Perfect Golf Swing – Old

[headline_arial_small_left color=”#000000″]Stunning New Golf Breakthrough Allows You To…[/headline_arial_small_left] [headline_tahoma_extra_large_centered color=”#71812C”]“Groove The Perfect Golf Swing
In Just 15 Minutes!”[/headline_tahoma_extra_large_centered] [divider_bar]Insert Your Text Here[/divider_bar]

Immediate Benefits Of This New Program:

[black_arrow_list width=”100%”]
  • Longer Drives
  • Improved Accuracy
  • More Consistent Golf Swing
  • Quick And Easy Improvement
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From: Jeff Richmond – Director of Instruction, Consistent Golf

Jeff Richmond Director Of Instruction Consistent GolfAre you struggling to groove a consistent, repeating golf swing that hits shots long and accurately like the top pro’s?

That’s not surprising. And the truth is… it’s not your fault.

For decades now, golfers have been subjected to all kinds of bad, CONTRADICTORY, golf swing improvement advice from golf pro’s, golfing partners, magazines etc., etc.

Take this classic one for example… “You’re trying too hard, just use your natural swing…”   Here’s why this is BAD advice…

If you should just use your natural swing, why on earth would pro’s hit thousands of balls?

If golf was so easy, pro’s would never practice, use their natural swing and hit the ball perfectly.

The reality is pro’s spend hours every day practicing!

Now as far as you hitting the ball better I have both GOOD and BAD NEWS for you.

The bad news is that the reason you don’t hit the golf ball as far, straight and as consistently as you want, is because your swing is not good enough to do it and you don’t practice enough.  BUT…

[headline_tahoma_large_centered color=”#71812C”]Stay Tuned For The Amazing Ball
Striking Improvement Shortcut[/headline_tahoma_large_centered]

To really improve your ball striking you need to do two things….

1. Practice a lot more.

2. Change your swing so it’s better.

But there are big problems with trying to do either of those two things.

The first problem with practicing more is this…

If you just hit more balls, you’ll just make your bad habits more ingrained.   So you need to practice the right things to improve, and that brings in the second problem, which is…

What are you meant to change in your swing so you get better results?

You obviously know that if you keep doing the same things with your swing then you’re going to get the same results.

[headline_tahoma_large_centered color=”#71812C”]FACT: You Need To Change Your
Golf Swing To Get Different Results[/headline_tahoma_large_centered]

There’s lots of different things you can do to change your swing.

There’s golf lessons, which can be expensive and there’s no guarantees you’re going to improve. There’s plenty of tips online, but you can get confused fast with all the contradictory advice. Then there’s golf training aids. I’m sure you’ve got a few of them gathering dust around your home.

With all of this, is it any wonder MOST golfers that try to improve, don’t??

That’s the bad news. But I have some WONDERFUL NEWS for you….

The good news is, I’m about to share with you a “shortcut” that will allow you to groove a new swing pattern, that will help you to hit longer and straighter drives WITHOUT the need of hitting thousands of balls.

You see, as a golf instructor, I have helped thousands of golfers from all around the world to improve with my online step-by-step programs.   Here are just a couple of examples of results golfers have achieved following my instructions….

[text_bar_1_left background=”#444444″ + width=”100%”]Gained at least 30 yards with this system!…[/text_bar_1_left] [content_box_yellow width=”75%”]

“This system has for the first time allowed me to hit a draw.  I’ve never in my life hit a draw before.  As a result my drives have gone from averaging about 220 yards to over 250 yards!  This is the best system I have ever seen to fix a slice.  Not a lot of technical instructions and lot’s of pictures so I knew exactly what I should be doing. Just do this, do that and you’ll fix your problem.  Worked for me and I can’t see why it wouldn’t work for any other golfer with a slice.”

