. The amount of times I've vowed to quit golf because my putting sucked so bad! Jeff's email in early 2019 got me at a low point and I thought what have I got to lose. I suck at putting. Can't get any worse. I quickly looked over the program and logically it made sense but so had everything else I'd tried. To be honest I thought I'd give it a try just to prove Jeff wrong. Some bad putters can never be helped. After following the first couple of lessons I noticed my putting turning around. Holed a few short putts I swore I would have missed the previous year. My lag putting was better. My scores were a bit lower. Then, with each new lesson I got better and better. Couldn't believe it!!! The yips have gone now! I'm a happy, confident putter now! I never thought I would ever say that. Jeff is the man! If bad putting is holding your game back you have to get his new program. I can't recommend it high enough. My handicap has gone down from 22 to 16. Thanks a ton Jeff!!"
Ryan Jones
- California, USA
Putting Tester - 3 of 7
You asked Jeff for my results and comments after 2 months of trying your new putting program. All I can say is TRULY AMAZING!!! Ya know my bad putting has held my game back for many years. Given up hope of improving if i'm real honest. This was my last chance and I'm so glad I took it. I actually don't mind putting now! Detested putting before this program would be about right. My handicap at the end of 2018 was 12. Right now in March of 19 it's 8. The first time in 10 years I'm back in single figures. All I can say about this is... if you are a bad putter reading this and tried it all... give Jeff's new program a try. It brought my putting back from the dead. I just can't see how it couldn't help any bad putter."
Don Brown
- Texas, USA
Putting Tester - 4 of 7
My mates gave me a lot of stick for being a crap putter so I jumped at the chance to try Jeff's new putting program. AFter a couple of months on the program it's a night and day difference to last year. There were no gimmes for me last year but now my mates have almost given up. 2 -3 footers are easy now and they've just about given in. Mumbled "that's good" are now a common occurance!!! I've only had about 8 games in 2019 but I worked out the difference between those 8 games and the last 8 in 2018. I was averaging 96.7 at the end of 2018. Now it's 91.2. That's over 5 shots mate!! Can't thank you enough Jeff. Gave my putting a fresh start. Any bad putter not willing to try this is stupid!! Cheers mate."
Jack King
- Australia
Putting Tester - 5 of 7
I would 3 putt so often it became a joke. Anytime outside of 30 feet was almost certainly a 3 putt. Made me real nervous - anytime I had a long putt. I just couldn't get the weight of a putt right. Jeff's email about bad putters hit a nerve with me - so I put my hand up to try it. Saying I'm glad I did that would be an understatement! His new program turned my putting around quickly. I still 3 putt sometimes - doesn't everyone? But no joke - I have saved 7+ shots per round now. At the end of 2018 my handicap was 23 - now two months later it's 16 and going lower! Jeff, I highly recommend your program to anyone. A few of my buddies have asked me for it because they have seen the big turn around in my putting. Finally - golf is a lot more fun now. Putting bad makes golf way harder than it should be. I can't thank you enough Jeff for helping me become a good putter."
Thomas Stevens
- Florida, USA
Putting Tester - 6 of 7
Jeff, I have tried so much to try and improve my bad putting. I have purchased the most expensive putters you can get. I have got just about every putting training aid known to man. I have taken a course on how to read greens. I have tried tips from the pro's. I have even had my stroke analysis on the SAM Putt lab. Nothing has helped. The funny thing is when I got my putting stroke analyzed it was actually pretty good. Pitty my results weren't. I sucked at putting and have for a long time now! If I'm honest, I had given up on ever becoming a decent putter. But I know you and your stuff Jeff so when you said you had something completely new and different to help bad putters I jumped (one last time) to hopefully be one of the lucky one's who put's it to the test. Boy am I SUPER glad I did that! Your program has given my entire golf game a fresh start, not just my putting. I feel super excited about playing golf now because I'm not dreading putting. The turnaround happened quickly too. After the first two lessons my putting was a night and day difference to last year. Then with each new lesson I got better and better. Now my putting is awesome. I average 30 putts per game now. At the end of last year I averaged 38!! My putting was most certainly the handbrake on my scores. My handicap has gone down from 18 to 12 within 2 months. I have been playing a lot BUT that's because golf is so much more fun now. Thanks so much Jeff. I owe you big time man."
Mark Sanderson
- California, USA
Putting Tester - 7 of 7
Golf used to be fun when I was half decent at putting. Over time my putting got worse and worse. My enjoyment for the game has gone down hill with my putting. I was close to quitting last year. Jeff sent me an email to give me the chance to try out his new putting program. The one qualification needed was to be a bad putter. I was over qualified but asked to be included in the test group. Upon receiving the program I was excited but naturally skeptical. I have tried so many things to improve without anything giving me any good long term results. I was hopeful this program would give my putting a new beginning. The first couple of lessons felt a bit strange but I saw progress. Then with each new lesson I saw even more progress. My regular playing partners started asking me what I was doing to improve my putting. I didn't tell them because I didn't want to jinx it. Now, 2 months after starting I am confident my much improved putting is going to stick. I know exactly what to practice now and the reasons why those couple of things are very important. Thank you very much Jeff for the opportunity to test this program. Any new program you bring out I will buy it because I owe you so much and know you produce great products. The end result of dillegently following the program have meant my handicap has gone down from 25 to 20. Because of my age I thought I would gradually keep going out. Not the case now I have had my fresh start."
Earl Foreman
- Florida, USA
As you can imagine, it was super exciting getting these results back from all 7 that tried this new program and were bad putters.
It's because of these great results with bad putters that obviously I've now opened this program up to any golfer that really wants to become a great putter.
And the name "fresh starting putting" came about because almost all of these 7 golfers mentioned how this program gave there putting a new beginning, a new start, some freshness.
The reality I've come to realize is that bad putters need to do things they have never done before to have any chance of becoming a great putter. And that must be a combination of physical and mental elements. They need a fresh start to their putting. Something new and different because if you keep doing the same old stuff you'll get the same results.
You can quickly turn your putting around if you have the right set of instructions like the one's in this new program.
To get results like the 7 test golfers would you pay $399.99 like you would if you purchased a new Scotty Cameron putter?
I know a lot of golfers would but I want to help as many golfers so you're not going to fork out anywhere near that. And I'm not even going to charge you $199 or $99. Because like I said, I want to help as many golfers as possible to become great putters because it's horrible playing golf and missing short putt after short putt and looking like a fool having one 3 putt after another.
Bad putting is embarrassing!
It's because of all of this I'm going to let you have a fresh start to your putting for just $97 $37. But this introductory special is only available until midnight on the 21st of April, 2019.
Start Your No Risk 60-day trial NOW!
Click the button below to make a new, fresh start with your putting for just $97 $37

