Congratulations on Your Wise Decision to Get 3 Easy Steps to a Professional Swing Plane

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With this program you WILL groove a professional swing plane in 3 easy steps, helping you to hit the ball longer, straighter and more consistently – or you get your money back. And after your order is processed through Clickbank, you'll be able to download everything in this program within 5 minutes.
But before you process your order for this program, I want to give you the opportunity to get for FREE the following three additions:
17 Days To A Professional, Powerful Draw – $47 YOURS FREE!
Hitting a professional, powerful draw will not only gain you distance, but it will get you the respect of your playing partners as well. And in this program you'll discover...

- How to grip the club to groove a draw ball flight fast.
- How to position your front foot to encourage a draw instead of a slice.
- The distance you need to stand from the ball to help encourage a draw.
- The total setup needed to almost guarantee a draw ball flight.
- The best drills to help you approach the ball from the inside.
- The best drills to help you contact the ball with a slightly closed clubface so you’ll hit a powerful, professional looking draw.How to check your equipment to make sure it encourages a draw instead of a slice.
- Plus much, much more!
This program is being sold right now for $47. But it's yours FREE with the 3 Easy Steps To A Professional Swing Plane 'Ultimate' package.
21 Yards in 21 Days – $47 YOURS FREE!
With this program you WILL add 21 Yards To Your Drives In 21 Days or less and here’s how that’s going to happen.
Every day of this new program you will….
…get one new drill or exercise that WILL add AT LEAST 1 – 10 yards to your drives in just 15 minutes per day.
PLUS… ALL of the drills and exercises can be done in the comfort of your own home.
These daily drills and exercises have been arranged in a specific order, so that by the end you’ll get the most LONG DRIVE bang for your buck.
Plus, to make sure you know what you should do every single day, this program comes with:
- 67 Page PDF
- 64 Full Color Pictures
- 36 Videos
So after just 21 days YOU WILL be hitting your drives AT LEAST 21 yards further than you are right now.
This program is being sold right now for $47. But it's yours FREE with the 3 Easy Steps To A Professional Swing Plane 'Ultimate' package.
30 Day Online Consistent Golf School Access – $17 YOURS FREE!
In this online golf school you can select in what order you work through the 4 most important games of golf:
- The Long Game
- The Short Game
- The Putting Game
- The Mental Game
This is so you can focus on improving the weakest aspect of your golf game first, which naturally will get you the FASTEST results. This customization is what sets the online consistent golf school apart from every other online golf improvement membership program. Here is what a new student had to say about this...
“I have tried the majority of golf schools online, but your school is the first to ask me to Rank my game which I found to be the most important factor. How can a school claim to help me, but don’t know anything about me to target?” Student – A Chapman,Orlando, USA
In this online golf school you can contact me personally, with any questions you have about your golf game. Plus, you can get me to personally critique your swing on video, once a month, for free.
Golfers from all around the world are joining this online golf school right now, and happily paying $17 per month for this unique golf school. But the first month is yours FREE, with the 3 Easy Steps To A Professional Swing Plane 'Ultimate' package.
So here is a review of what is included in each ordering option….simply select which option makes the most sense to you, and then click the appropriate ‘Add To Cart’ button:

(Applies to Both Packages)
I honestly believe that if you put into practice the steps in this system, you will hit the ball consistently longer and straighter. I believe that so strongly that I’m going to give you a…
Completely no risk, no questions asked, 100% money-back guarantee.
If you aren’t hitting the ball longer, straighter and more consistently after completing this program… just let me know and I’ll refund 100% of your purchase, no questions asked, anytime within 60 days of your purchase today.
In other words, there is no risk on you whatsoever. And if you have any questions or problems just email me: jeff @ consistentgolf.com
Was The Shortest Driver — Now One Of The Longest!
I used to have the shortest drive in our foursome. The only time I could out drive them was when they hit a really poor drive and I just happen to hit a really good one. As the weeks passed, my buddies noticed that I was getting “longer” . And you know what? I now out drive all of them at least 50% of the time even when they hit a good drive. My buddies were all surprised and even predicted that it won’t be long before I really out drive them. They’re already panicking. I’m not stopping here. I’m continuing your program. Your frequent tips also helped me a lot. Thanks again. I’m a fan of yours.”