Stu Sanderson, USA

[/content_box_yellow] [text_bar_1_left background=”#444444″ + width=”100%”]Has An Extra 15 – 20 Yards On His Drives Now…[/text_bar_1_left] [content_box_blue width=”75%”]

“This system has given me an extra 15 to 20 yards on my drives. I am also now more consistent. But the best thing is that the right side of the course is not one I dread anymore. Before this system my ball would go both to the right and left of the fairway. Now I’ve taken the right side out of play which is awesome and has given me a lot more confidence. One thing I really like about this system is it had a definite purpose with very clear instructions and great pictures and videos so I knew exactly what I should be doing each day. The daily format was great. “

Grant Meyer, USA

[/content_box_blue] [text_bar_1_left background=”#444444″ + width=”100%”]Was The Shortest Driver – Now The Longest!…[/text_bar_1_left] [content_box_yellow width=”75%”]

“I used to have the shortest drive in our foursome. The only time I could out drive them was when they hit a really poor drive and I just happen to hit a really good one. As the weeks passed, my buddies noticed that I was getting “longer” . And you know what? I now out drive all of them at least 50% of the time even when they hit a good drive. My buddies were all surprised and even predicted that it won’t be long before I really out drive them. They’re already panicking. I’m not stopping here. I’m continuing your program. Your frequent tips also helped me a lot. Thanks again. I’m a fan of yours.“

Andy Pages , Philippines

[/content_box_yellow] [text_bar_1_left background=”#444444″ + width=”100%”]20 – 25 Yards Longer…This Is The Only Thing That Has Worked.[/text_bar_1_left] [content_box_blue width=”75%”]

“After working through this program my ball flight now is straight with a little draw at the end. This is a B-I-G improvement from my previous slice ball flight. The instructions were very easy to follow and understand. My drives are now a good 20 – 25 yards longer thanks to this program. I have tried numerous other things but this is the only thing that has worked. I’m lucky to have found it. Thanks!”

Mark Benson, USA

[/content_box_blue] [text_bar_1_left background=”#444444″ + width=”100%”]Added Between 10 – 15 Yards On His Irons…[/text_bar_1_left] [content_box_yellow width=”75%”]

“I want to thank you for your great program. Several years ago I was a 4 handicapper but had to quit playing golf when I lost my job. This year I recently started playing again and decided that I was going to change my swing utilizing your information. I have already added between 10 – 15 yards on most of my irons and up to 30 yards on my driver. I am already back breaking 80 on a regular basis and look forward to getting much lower with your help. Thanks again.”

Rob Vojvoda, USA

[/content_box_yellow] [headline_tahoma_large_centered color=”#71812C”]But I Want To Help You Achieve Faster And More Impressive Results… With Less Effort![/headline_tahoma_large_centered]

There’s been one complaint with my step-by-step programs, and that’s this… “Your program looks great, but I just don’t have the time to practice”.

So I started researching some really weird stuff that is meant to speed up the process of changing physical activities. And I experimented and experimented with a number of different techniques, until I got the formula just right. Then I tested this program on a small selection of golfers from all around the world. Here is what they had to say:

[text_bar_1_left background=”#444444″ + width=”100%”]His Ball Striking Is Way Better Now…[/text_bar_1_left]


[text_bar_1_left background=”#444444″ + width=”100%”]Dropped 5.4 Shots In A Month…[/text_bar_1_left] [content_box_blue width=”75%”]

“First, thanks Jeff for giving me the opportunity to try your new program as part of being a past customer.  When I saw the new program I was skeptical it would help much.  But because I trust you based on past results I gave this a good college try.  Now, one month later I am so glad I did!  I religiously keep my stats and since starting this program I have played 7 games.  My average score for the previous 7 games to starting this was 92.8.  The average score 7 games after putting your new program to the test is 87.4.  The difference between then and now is like night and day.  I am hitting all of my shots a lot crisper and more consistently.  My driving is a lot more consistent now and my bad drives aren’t very bad anymore.  The thing I liked the best however was the time to do this.  I’m a busy guy and don’t get a lot of time to practice so this program was right up my ally.  I can’t thank you enough for letting me be one of the first to put this to the test for you.  After doing so I can honestly say IT WORKS! “

Mark Campbell, USA

[/content_box_blue] [text_bar_1_left background=”#444444″ + width=”100%”]This New Program Has Transformed His Game…[/text_bar_1_left]


[text_bar_1_left background=”#444444″ + width=”100%”]Driving Now His Strength…[/text_bar_1_left] [content_box_yellow width=”75%”]

“As a 5 handicapper my golf game is pretty solid.  However my driving is by far the weakest area of my game.  So when Jeff gave me the opportunity to try this program I jumped at the chance simply to try and improve my driving.  Now, one month later, I can honestly say that the results have exceeded my expectations.  Not only has my driving improved but it has now become the best part of my golf game.  I wish to formerly thank you Jeff for allowing me the opportunity to try your new program.  It has made golf a lot more pleasurable for which I can’t thank you enough.”