Sick & Tired of Being Embarrassed On The Putting Green? Use This Fresh Start Putting Program To Become A Great Putter And Prove Everyone Wrong About Your Putting
If you don't get this new program now, chances are very high that you will always remain a bad putter. Because to make an improvement with your putting you need to do something completely different. This however doesn't mean that you will look radical from an outsiders perspective but it will feel completely different in the beginning.
That's why this is a fresh start.
And if you're thinking this is going to take a lot of time and practice on the putting green you're wrong.
Because at last there's a program that will give you a real fighting chance to become a great putter without spending hardly any time on the practice putting green.
Everything in this new program can be done at home.
And so, just imagine how good it's going to feel when you become a good putter. When you look back on your games of golf and see how many times you made good putts to save your scores instead of looking back on how many times you wasted shots.
And how good is it going to feel showing your playing partners that you can actually putt!
How good is it going to feel not feeling nervous and unsure over putts.
How good is it going to feel not feeling embarrassed about your putting for a change.
How much more enjoyment are you going to get when you become a good putter?
Well, the only way that's going to happen is for you to do something you've never done before. And that starts with getting the Fresh Start Putting program and then following the simple steps in the program. Click this button to start now...
Start Your No Risk 60-day trial NOW!
Click the button below to make a new, fresh start with your putting for just $97 $37

If you don't get this program now, what's going to change?
You'll probably always remain a bad putter.
Listen. It doesn't have to be like this. You deserve better. It's time to make a REAL change and get your problem sorted out once and for all. This is your opportunity to do so, right here... right now.
I helped 7 out of 7 bad putters to massively improve their putting with this program. Obviously I can't guarantee you the same results as those golfers because I know they followed my instructions to the letter. But what I can guarantee is that if you keep doing the same things with your putting you'll keep getting the same bad results.
This "Fresh Start Putting" program is basically your only chance to become a great putter. I highly recommend you take that chance right now by clicking here.
When you do that you'll get immediate access to the program after your order is processed. The main part of this program is a downloadable PDF with links to some videos. And because this is downloadable you can start straight away to become a great putter. Oh, and by the way, all of this is backed up by my 60 day money back guarantee...
100% Satisfaction Guarantee!
You are fully protected by my 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee. If you don't improve your putting within 30 days of using this new program then you can ask for your money back and you will get it back with no hassles. I just ask you give this a good old college try. And understand you're backed up with a 60 day refund period.
Turning your putting around is not going to happen by just doing 1 or 2 things.
You need a complete new, fresh start.
And my program is the only one that will show you how to make that fresh start to your putting. I can guarantee your putting will change as a result of this program so go here right now to make that fresh start.
Finally, because I think this is the only program that's going to really help you turn your putting around here's why you should get this program now...
For Consistent Golf,
Jeff Richmond
P.S. On this page I've told you about the new program I've created to help bad putters to become great. And I've shown you 7 testiomonionals from bad putters that have put this program into practice with amazingly good results and now it's your turn. But this new putting improvement program is on special for a limited time.
So to make a start at becoming a great putter click here. When you do you'll be taken to a Clickbank secure payment processor where you can pay, and then you'll be taken to a page where you'll be able to download the program to your computer and start to turn your putting around.
So go ahead... click the button below to place your order and begin downloading, and I'll speak to you again in just a few minutes.
Start Your No Risk 60-day trial NOW!
Click the button below to make a new, fresh start with your putting for just $97 $37

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