Peter Woodland, United Kingdom

[/content_box_yellow] [text_bar_1_left background=”#444444″ + width=”100%”]Broke 80 For The First Time…[/text_bar_1_left]


[text_bar_1_left background=”#444444″ + width=”100%”]Finally Become More Consistent….[/text_bar_1_left] [content_box_blue width=”75%”]

“One day I can shoot 95 and the next I can shoot 85 with no rhyme or reason why the difference.  I was getting very frustrated with this inconsistency and was looking for a solution.  Then Jeff invited me to try his new program which I gratefully accepted.  After a month or so I can finally say that I have become more consistent.  I play at least twice a week and since starting the program every game has been in the 80’s.  Before I would have at least had a couple of games in the mid 90’s but I haven’t even been close.  My ball striking is a lot more consistent.  My bad shots are simply not as bad anymore.  If anyone get’s a chance to try this, on my experience you should jump at it.  I’ve never done anything like this to improve my golf game and I’m so glad I tried it.  You can’t beat lower scores with less effort.  Thanks Jeff!”

John Baker, Australia

[/content_box_blue] [text_bar_1_left background=”#444444″ + width=”100%”]The Best And Easiest Thing To Improve His Golf Game…[/text_bar_1_left]


This program will give you the shortcut you’ve been looking for to groove a consistently great golf swing AND….

[headline_tahoma_large_centered color=”#71812C”]The Success Of This Program Does NOT Require You To Practice… At ALL![/headline_tahoma_large_centered]

You most certainly can practice if you want to, but it’s not required, at all.  And in some ways you would be better not to practice.  Because when you practice you’ll be ingraining your bad habits, and maybe negating the effects of this revolutionary new swing improvement program.

So I guess you’re wondering what you’ll be doing when you get this program today.

Well, you will need to listen to a special audio that will guide you step-by-step to grooving a perfect golf swing for you in just 15 minutes.  You can do this at home, while lying down, and it’s very, very easy.

Now, you may be thinking that this special technique is visualizing.  And while it’s true that is part of this program, it’s only 1 part of 4 mental techniques that make up this unique program.  It’s the combination of these “underground” mental techniques, that will help you to make swing improvements quicker and easier than you ever have before.

And to make sure you succeed with this program, you get the following:

[green_tick_1_list width=”100%”]
  • An 83 page PDF that explains The Perfect Golf Swing method in full detail.
  • 12 videos that help you to use The Perfect Golf Swing method.
  • An mp3 audio that guides you through The Perfect Golf Swing method
  • A 1 Page PDF cheat sheet that explains this method in 5 easy steps.

Look, you could keep doing what you’ve been doing.   But you know if you do you’ll get the same results and that’s why….

[headline_tahoma_large_centered color=”#71812C”]It’s Now Time To Try Something Completely New So You Get Much Better Ball Striking Results…[/headline_tahoma_large_centered]

That’s what this perfect swing program is.

A new way for you to finally have a consistent golf swing that hits the ball long and straight.  And this new way does not involve any practice.  It does not involve any frustration and worry that what you’re trying might not work.  And it doesn’t require you to get worse before getting better.

When you get this program now, you’ll discover it’s the quickest and easiest way to build your own perfect golf swing so you hit the ball like you’ve always wanted and dreamed of.

How much is that worth to you?

$500 like some fancy new driver – that has no guarantee?

Well, you’re not going to have to pay nearly that much.

What about $250 like you’d pay for some top end pro – with no guarantee?

Well, don’t worry, because you won’t have to fork out anything like that for the perfect swing.

Or what about $100 worth of golf instruction books from Amazon – that have no guarantee?

Nope, not even close.

Because I really want you to experience the amazing results of a great golf swing in record time, when you order right now I’m going to let you try this for just $57.   And that comes with my 60 day, no questions asked, money back guarantee.

Also, the great thing is, you can start to groove the perfect golf swing right now.  Just click the Add To Cart button below, and within 5 minutes after your order, you will have everything you need to start grooving the perfect golf swing for you, because this is all digital.

[headline_arial_medium_centered color=”#71812C”]Click The ‘Add To Cart’ Button To Start Grooving Your Perfect Golf Swing In Just 15 Minutes….[/headline_arial_medium_centered][add_to_cart_btn_style_1 link=”″ + target=”_self”] [/add_to_cart_btn_style_1]

I know this program may seem a lot different than anything you’ve ever tried before to groove the perfect swing.  And it may seem like it’s too easy.  But I dare you to put this to the test and see your results.

The fact that you’ve read up to here must mean that you’re serious about grooving the perfect swing. And although $37 on something you’ve never done before may seem like a gamble, it’s naturally a smart one, because…

1) you’re protected by the 60 day money back guarantee, and

2) this is undoubtedly something different than  you’ve ever done before.  Because of that, you have a chance of getting different and much better results.

Look, the worst that will happen is you’ll get your money back.

But the best that will happen is you’ll start hitting the ball longer, straighter and more consistently than you ever have before.

But you’ll never know unless you get this right now and put it to the test.

This program could be the one thing that changes your golfing life.  I honestly believe that if you get this Perfect Golf Swing program and use it just 3 times a week you will be hitting the ball longer, straighter and more consistently than you ever have before.  And I believe that so strongly, I’m going to give you a completely no risk, no questions asked, 100% money-back guarantee.

[guarantee_box_1 title=”My 60 Day, 100% Money Back Guarantee”]

If you’re not hitting the ball longer, straighter and more consistently within 60 days of using this program…  just let me know and I’ll refund 100% of your purchase price, no questions asked…. anytime within 60 days of your purchase today.


In other words, there is no risk on you whatsoever.

I’m taking all the risk… and all of the responsibility for you, so… you’re free to focus on grooving the Perfect Golf Swing FOR YOU.

As you’re sitting there reading this, imagine grooving a perfect golf swing that means you easily hit the ball 20, 30 or even 50 yards further than you are now.  Imagine hitting drive after drive consistently down the middle of the fairway…. just like a pro.

Now picture in your mind’s eye….

…hitting green after green in regulation, and getting more pars and birdies than you ever have in your life.

See yourself after your next game of golf, writing on your score card the best score of your life!

Picture the expressions on your playing partners faces when you start hitting the ball longer, straighter and more consistently than you ever have before…. all without practice!

Now imagine the new found confidence you’ll have, when you become the consistent ball striker you’ve always longed and dreamed about becoming.

[headline_arial_medium_centered color=”#71812C”]Click The ‘Add To Cart’ Button To Start Grooving Your Perfect Golf Swing In Just 15 Minutes….[/headline_arial_medium_centered][add_to_cart_btn_style_1 link=”″ + target=”_self”] [/add_to_cart_btn_style_1]

It’s your turn to start to hit the ball consistently long and straight…. like you deserve to.

Look, life is too short to be frustrated with your golf game. The time to take action is now!  It’s now your turn to groove a perfect golf swing.  Start right now, so that in your very next game of golf you are hitting the ball longer, better and more consistently.

But you’ll never know unless you get this program right now.

And besides, it doesn’t matter how much you spend on getting a new driver, or new golf balls, or whatever, because if you don’t improve your golf swing  – you’ll never improve much. The fact is… unless you groove a professional swing,  you’ll always only be dreaming about how good you could be.

I don’t want to burst your bubble, but you need to stop dreaming and start doing!

Take action now and get this program to start improving your swing in just 5 minutes from now! When you click the ‘Add To Cart’ button now, you’ll be taken to Clickbank’s secure payment page.

After Clickbank has processed your payment you’ll be automatically taken to a very special page, where you can immediately download the ’15 Minutes To The Perfect Golf Swing’ program.

So go ahead…. click the ‘Add to Cart’ button below to place your order and begin to add yards to your drives, and I’ll speak to you again in just a few minutes.

[headline_arial_medium_centered color=”#71812C”]Click The ‘Add To Cart’ Button To Start Grooving Your Perfect Golf Swing In Just 15 Minutes….[/headline_arial_medium_centered][add_to_cart_btn_style_1 link=”″ + target=”_self”] [/add_to_cart_btn_style_1]

For Consistent Golf,




Jeff Richmond
Director of Instruction
Consistent Golf

P.S. You only need to listen to the special audio that’s part of this program for 3 days a week to see incredible results. This program is backed up by my rock solid, no questions asked, 60 day money back guarantee.   Once you order you will have everything to start grooving the perfect swing in just a few minutes from now. Click the Add to Cart button below to start now…

[headline_arial_medium_centered color=”#71812C”]Click The ‘Add To Cart’ Button To Start Grooving Your Perfect Golf Swing In Just 15 Minutes….[/headline_arial_medium_centered][add_to_cart_btn_style_1 link=”″ + target=”_self”] [/add_to_cart_btn_style_1]


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